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英訳・英語 municipality
該当件数 : 31件
The agreement with 29 municipalities, including Kyoto and Osaka City発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Due to this reason, municipalities with nuclear power plants do not actively promote municipal mergers.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To display the position of a mobile station on a map of a local government of a city, town, a village, etc., while leaving conventional functions. - 特許庁
Taking advantage of the boom in municipal mergers, known as the big merger of Heisei, the surrounding municipalities of Miwa-cho, Oe-cho and Yakuno-cho were merged together.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To efficiently construct an electronic autonomous body in an autonomous body (municipality) that is a revenue enforcing organization and efficiently enforce a limited revenue in the construction of the electronic autonomous body. - 特許庁
Among local governments that have relocated public facilities that are considered to be particularly frequently used by residents namely, municipal offices, municipal libraries, and municipal cultural facilities?from outside to inside their city centers, a strikingly high proportion reported that “activity is growing” (Fig. 3-4-13). - 経済産業省
The local governments subject to inspections, while taking into account the past results of the inspection on radioactive cesium etc., decide (former) municipalities to be inspected, an “inspection level” per inspected area, and so on, and conduct one of the following inspections. - 厚生労働省
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Weblio例文辞書での「市町村自治体」に類似した例文 |
a village office that functions as a system of local government
a merger of cities, towns, and villages
a person who represents a town government that is a local autonomous body
Each municipality has a strategy.
該当件数 : 31件
The local governments subject to inspections, taking into account the results of the inspections of radioactive cesium on Soybean and Buckwheat grown in the previous year, etc., decide (former) municipalities to be inspected, the number of inspections , and so on, and conduct one of the following inspections. - 厚生労働省
Broken down by prefecture, population decline is anticipated in 2,540 local governments (78.3% of the total) from 2005 to 2010, 2,918 (89.9%) from 2015 to 2020, and 3,091 (95.3%) from 2025 to 2030, and in 2030 more than 50% of local governments will have experienced a decline of at least 20% in their population compared with 2000.3) - 経済産業省
In recent years, Asuka existed as a name of a local government unit, Asuka Village (飛鳥村) in this region, until Asuka Village (明日香村) was established after the municipal merger in 1956.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Whether or not additional administrative costs have been incurred in a similar sense in other municipalities as a result of suburban development is likely to vary according to the circumstances of each local government. - 経済産業省
We begin by identifying the attributes of the municipalities that responded to the survey. Since the entry into effect of the revised Special Mergers Law in 1999, over 20% (22.2%) of local governments have merged and local governments have grown larger, but approximately one half (48.9%) of the responding local governments have populations of less than 30,000. - 経済産業省
To notify a person who changes an address in cities, towns and villages where tax rates are not uniform in one municipality after a merger, about the difference of resident services corresponding to a tax rate change for instance. - 特許庁
Nevertheless, a comparison of the “number” and effect of measures undertaken by municipalities that implemented measures of more than one type reveals that local governments that use multiple types of measure enjoy greater effects. - 経済産業省
A plurality of pallet storage-reducing volume articles in which a reducing volume article 10 is formed by a reducing volume/binding means 1 and stored in a plurality of pallets are stored temporarily in storage facilities in municipalities or the like. - 特許庁
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