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Wiktionary英語版での「staff systems」の意味

staff systems

「staff systems」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 16


Specific examples of experienced staff include general staff and general managers who are well-versed in the work flow and systems.例文帳に追加

具体的な例として、業務の流れや仕組みをよく知る一般職員、一般マネージャーが挙げられる。 - 経済産業省

A. Whether an internal audit section that is independent from the computer system division and has auditing staff adept in computer systems conducts periodic audits of the computer system.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

イ.システム部門から独立した内部監査部門において、システムに精通した監査要員による定期的なシステム監査が行われているか。 - 金融庁

After the staff authentication and the acquisition of the right to use an information system are done by reading a user information storage medium stored with staff information for the staff authentication, a system which has the right to log in respective information systems connected to the network is moved through a total window system, so that the respective information systems in an agency can be executed.例文帳に追加

職員認証をするための職員情報を記憶した利用者情報記憶媒体を読み取り、職員認証と情報システム利用権限の取得を行なったうえで、総合窓口システムを介すことでネットワークに接続された各情報システムのログイン権限のあるシステムへ遷移し、庁内の各情報システムを実行することができる。 - 特許庁

Companies' needs for a diverse workforce combined with the workers' attitudes and reduced opportunities for promotion, have led toward diversification of personnel allocation systems, through the introduction of specialist systems, etc. In addition, an increasing number of companies, mostly large ones, are introducing self-application systems, in-house staff recruitment systems, etc., that emphasize worker autonomy and enhance their motivation for working. In 2002 the self-application system was implemented in 16.2% of companies (79.7% for companies with 5,000 employees or more), while in-house staff recruitment systems were used by 3.4% of companies (57.7% for companies with 5,000 employees or more)例文帳に追加

また、企業の人材ニーズや労働者の意識の多様化、昇進機会の減少等の中で、専門職制度等の導入により人事配置制度の多様化が図られてきているほか、人事配置について、従業員の自律性を重んじ、就業意欲の向上を図る仕組みとして、自己申告制度や社内公募制度等を導入する企業が、大規模企業を中心に増えている(自己申告制度16.2%(5,000人以上規模79.7%)、社内公募制度3.4%(5,000人以上規模57.7%)(いずれも2002年)) - 厚生労働省

Looking at Japanese-owned companiesmethods of maintaining and training local personnel, the proportion of companies that improve opportunities for education and training marked 48.5%, companies that afford local personnel opportunities to be promoted to local management executives marked 43.8%, companies that introduce and expand performance-based salary systems marked 34.6%, and companies that expand the scope of discretion and authorities marked 41.5%. Such data infer that Japanese-owned companies basically set up systems for maintaining and training staff, on the basis of presumption that the staff will be employed for the long term after they are hired .例文帳に追加

そこで、我が国企業の現地人材の確保・育成方法を見ると、「教育・訓練機会の充実」(48.5%)、「現地経営幹部まで昇進」(43.8%)、「成果主義の導入・拡大」(34.6%)、「裁量・権限の拡大」(41.5%)となっており、基本的には採用後、長期間雇用を継続することを前提に人材の確保・育成を考えていることが分かる。 - 経済産業省

a combat support agency in the Department of Defense responsible for developing and operating and supporting information systems to serve the needs of the President and the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

大統領、国防長官、および統合参謀本部のニーズに応えるために、情報システムの開発、運用、および支援を担当する国防総省の戦闘支援機関 - 日本語WordNet


To adaptively solve the problem of conventional systems in the maintenance of each client server by analyzing the relevant problem in real time and using the remote control or dispatching maintenance staff, correspondingly to the state of each problem.例文帳に追加

各クライアント・サーバの保安問題をリアルタイムで分析し各問題の性状により遠隔制御又は保安要員の差向けることで該当問題を適応的に解決する。 - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「staff systems」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 16


By the way, with regard to excellent staff and the ability to reform organizational systems, a large proportion of companies answered that they failed to gain them (18.5% and 20.0%, respectively) (Figure No.2-2-2-16).例文帳に追加

海外におけるM&A等においては、獲得した優秀な人材の活用や、組織の運営に関する取組の改善が課題となっていると考えられる。 - 経済産業省

Systems for the extended recuperation of person needing long-term care were inadequate in terms of staff and living environments at hospitals intended for patient treatment(living spaces were small,dining rooms and bathing facilities were lacking,etc.)例文帳に追加

治療を目的とする病院では、スタッフや生活環境の面で、介護を要する者が長期に療養する場としての体制が不十分(居室空間が狭い、食堂や風呂がない等) - 厚生労働省

However, to engage in such activities, Japanese financial institutions will need to improve their internal systems for ensuring appropriate business management and risk control by strengthening their information-gathering capability through more effective use of local staff, establishing a mechanism for evaluating personnel with a high level of expertise essential for foreign operations and promoting the localization of foreign operations発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

ただし、その場合には、現地スタッフの一層の活用等による現地情報の収集体制の強化、海外拠点の高い専門性を有する人材を評価する仕組みの構築、海外拠点の現地化も含め、適切なマネジメントやリスク管理の確保などの態勢整備が課題となる - 金融庁

The security device (6) includes a mode setting part (662) for managing a plurality of operation modes including a patrol mode where the security staff is working around and a lighting control part (663) for prohibiting lighting of the lighting systems (4 and 5) when the operation mode is the patrol mode.例文帳に追加

警備装置(6)は、対処要員が対処中である巡回モードを含む複数の動作モードを管理するモード設定部(662)と、動作モードが巡回モードである場合に照明装置(4、5)の点灯を禁止させる照明制御部(663)を有する。 - 特許庁

The development of various human resources management systems under which workers' opinions are taken into account, including an in-house staff recruiting system and a system for recruiting local workers in a limited area, can help workers work autonomously and may lead to the revitalization of local employment.例文帳に追加

また、企業内における労働者の意向の反映も可能となるような、社内人材公募制度、地域限定社員制度等の多様な人事管理制度の整備は、労働者の自律的な働き方を可能にするとともに、地域雇用の活性化にもつながる可能性がある - 厚生労働省

Being a local studio with no production companies nearby to outsource to, Kyoto Animation has established systems capable of in-house production processes including staging, drawing, finishing, art, filming and digital effects, so that one of its characteristics is the close communication among its staff compared with studios which establish division of labor through outsourcing.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

地方プロダクションであり近場に外注を出せる制作会社が無い事もあって、演出、作画、仕上げ、美術、撮影、デジタルエフェクトまでのプロダクション作業を社内で行なえる体制を構築しており、外注による分業体制を取るプロダクションに対して、スタッフのコミュニケーションが密に取れることが特徴となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Licensees of reactor operation address not only the hardware side of a nuclear installation such as use of fail-safe concepts or interlock systems, but also make efforts to improve man-machine interface by means of such as introduction of instruments which allow easier visual confirmation. In addition, licensees of reactor operation are improving operation procedures, and provide training for their staff.例文帳に追加

原子炉設置者は、原子炉施設の設計のなかで、フェイルセーフ、インターロック等のハード的な対応のほか、計器の視認性向上のようなマンマシンインターフェイスの改良を行うなどの取り組みを行っており、加えて運転手順の改良、職員の訓練などの取り組みを行っている。 - 経済産業省


(i) ImplementPlan to Accerelate the Elimination of Childcare waiting lists.” Prepare childcare arrangements for additional about 200,000 children over the next two years. Aim for the elimination of childcare waiting lists, without ignoring the quality, by securing childcare arrangements for another about 400,000 children by the end of 2017, in which year childcare demand is projected to hit its peak. To this end, the Government will develop childcare facilities that make use of rentals and government-owned land, secure childcare staff to support the expansion in childcare services, pioneer new systems including small-scale childcare services, support non-registered childcare facilities aiming to be registered, and support employer-provided childcare services.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

(ⅰ)「待機児童解消加速化プラン」を展開し、今後2年間で約20 万人分、保育需要ピークが見込まれる2017 年度末までに約40 万人分の保育の受け皿を新たに確保し、保育の質を確保しつつ、待機児童解消を目指す。このため、賃貸方式や国有地も活用した保育所整備、保育の量拡大を支える保育士確保、小規模保育事業などの新制度の先取り、認可を目指す認可外保育施設への支援及び事業所内保育施設への支援を行う。 - 経済産業省


「staff systems」の意味に関連した用語

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