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英訳・英語 undercut
該当件数 : 14件
This results in employers laying off directly hired employees and receiving them as dispatched workers, which leads to lower working conditions for workers. - 厚生労働省
Lapsing into a financial crisis in 1998, Russia was obliged to greatly devalue the ruble and suspend payments, which among other things resulted in a largely depressed economy. - 経済産業省
Needless to say, the IMF was established based on the lessons we learned from the retaliatory duties and competitive devaluation of exchange rates, which had induced the emergence of economic blocs and protectionism and eventually led to World War II.発音を聞く - 財務省
We will move towards more market-determined exchange rate systems that reflect underlying economic fundamentals and will refrain from competitive devaluation of currencies.発音を聞く - 財務省
To provide a design device for conical shape involute gear pair capable of setting an arbitrary coefficient of tooth height while preventing tooth tip pointing phenomenon and tooth bottom undercutting phenomenon. - 特許庁
Next, the allocated partial rate is quantized to an integer value, and when the integer value is rounded off, the first allocated partial power is subtracted to make the transmission error rate the same as the transmission error rate before the quantization. - 特許庁
1994 年にはメキシコで通貨危機が発生し、これがアルゼンチンに飛び火し、通貨切下げ懸念からアルゼンチンでは多額の預金流出が発生した。例文帳に追加
In 1994, Mexico currency crisis occurred in 1994 and affected Argentina. In Argentina, a large amount of deposit was withdrawn due to the fear for the possible denomination of currency. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 14件
The Russian economy has continued its growth, against a backdrop of crude oil prices remaining at high levels since 1999 and of the recovery of domestic import substitution industries spurred by the devaluation of the ruble. - 経済産業省
However, the economic growth is continuing since 1999 against the background of oil prices remaining high and domestic import substitution industries having begun to recover with the effects of the devaluation of the ruble, among other factors. - 経済産業省
Then, while keeping the sintering time distribution of the existing sintering furnace, the temperature of the high temperature sintering zone is lowered stepwise by a specified unit and sintered for trial, if over-sintered, the sintering time is shortened, and if sintering is insufficient, the sintering time is extended, thus an ideal sintering condition is set. - 特許庁
The difference in order between the corresponding channel and the channel whose broadcast has been received by the tuner 22 before the predetermined directions are received, is equal to a value obtained by either rounding up or rounding down the part below a decimal point of the half of the total number of the tunable channels. - 特許庁
Furthermore, in response to early retirement, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health raised the age at which people may receive pension benefits from age 58 to 60 in order to encourage the elderly to remain working as long as possible, and also amended the systems related to pensions by cutting down the unemployment insurance benefits, etc. - 経済産業省
2010 年10 月に慶州で開催された20 か国財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議では、「通貨の競争的な切下げを回避する」ことについて合意し、同年11 月のG20 ソウル・サミットにおいては、首脳宣言に同文言が盛り込まれたとともに、G20 諸国の行動をコミットする「ソウル・アクションプラン」が立ち上げられた。例文帳に追加
The finance ministers and central bank governors of 20 nations held a meeting in Gyeongju in October 2010 agreeing to "avoid competitive devaluation of their currency." And the summit communiqu? adopted this language at the G20 Summit in November of the same year, and the "Seoul Action Plan" was approved to commit actions by G20 countries. - 経済産業省
こうした経済不安定化のリスクを回避するため、各国が単一通貨ユーロを導入するためには、マーストリヒト条約に基づき以下の4項目からなる基準を満たすことが条件となっている。ア 物価の安定:当該国のインフレ率が、加盟国で最も低い3か国の平均値から1.5%ポイント以上乖離しないこと。イ 適切な金利水準:当該国の長期国債利回りが、加盟国で最もインフレ率の低い3か国の平均値から2%ポイント以内の範囲にあること。ウ 為替相場の安定:当該国が、欧州通貨制度(EMS)の中で直近2年間、正常な変動幅を保ち、かつ平価の切下げを行っていないこと。エ 健全財政:年間財政赤字額の名目 GDP 比が3%を超えず、かつ政府債務残高の名目 GDP 比が60%以内であること。例文帳に追加
To avoid such risk destabilizing economy, when countries introduce common currency, based on the Maastricht Treaty, it becomes the condition to satisfy the standard consisting of the following 4 items:(i) Price stability: The inflation rate of the country concerned is not far from the mean of 3 countries having the lowest inflation rate among the member countries which is more than 1.5% point;(ii) Adequate interest rate level: The long-term national bond yield rate of the country concerned is in the range of within 2% point from the mean of 3 countries having the lowest inflation rate among the member countries;(iii) Stability of the exchange rate: The country concerned maintains the exchange rate in a normal range in European Monetary System (EMS) and did not devaluate the currency for most of the time during the recent period of 2 years; and, (iv) Balanced budget: The ratio for the nominal GDP of the financial minus balance is not higher than 3% a year, and the ratio for the nominal GDP of the government debt balance is less than 60%. - 経済産業省
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