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medical dietの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 18



医療用検査食およびその製造方法 - 特許庁

the act of following a medical regimen or schedule correctly and consistently, including taking medicines or following a diet. 例文帳に追加

服薬、食事療法などの医療レジメンやスケジュールに正確かつ一貫して従う行為。 - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版

To network a purchaser who needs a diet, a seller and a medical institution together to provide the purchaser with dietary food, related products and information such as advice for the diet and so on.例文帳に追加

食事療養が必要な購入者、販売者、医療機関をネットワーク化して、購入者に対して、医療食や関連商品の提供および食事療養に対するアドバイス等の情報を提供する。 - 特許庁

a vegan diet is being studied in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer and other medical conditions. 例文帳に追加

菜食主義の食事法が、前立腺がんおよびその他の病態の予防および治療の分野で研究されている。 - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


In response to this, the budget for the expenses for establishment of Kyoto Imperial University and Kyoto Imperial University Medical College passed in the ninth Imperial Diet in the following year, 1896. 例文帳に追加

これを受け、翌1896年の第9帝国議会にて、京都帝国大学創立費および京都帝国大学医科大学創立費の予算案が可決された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hiizu MIYAKE (November 1848 - March 16, 1938) is a doctor, Dutch scholar, medical scientist, members of the Diet (the House of Peers [Japan]) in Japan. 例文帳に追加

三宅秀(みやけひいず、嘉永元年(1848年)11月-昭和13年(1938年)3月16日)は、日本の医師・蘭学者・医学者・国会議員(貴族院(日本))。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a means for easily and effectively cleaning a material such as a nutrient agent, a fluid diet, a medical agent or others attached to a medical tube to maintain the tube clean.例文帳に追加

医療用チューブに付着する栄養剤、流動食、薬剤などの物質を簡便に効果的に洗浄し、チューブを清潔に保つ手段の提供。 - 特許庁

In order to establish an incorporated administrative agency (Japan Medical Research and Development Agency (provisional)) as a new governmental institution managingresearch and development in the medical field, the government will submit necessary bills at the next ordinary Diet session.例文帳に追加

医療分野の研究開発の司令塔機能の実現に向けて、一元的な研究管理の実務を担う独立行政法人(「日本医療研究開発機構(仮称)」)を設立するため、次期通常国会に所要の法案を提出する。 - 経済産業省

In order to secure and cultivate medical professionals, and to promote home medical care and clinical specialization and collaboration, we will submit to the ordinary session of the Diet in 2014 a bill to amend the related laws and regulations; thereby we aim to establish a new financial support system (funds will be established in each prefecture) as included in the Social Security例文帳に追加

医療従事者の確保・養成や在宅医療の推進、病床の機能分化・連携を図るため、関係法律の改正法案を平成26年通常国会に提出し、社会保障制度改革プログラム法に盛り込まれた新たな財政支援制度(各都道府県に基金を設置)を創設する。 - 厚生労働省


Measures such as the permission to use the 'allergy clinic' medical specialty in 1996 and the founding of the RIKEN Research Center for Allergy and Immunology in 2003 were also due to the actions of Diet members. 例文帳に追加

1996年に「アレルギー科」の標榜が許可され、2003年に理化学研究所免疫・アレルギー科学総合研究センターが設立されたなどのことも議員らの働きかけによるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


With the aim of accelerating the development of medical products and equipment and the commercialization of regenerative medicine, the government will endeavor to enact bills for the Act to Revise the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, etc. and the Act to Ensure the Safety of Regenerative Medicine, etc. at the next extraordinary Diet session.例文帳に追加

医薬品・医療機器開発や再生医療の実用化を加速するため、薬事法等改正法案、再生医療等安全性確保法案の次期臨時国会での早期成立を目指す。 - 経済産業省

On February 20 in the following year, 1891, Tai HASEGAWA, a member of House of Representatives (who established Saiseigakusha which was the former Nippon Medical School in 1876) submitted a draft of establishment of a new imperial university, and submitted a 'proposal of establishing a new imperial university in Kansai' to the fourth Imperial Diet in 1892, but it was not established. 例文帳に追加

翌1891年2月20日に、長谷川泰衆議院議員(日本医科大学の前身である済生学舎を1876年設立)が帝国大学新設案を議会に提示し、1892年の第4帝国議会にも「関西ニ帝国大学ヲ新設スル建議案」を提出したが、設立には至らなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By providing constraint information or calorie information ingestion necessary for in regard to a health care target set value of the individual based upon diet or muscle strengthening or the like from the health care medical center 3 to the food processing and home delivery center 5 based on the shared health care information and having the individual provide daily preference information, food corresponding to the information is delivered and health care of the individual is carried out.例文帳に追加

この共有化した健康管理情報を基に、食品加工宅配センター5に健康管理医療センター3から制限条件情報や、たとえばダイエットや筋肉増強などに基づく個人の健康管理目標設定値に対する摂取必要なカロリー情報が提供され、個人からは、その日の嗜好情報などが提供されることで、その情報に応じた食品を宅配し、個人の健康管理を行う。 - 特許庁

(i) To push forward the development of practical applications of Japan’s outstanding innovative medical technologies, establish control tower functions (Japanese version of NIH) which will create arrangements to ensure integrated research management, the linking of research and clinical practice, and high quality clinical research and clinical trials that meet international standards. (Submit bill to establish new independent administrative agency to Diet during next ordinary session) 例文帳に追加

(ⅰ)我が国の優れた医療分野の革新的技術の実用化を強力に後押しするため、一元的な研究管理、研究から臨床への橋渡し、国際水準の質の高い臨床研究・治験が確実に実施される仕組みの構築等を行う司令塔機能(日本版NIH)を創設する。 【次期通常国会に新独法設立法案提出】 - 経済産業省

Specific targets relating to the above items are as shown in Appended Table 2, and with the aim of achieving these targets, the national government will work to preventonset and progression of these diseases by encouraging behavioral changes that are beneficial to health, such as appropriate diet, moderate exercise, stopping smoking, etc., and by putting in place the social environment for them, and in addition, will promote asystem of coordinated medical care and will work to implement specified health checkups and specified health guidance.例文帳に追加

上記に係る具体的な目標は別表第二のとおりとし、当該目標の達成に向けて、国は、これらの疾患の発症予防や重症化予防として、適切な食事、適度な運動、禁煙など健康に有益な行動変容の促進や社会環境の整備のほか、医療連携体制の推進、特定健康診査・特定保健指導の実施等に取り組む。 - 厚生労働省

Forgive me for mentioning a personal experience but in a Diet session, I previously argued with Mr. Masuzoe, who was the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare at the time, about lawsuits related to medical mistakes. As a doctor, I argued with Mr. Masuzoe about the difference in the treatment of medical mistakes in court between Japan and the United States and what the ADR system should be like. In this sense, I have strong interest in the ADR system. 例文帳に追加

私は、個人的なことを言って恐縮なのですが、ADRというのは医事紛争のときに、医療訴訟、医療過誤があり、この時に、国会でも当時の舛添(元)厚生労働大臣と医療過誤のADRについて色々と論争したことがあるのです。私は、元々本職が医師でございますから、医療過誤、それから医療過誤をめぐる日本とアメリカとの裁判の違い、あるいはADRのあり方といったことを、舛添さんとも論争したことがございますから、そういう意味でもADRということに大変関心を持たせて頂いております。 - 金融庁

His petition dealt with a wide range of matters: 'Constitution,' i.e. the separation of the administrative, legislative, and judiciary branches of government; 'Giji-in' (Diet), i.e. having a bicameral parliament with a lower and upper house; 'Schools'; 'System reform'; 'National polity,' i.e. the shift from the feudal system to the county/prefecture system, abolishment of the hereditary system, and tax system reform; 'Nation building techniques'; 'Iron and steel production'; 'Currency'; 'Food and clothing'; 'Education for women' that promoted the education of girls; 'Heikin-ho' (averaging method), i.e. the average distribution of property; 'Brewing methods'; 'Treaties'; 'National warship program'; 'Harbor regulations'; 'Citizen welfare'; 'Laws concerning hair'; 'Henbutsu-ho' (laws concerning temples), i.e. the opening up of temple schools to the public; 'Shoritsu' (commercial laws); 'Jiho' (timetable method); 'Rekiho' (method of making calendars), i.e. the promotion of the adoption of the solar calendar; and 'Kani' (office doctor), i.e. the promotion of the adoption of Western medical science. 例文帳に追加

三権分立の「政体」に始まり、大院・小院の2院制の「議事院」「学校」「変制」、封建制から郡県制への移行や世襲制の廃止、税制改革まで唱えた「国体」「建国術」「製鉄法」「貨幣」「衣食」女子教育を勧めた「女学」遺産の平均分与の「平均法」「醸造法」「条約」「軍艦国体」「港制」「救民」「髪制」寺の学校への開放を唱えた「変仏法」「商律」「時法」太陽暦の採用を勧めた「暦法」西洋医の登用を訴えた「官医」と内容は多岐にわたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Specifically, the matters as follows will be discussed and materialized: the review of regulations on land use, such as floor-area ratios and usage; opening of the operation of public schools to the private sector; approval of new construction and increase of beds in international medical centers through exceptional measures on regulations on the number of beds; facilitating the combination use of both services covered by public health insurance and advanced healthcare services not covered by the insurance; exclusion of traditional buildings used as lodging facilities from application of the Inns and Hotels Act;special measures to enhance competitiveness of agriculture. Through such deliberations,the government will take necessary measures, such as the submission of bills relevant to National Strategic Special Zones at the next extraordinary Diet session.例文帳に追加

具体的には、容積率・用途等土地利用規制の見直し、公立学校運営の民間への開放、国際医療拠点における病床規制の特例による病床の新設・増床の容認、保険外併用療養の拡充、滞在施設等の旅館業法の適用除外、農業の競争力強化のための環境整備等の特例措置を検討、具体化し、国家戦略特区関連法案を次期臨時国会に提出するなど、所要の措置を講ずる。 - 経済産業省


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