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during that time period:around that timeの英語

「during that time period:around that time」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 16件
Since he had own atelier during a period from 1848 to 1854, it has been concluded that he taught paintings to Tessai TOMIOKA around that time.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
嘉永元年(1848年)から安政元年(1854年)にかけて画室を設けているが、このころ富岡鉄斎に絵を教えたと推定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
At the same time, despite the fact that Kyoto had been the center of learning mathematics during the early Edo period, Seki school of mathematics, started by Takakazu SEKI of Edo, became overwhelmingly dominant around this time.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
また、江戸初期には数学の中心は京阪地方だったが、このころから江戸の関孝和の学統、関流が圧倒的な主流派になってゆく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, financially supported by the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) during the Edo period, it was fully restored to its current state; the halls and pagodas we see today were built in or around that time.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
江戸時代に入り、江戸幕府による資金援助があり、現在地に堂塔の再建がなり、再興を果たした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It is thought that the remains including border ditches were buried during the period from the late 11th century to the early 12th century, and that blocks based on jobosei died out around this time.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
区画溝などの遺構は11世紀後半から12世紀前半にかけて埋没し、条坊制による街区はこのころに廃れたと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The surviving Niomon gate reconstructed in 1350 and the main hall that is also thought to have been rebuilt around this time indicates that the temple was of a fairly large scale during this period but it later gradually fell into decline.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
現存する仁王門は貞和6年(1350年)の再建、本堂も同じ頃の再建と思われ、この頃までは寺勢盛んであったことが伺われるが、以後次第に衰微する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
During the Meiji period, western mathematics were introduced on a full scale (The word 'wasan,' meaning Japanese mathematics, was coined around this time as a term that counters 'yosan,' or western mathematics).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
明治時代に入ると、西洋数学が本格的に導入される(「和算」という語は西洋数学を表す「洋算」に対する日本数学の名で、この頃生まれた。)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When the deceleration at the time of braking is around the medium level, the attitude controlling ECU 110 controls the vehicle heights relating to the vehicle height so that the pitch angle is kept at the prescribed value during the period the vehicle is in deceleration.例文帳に追加
制動時の減速度が中程度であるとき、姿勢制御ECU110は、車両が減速している間、ピッチ角を所定値に保つように各車輪の車高を制御する。 - 特許庁
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「during that time period:around that time」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 16件
For there is a story about an old man who lived during the Edo period remembering using sangi (arithmetic blocks) around the time of the Taiko kenchi (Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI's nationwide land survey), and also for the fact that the method for calculating square roots recorded in "Jinkoki" is similar to calculations using sangi, it is thought that sangi was used as a primary tool for calculation up until just before the Edo period.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
江戸時代の古老が太閤検地のころは算木を使った、と回想しており、また『塵劫記』の開平計算が算木による方法に近いことから、江戸時代直前まで算木が優勢であったと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In setting an engine torque track during acceleration and deceleration, in the case that an engine torque generated during acceleration and deceleration approaches an engine torque (balance torque) which is generated when an engine comes to an upright position for an engine mount, an increase/decrease ratio of the engine torque per a time unit is controlled so that the engine torque keeps around the balance torque for a certain period of time.例文帳に追加
加減速時におけるエンジントルク軌道の設定において、加減速時に発生するエンジントルクが、エンジンがエンジンマウントに対し直立位置となるエンジントルク(バランストルク)に接近したときには、ある一定期間、前記バランストルク付近に留まるように、単位時間当たりのエンジントルクの増減率を制限する。 - 特許庁
During the Muromachi period, this custom was even diffused among adults amongst the common people, moreover, during the Sengoku period (period of Warring States) of Japan, it was done as a symbol of being an adult for bushos' (Japanese military commanders) daughters at the age around 8 to 10, at that time, the wife of a guardian relative was called kaneoya (godmother of kanetsuke).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
室町時代には一般の大人にも浸透したが、戦国時代(日本)に入ると政略結婚に備えて8~10歳前後の戦国武将の息女へ成年の印として鉄漿付けを行ない、このとき鉄漿付けする後見の親族の夫人を鉄漿親(かねおや)といった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Around that time during the end of the Edo period, the domain was divided into the 'Kanetetsu group' who were in Sonno-joi-ha (a group of activists who admired the Emperor and hated foreigners, advocating the need for expelling them from Japan) and the 'Fuigo party' who were in Sabaku-ha, and the Naruse family was near to the Kanetetsu group and the Takenokoshi family near to the Fuigo party.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
幕末のこの時期、藩内は尊皇攘夷を唱える「金鉄組」と、佐幕的な立場を執る「ふいご党」とに分かれ、成瀬家は金鉄組、竹腰家はふいご党に近かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Around that time, 'Hokinaiden, ' apparently written by ABE no Seimei during the Nanbokucho Period (Japan), became widely known as a civil book of onmyo linked to the Gozutenno faith.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
また、この頃にかけて、南北朝時代(日本)に安倍晴明に仮託して著された「刃辛内伝(ほきないでん)」が、牛頭天王(ごずてんのう)信仰と結びついた民間陰陽書として広く知られるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Until the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the early Muromachi periods, Kawachibon was actively used rather than Aobyoshibon (Blue Book) manuscripts, but during the mid Muromachi period, at around the time of Sogi and Sanetaka SANJONISHI, it was emphasized that importance be placed upon Teika's Aobyoshibon.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
河内本は南北朝期・室町初期までは青表紙本よりもむしろ盛んに用いられていたが、室町中期、宗祇・三条西実隆の頃から、定家の青表紙本を尊重すべきことが強調された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As the medieval national polity, which corresponded to the establishment of shoen koryo sei (the system of public lands and private estates) and the advent of cloister government/samurai government, was progressively built up during the period from the mid-11th century to the 12th century/early 13th century, the period of dynastic polity ended around that time.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
11世紀中期から12世紀・13世紀初頭にかけて、荘園公領制の成立や院政・武家政治の登場などに対応した中世国家体制が漸進的に構築されていったため、この時期に王朝国家体制は終期を迎えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Since fluctuation of market value of silver during this period was significant and tended to decline remarkably and the United Kingdom, which led the world economy around that time, already shifted to the gold standard, countries which adopted silver standard were seriously affected, so most of the countries shifted to the gold standard in the end of the nineteenth century.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
この時期の銀の市場価格の変動は大きくまた下落傾向が顕著であった為、そして、その当時世界経済の主導的地位を占めていたイギリスが既に金本位制に転じていた為、銀本位制諸国は深刻な影響をうけ、19世紀の終りにはほとんどの国が金本位制に転じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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During that time, almost everyone was sleeping.
During that time, I did tea ceremony in a cafe.
During that time, John ran away with that box.
During that time, Mrs. Aquino's political education began in earnest.
during that time period:around that time
During that time, we only heard about thieves, about murders, about men who had died of hunger.
During that winter, writing occupied most of my free time.
During the 19th century, many inventions were developed.
During the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, the height of the tsunami waves reached up to 37.9 meters.
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