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PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版での「こうさんきゅうぞうかしょう」の英訳



該当件数 : 29



To provide a method for determining the presence/absence of a G1849T mutant of a JAK2 gene in a specimen taken from a polycythemia vera patient or a patient having the possibility of developing polycythemia vera or any other myeloproliferative syndromes, especially polycythemia, hyperleukocytosis, thrombocytosis and myelofibrosis, and to provide a method for treating any of these diseases. - 特許庁


The Takarazuka Music School was established under the name "Takarazuka Shokatai" in July 1913 by Kobayashi Ichizo, the founder of the Hankyu-Toho Group. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


To provide a method for producing a high carbon hot rolled steel sheet excellent in workability and productivity, obviating spheroidizing annealing after hot rolling. - 特許庁


The combination is useful as a prophylactic agent in those subjects prone to multiple organ failure (MOF) such as burn victims, multiple trauma patients, hypoxic neonates, acute respiratory distress syndrome patients, and necrotizing enterocolitis patients. - 特許庁


To provide an expanded graphite sheet having heat resistance and oxidation consumption resistance required as the ones sufficiently satisfying durability even in the temperature range of >700°C, and to provide its production method. - 特許庁


In the method for producing an Mo target material, Mo raw material powder is subjected to press sintering, so as to be a sintered compact having an oxygen content of500 ppm and a relative density of ≥99.0%, and thereafter, the sintered compact is subjected to plastic working at 200 to 800°C. - 特許庁



Over hundreds of years, the structure of Wakyu progressed (for details, see the article; History of Wakyu) and Kyujutsu developed greatly which led to today's Kyudo, Kataboshi Yugake was invented (a type of thumb glove) at the beginning of Edo Period (see the article on Yugake) and the techniques of 'Tsunomi' and 'Yugaeri (the technique where the Japanese bow turns in the left hand after the release).'発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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該当件数 : 29



To provide an airtight and heat-insulating construction method for enabling an existing wooden building to acquire airtight and thermal insulating properties, high durability, energy conservation, amenity, etc., in such a state that the building remains inhabited while generating little industrial waste. - 特許庁


The mouse developing the pathologic symptom is extremely useful as a model animal for the investigation of the pathologic symptom of human IgA nephropathy because the mouse shows high blood IgA level from young state and exhibits high deposition of IgA to the glomerulus with age and the resulting development of glomerulosclerosis caused by the proliferation of mesangial cell and the growth of mesangial substrate. - 特許庁


To provide a method of manufacturing a thin-film solar cell capable of increasing productivity and reducing production costs by stable laser machining by preventing residual generated during laser machining from being sucked from a connection hole 68 and a power collection hole 67 by a suction stage 6 and preventing the occurrence of image processing errors caused by discoloration by the contamination of a suction surface resulting from clogging. - 特許庁


By replacing a telescope 23 with a CCD camera 2, the miniaturization, the weight saving and the power saving can be realized, and observation can be performed by the remote control while seeing laser light rays (visible light rays) 33 or an image of a display 18 of a personal computer 20 or a dedicated controller 19. - 特許庁


To provide steel for a high-strength bolt which can form a bolt head header by cold working even without conducting spheroidizing, has a tensile strength after tempering higher than 1,300 MPa, and is excellent in resistance to delayed fracture; a high-strength bolt excellent in resistance to delayed fracture; and a method for producing the bolt. - 特許庁


Binarized aiming images obtained through the binarizing analysis of optical images of aiming 9 acquired with the camera 10 is displayed on a monitoring screen, the coordinates variation of center of aiming and the variation of aiming profile line are evaluated to detect the relative displacement of bad rock 2 three-dimensionally, and also the relative slope angle can be assessed. - 特許庁


In a system for supplying supercritical water 24 and heat 28 to an apparatus for producing hydrogen and methane by fixing carbon dioxide to calcium oxide 23 as calcium carbonate by reacting a carbon-containing solid fuel 21 with supercritical water 22, a device for supplying high temperature supercritical water which supplies supercritical water by heating and a device for supplying heat which supplies heat 2 required to calcine calcium carbonate 27 and regenerate the calcium oxide 23 are installed. - 特許庁


3 商品取引清算機関は、法第百七十九条第五項において準用する法第百三条第四項の 規定に基づき充用有価証券等(法第百七十九条第六項において準用する法第百三条第 五項の規定により取引証拠金に充てられる有価証券及び倉荷証券(以下この条におい て「有価証券等」という。)をいう。以下この条において同じ。)を管理するときは、次 の各号に掲げる有価証券等の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める方法により当該充用有価証 券等を管理しなければならない。一商品取引清算機関が保管することにより管理する有価証券等(混蔵して保管される 有価証券等を除く。次号において同じ。) 充用有価証券等の保管場所については自 己の固有財産である有価証券等その他の充用有価証券等以外の有価証券等(以下こ の条において「清算機関固有有価証券等」という。)の保管場所と明確に区分し、か つ、当該充用有価証券等についてどの会員等から又はどの会員等を通じ預託を受けた有価証券等であるかが直ちに判別できる状態で保管することにより管理する方法 二商品取引清算機関が第三者をして保管させることにより管理する有価証券等当該 第三者をして、充用有価証券等の保管場所については清算機関固有有価証券等の保 管場所と明確に区分させ、かつ、当該充用有価証券等についてどの会員等から又は どの会員等を通じ預託を受けた有価証券等であるかが直ちに判別できる状態で保管 させることにより管理する方法 三商品取引清算機関が保管することにより管理する有価証券等(混蔵して保管される 有価証券等に限る。次号において同じ。) 充用有価証券等の保管場所については清 算機関固有有価証券等の保管場所と明確に区分し、かつ、各会員等から又は各会員 等を通じ預託を受けた充用有価証券等に係る持分が自己の帳簿により直ちに判別で きる状態で保管することにより管理する方法例文帳に追加

(3) When managing Securities, etc. for allocation (which means the securities and warehouse receipts [hereinafter referred to as the “Securities, etc.in this Article] which are allocated to clearing margins pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 5 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph 6; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) based on the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 4 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph 5 of the Act, a Commodity Clearing Organization shall manage said Securities, etc. for allocation, by the methods specified in the following items, respectively, corresponding to the categories of the Securities, etc., as set forth in said items: (i) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Clearing Organization (excluding Securities, etc. which are retained and commingled; the same shall apply in the following item): a management method by which the Commodity Clearing Organization controls the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation that is clearly separate from that for the Securities, etc. of a person's own property and other Securities, etc., than that for the Securities, etc. for allocation (hereinafter referred to as the "Securities, etc. of a Clearing Organization's Own Property" in this Article), and that said Securities, etc. for allocation are retained in an available condition that is immediately distinguishable as to which customer deposited such property or for which customer such property was deposited; (ii) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Clearing Organization using a third party: a management method by which the Commodity Clearing Organization uses a third party to control the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation clearly separating them from the Securities, etc. of a Clearing Organization's Own Property, and to retain said Securities, etc. for allocation in an available condition that is immediately distinguishable as to which customer deposited such property or for which customer such property was deposited; (iii) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Clearing Organization (limited to the Securities, etc., which are retained and commingled; the same shall apply in the following item): a management method by which the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation is clearly separate from that for the Securities, etc. of the Clearing Organization's Own Property, and that the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation deposited by or through each Member, etc. are retained in an available condition which is easily distinguishable in their own books and records; (iv) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Clearing Organization using a third party: a management method by which the Commodity Clearing Organization uses a third party to retain the account for a person who deposited Securities, etc. for allocation in a condition whereby the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation will be immediately distinguishable, by a method such as separating them from the Commodity Clearing Organization's own account, and whereby the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation deposited by or through each Member, etc. will be immediately distinguishable in their own books and records.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省



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