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After he retired, he ran an orchard in Sapporo (Hokkaido Kaju Association), cultivating fruits such as apples.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1956, he left Kindai Eiga Kyokai, which was having financial problems (he left only his name because of the wishes of Kaneto SHINDO), and joined Daiei.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Next, let us examine the status of provision of security, including collateral on property such as real estate or marketable securities, personal guarantee by business owners, guarantee by third-party other than business owners, and public credit guarantees through credit guarantee corporations, etc. - 経済産業省


It is important for the proprietors of SMEs to grapple with business recovery as soon as possible in light of the status of their company's operations and to make effective use of SME revitalization support councils. - 経済産業省



Amidst shortages of assets for security, declining trust by proprietors, and other conditions that presently inhibit people from receiving loans, such means as the evaluation of a proprietor's temperament and business prospects will be used in the establishment of a system to enable loans through government-affiliated financial institutions and guarantees by credit guarantee corporations, etc., for those who had business failures in the past and wish to renew their efforts. - 経済産業省



(ix) In discussions with a credit guarantee association regarding acceleration of loan to which a “Jouken Henkou Taiou Hosyo” guarantee is attached, in cases where the credit guarantee association requests provision of information in order to judge whether the reason for acceleration is rational considering the state of the small or medium-sized enterprise’s business and operations, are there efforts to provide appropriate information?  - 金融庁

① 日本証券業協会自主規制規則「有価証券の引受け等に関する規則」等を踏まえ、発行体の財務状態及び経営成績その他引受けの適否の判断に資する事項の審査に関する適切な規程が整備され、実質的な審査が的確に行われているか。例文帳に追加

(i) Whether the securities company, etc., has established appropriate rules regarding the screening of matters used for judgment as to the appropriateness of underwriting, such as the financial condition and business performance of issuers based on the self-regulatory regulations of the Japan Securities Dealers Association, entitledRegulations Concerning Underwriting, etc. of Securities,” and whether it conducts effective screening in an appropriate manner.  - 金融庁


Special help desks have been set up at offices of JFC, Shoko Chukin, credit guarantee corporations, chambers of commerce and industry, federations of societies of commerce and industry, Federations of Small Business Associations, branches of SMRJ, and Bureaus of Economy, Trade and Industry across the country to provide business and financial advice to SMEs and other entities affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.  - 経済産業省


As Fig. 1-3-33 indicates, stress tends to be placed on ability to repay debt in regard to business finances, guarantees by credit guarantee agencies such as guarantee corporations in regard to security, market trends in an enterprises core business and technological capability in regard to an enterprises own attributes, and business drive in regard to the attributes of the proprietor.  - 経済産業省



In my view, this whole development naturally reflects one aspect of the U.S., a gigantic democratic nation. One frank view that I heard firsthand from the American Bankers Association Chairman was that there are a large number of regular commercial banks, but they – "we" from his perspective – were not engaged in high-risk, high-return investment much and were therefore quite inconvenienced by the stricter corporate management requirements, or something along those lines. That is also one American voice.  - 金融庁



When he was in the position of the Civil Administrative General of the Governor-General of Formosa, he was an sympathetic supporter both materially and spiritually for the newly founded 'The School of Taiwan Association,' and he often gave speeches at the entrance or graduation ceremonies of the school; in 1919, he became the third university president of Takushoku University to directly work on the management of the school.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to deliver the funds needed by SMEs to implement their rehabilitation plans and provide them with management support, SMRJ, regional financial institutions, and credit guarantee corporations acted in unison to promote the establishment of regional funds to assist local SMEsrehabilitation efforts and national funds to assist SMEsrehabilitation efforts over a wide area.  - 経済産業省


I am frequently exchanging opinions with the Chairman of the National Association of Shinkin Banks. I have asked him to encourage financial institutions in the six prefectures of the Tohoku region to make full use of this law. While the decision is up to the managers of private financial institutions to make, I told him that I have created a favorable environment and sought his understanding.  - 金融庁


Regarding the responsibility of Olympus' creditor banks, if we say they should bear responsibility, it appears to be too harsh a judgment, and yet if we say they have no responsibility, it would imply that their management is very careless. Yesterday, Chairman Nagayasu of the Japanese Bankers Association admitted to the creditor banks' social and moral responsibility.  - 金融庁


The special help desks set up in the offices of Japan Finance Corporation (JFC), Shoko Chukin Bank (Shoko Chukin), credit guarantee corporations, chambers of commerce and industry, federations of societies of commerce and industry, the Federations of Small Business Associations, branches of SMRJ, and Bureaus of Economy, Trade and Industry across the Japan will provide fine-grained business and financial advice to SMEs and other businesses affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. (Continuation) (See p. 192.)  - 経済産業省



The financial part of the plan called for the hotel to: (1) obtain partial debt forgiveness using the RCC Fund and secure a new loan from a financial institution to service the remaining debt to the RCC Fund; (2) obtain partial debt forgiveness and reschedule debt from government-affiliated financial institutions; (3) obtain from the Credit Guarantee Corporation a waiver of subrogation and a new guarantee for parties entitled to indemnification (guarantee of expiration of right to indemnification); (4) perform asset realignment by eliminating unproductive assets (wedding hall) and by the proprietor offering private funds; and (5) increase capitalization through the Chiba SME Revitalization Fund and private individuals. - 経済産業省


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