
「1つのファイルだけ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 30


現在のファイル位置から長さ1の文字列を返します。 ファイル位置は1だけ進みます。例文帳に追加

Returns a string of length 1 containing the character at the current file position, and advances the file position by 1. - Python

1 つの gdbm ファイルをオープンできるライタは 1だけだが、例文帳に追加

Only one writer may open a gdbm file and many readers may  - JM

なく、一度には 1 つのファイルだけがオープンされる。例文帳に追加

required by the programmer, and only one file may be opened at a time.  - JM

2 番目の書式では入力ファイル1だけ指定する。例文帳に追加

In the second form, only one input file is specified.  - JM


1 番目のファイルだけにある行の出力に例文帳に追加

to output a line taken from just the first file in  - JM


makedependはソースファイルとインクルードファイルをそれぞれ1だけ解析し、ソースファイルとインクルードファイルに対する内部シンボルテーブルを1つ管理する。 こうすると、コマンド行での最初のファイルの解析には、通常の C のプリプロセッサの処理時間に比例する時間がかかる。例文帳に追加

It parses each source and include file exactly once, maintaining an internal symbol table for each.Thus, the first file on the command line will take an amount of time proportional to the amount of time that a normal C preprocessor takes. - XFree86


If there is only one file, it should be accurate.  - JM

1 番目のファイルだけにある行グループの出力に例文帳に追加

to output a group of lines taken from just the first file in if-then-else format.  - JM

ソースフォルダ全体で JAR ファイル (J2SE プロジェクトの場合) または WAR ファイル (Web プロジェクトの場合) が 1だけ作成されます。例文帳に追加

The IDE builds one JAR file (for J2SE projects)or WAR file (for web projects) for the entire source folder.  - NetBeans



By the file access controller 1 determining data used for authentication, ordinary file access control is carried out for the user u2, while for the user u1, only the limited number of references to a limited file is allowed. - 特許庁



This is only allowed when there is only one input file, or when the standard input is used.  - JM

これで、1 つの root メソッドだけをプロファイルするように設定を変更しました。例文帳に追加

You have just changed the settings so that only a single root method is profiled.  - NetBeans

このオプションが有効な場合 (POSIX.1-2001 では常に有効)、root だけファイル所有者の変更を許され、root 以外はファイルのグループを自分が所属するグループの 1 つに設定することだけができる。例文帳に追加

If this option is in effect (as it always is under POSIX.1-2001) then only root may change the owner of a file, and non-root can only set the group of a file to one of the groups it belongs to.  - JM

ファイルに必要なのが 1 キロバイトだけだとしても, 32 キロバイトがそっくり割り当てられ, その結果, 31 キロバイトのスラックができる例文帳に追加

Even if a file requires only 1 kilobyte, the entire 32 kilobytes will be allocated, resulting in 31 kilobytes of slack space.  - 研究社 英和コンピューター用語辞典

彼女がプリントしようとしたファイルのパス名はここで表示させるには長すぎるため、 lpq(1) コマンドはドットを3 つだけ表示しています。例文帳に追加

The pathname of the file she is trying to print is too long to fit, so the lpq(1) command just shows three dots.  - FreeBSD

n が 0 より小さければ、長さに関わらず 1だけを読み出しますが、すぐにファイルの終端に到達した場合には EOFError を送出します。例文帳に追加

If n is less than 0,however, one line is read regardless of length, butEOFError is raised if the end of the file is reached immediately. - Python

例えば、次のコマンドls > dirlist 2>&1は標準出力と標準エラー出力を両方ともファイルdirlistに書き込みますが、次のコマンドls 2>&1 > dirlistでは標準出力だけファイルdirlistに書き込まれます。 なぜなら後者の場合には、標準エラー出力はdirlistにリダイレクトされる前の標準出力の複製となるからです。例文帳に追加

For example, the command ls > dirlist 2>&1 directs both standard output and standard error to the file dirlist , while the command ls 2>&1 > dirlist directs only the standard output to file dirlist , because the standard error was duplicated as standard output before the standard output was redirected to dirlist .  - JM

もうひとつ、上の出力からわかる興味深いことは、ファイル全体の中で sniff が実行されたトークンがトークン 0、トークン 1 のふたつだけであるということです。例文帳に追加

The other interesting piece of information we get from the output above is that only 2 tokens in the whole file had sniffs executed on them; tokens 0 and 1.  - PEAR


The position of the GOP can be detected at high speed only by reading out a code stream until detecting the GOP from the position of temporarily divided length ×(n) (n=0, 1) inside a storage device where the program file is stored. - 特許庁

「新規プロジェクト」ウィザードでは、プロセス要素を少なくとも 1 つ含む、骨格だけの BPEL ファイルを常に作成します。 したがって、プロセス要素はパレットの一部ではありません。例文帳に追加

The New Project wizardsalways create a skeletal BPEL file that contains at least a process element.Therefore, the Process element is not part of the Palette.  - NetBeans


The thread control unit 9, on the basis of the sent thread ID, automatically replaces data in the register file 1 with data of necessary volume in the context cache 8. - 特許庁


In a terminal 1, according to an instruction on a screen, a character input part 6, a cursor moving button 60, "YES" button 61 and "NO" button 62 are merely operated to create a file HF for home page. - 特許庁


When the clear folder 1 with documents stored therein is filed or removed in/from, for instance, a pipe file, the filing or removing is completed only by one simple operation that is either simply "pushing" or "pulling" the clear folder 1. - 特許庁


Further, pixel strings which are located on a line parallel to the y-axis and from which a luminance file is to be prepared are outputted by the number of the gradations of the luminance of the original image from the memory 1 storing digital original images via the output gate 1d and they are arranged in parallel with the y-axis to generate an intermediate image. - 特許庁


Pixel strings which are located on a line parallel to an x-axis and from which a luminance file is to be prepared are outputted by the portion of the number of the gradations of the luminance of the original image from a memory 1 storing digital original images via an output gate 1d and they are arranged in parallel with the x-axis to generate an intermediate image. - 特許庁


A security device 1 only accesses the single cache server 10 in each base to access the plurality of upper servers (cache server 10, safety authentication server 11, file supply server 12, master server 13) without considering a prefectural district. - 特許庁


Since a microcomputer 6 reproduces the video data in the file corresponding to the date and time stored in the nonvolatile memory 5 automatically when that date and time are reached, reserved reproduction can be set easily by simply setting the recording medium in the television receiver 1. - 特許庁


In the formation of the Web page, the unique holder Uk is selected on the basis of the service provider ID number inputted by the user 1, and the file groups are read from the unique holder Uk and the common holder K to form the Web page. - 特許庁


When a client 1 accesses a server 3 via the Internet to acquire necessary information, not only the necessary information is transmitted from the server 3, but also consumable identification information with which to identify a consumable of the printer 2 connected to the client 1, such as information on a model number of a toner cartridge, is transmitted to the server 3 and accumulated in a toner data file 19. - 特許庁



The A/V server 1 on occasion detects a time code, accompanying a signal that has been input to a recording port 10 when the VTR was reproduced, or the internal file, from a time code detecting section 12 or 43, and based on the thus-obtained time code and an edit list, a reproduction command is issued in advance by the amount of delay. - 特許庁


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