
英訳・英語 make、cause、do、give rise、produce、bring about
該当件数 : 31件
To reduce manufacturing cost of a reaping part having different number of parallelly placed raising devices in a raising structure of a combine harvester having a plurality of raising devices which are parallelly placed at right and left sides in front of the reaping part. - 特許庁
To manufacture a reaping part having different number of pick-up devices arranged in parallel at a low cost, in a pick-up structure of a combine harvester, wherein a plurality of pick-up devices are arranged in parallel at the right and left in the front part of the reaping part. - 特許庁
The culm-righting machine transmission controller in a combine harvester is equipped with a righting synchronous controller that rights the lodged culms at the cutting zone C by controlling the infinitive variable-speed mechanism N that changes the rotation of the culm-righting machine J to the target transmission ratio and the righting synchronous controller changes the transmission ratio in the variable speed corresponding to the rotation speed of the culm-righting machine J. - 特許庁
To reduce influence of proximity effect caused by high density characteristics of the memory cell array. - 特許庁
URL の内容には命令が含まれていて、そのプロトコルにしたがって解釈されたとき、予期されない動作を引起こすのである。例文帳に追加
The content of the URL contains instructions that, when interpreted according to this other protocol, cause an unexpected operation.発音を聞く - JM
This might violate the protocol, but avoids the potential for such characters to be used to simulate an extra operation or parameter in that protocol, which might lead to an unexpected and possibly harmful remote operation to be performed.発音を聞く - JM
To obtain a new agent replacing a pyrethroid-based insecticide, causing a flushing out of cockroaches. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 31件
By this setup, the measuring device 100 for sensing the image of a measurement area with a line scanning camera can be improved in pixel resolution without making it expensive. - 特許庁
Respective segments are constituted, in such a way that a current is injected, where the current into the first segment (2) causes the wavelength shift of the low-selective interferometric filter, where the current into the second segment (3) causes the wavelength shift of a resonator mode, and where the current into the third segment (4) causes wavelength shift of the reflection of the wavelength selective reflection. - 特許庁
Also, in the planting part 6 for transplanting the rolled seedling 1, a raising body 38 for raising up the falling down leaves and stems in the seedling-delivering direction. - 特許庁
To improve cost-performance of a reaping and conveying part furnished with a pair of right and left pick-up frames. - 特許庁
To provide a method for jet stripping of a coated article quickly and at low costs without causing cracking and deformation of the shape of a surface flaw. - 特許庁
To provide a highly safe switch gear allowed to be reduced in size and product cost and capable of preventing explosion from occurring at the time of arc shortcircuit accident therein. - 特許庁
The upper front face of a culm pick-up device 8 to pick up culms of several rows is covered with a laterally extending covering member 13 having a bent part 14 formed by bending the lower edge of the covering member backward, and an insertion hole 15 for inserting the front side case 11a of each pick-up case 11 is formed on the bent part 14. - 特許庁
To provide a mechanism to execute an instruction string that causes hardware faults of a microprocessor included in a software program with its alternative means. - 特許庁
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