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女性名) Kimie



該当件数 : 14



Of special note is that in 1553, the Miyoshi clan expelled Shogun Yoshiteru to Kuchiki, Omi Province, and reached the zenith of its power as the virtual ruler of the areas surrounding the capital.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Kinoshita clan was the family home of Kodai-in, the lawful wife of Hideyoshi, and among the daimyo families, this was the only clan which maintained the TOYOTOMI no Ason as its honsei (original name) through the Edo period.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the documents of the Edo period, a person called Shigeoki SUZUKI (or simply 'Shigeoki') frequently appears as the lord of Saiga-jo Castle with a stipend of several tens of thousands koku of crop yield, however, the Jikkago, where the Suzuki clan was actually settled, was on the opposite shore of the Saiga-so estate, and these descriptions lack the credibility.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After Otomi, his mistress, plunged into the sea together with Yosaburo, her lover, Genzaemon AKAMA, a boss in Kisarazu, he goes to Naka-cho in Kewai-zaka Slope in Kamakura (actually Edo) to dispel the consequent gloom, together with Mirukui no Matsu, his follower, and Heima, his bodyguard.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Takauji and Yoshiakira marched to Harima Province on the ostensible purpose to put down the revolt plotted by Doyo SASAKI and Sokuyu (Norisuke) AKAMATSU, but in reality they attempted a reconciliation with the Southern Court, conspiring to kill Tadayoshi and Tadafuyu.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Just before Iesada's death, Tairo (chief minister), Naosuke II, and Iesada's biological mother, Honjuin, decided to give his doctors permission to come to Edo-jo castle; and those doctors were Chinese medicine doctors, Choan TODA, and Ranpoi (a person who studied Western medicine by means of the Dutch language), Genboku ITO and Seikai TOTSUKA.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



As mentioned above, the Toyotomi clan of the maternal relative lineage (the Kinoshita family line of the Kodaiin side) was not destroyed and the Toyotomi clan itself, therefore, continued through the Edo period as a daimyo.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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該当件数 : 14



Although there is no record that Mitsunari SHIDA was allowed to use the family name Toyotomi, at Sotoku-ji Temple (in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture), succesive gravestones of the Sugiyama family members such as Shigenori are said to have that family name engraved on them (the Kinoshita clan, the family which Kodai-in was from, was the only family that officially used the family name Toyotomi in the Edo period).発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1595, Hidetsugu was compelled to kill himself, and his ten vassals including the Governor of Shima Province named KIMURA, Kagesada MAENO, Masachika HANEDA, Kazutada HATTORI, Shigeaki WATARASE, Norizane AKASHI, Kayu HITOTSUYANAGI, Hidemochi AWANO, Narisada SHIRAE, Naoyuki KUMAGAI were granted honorable deaths, and his other vassals were also punished.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Iwakura Mission project came up before the completion of Haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domains and establishement of prefectures) that had been set about on August 29, 1871, in the project Tomomi IWAKURA, Toshimichi OKUBO, Takayoshi KIDO and many other leaders of the Meiji government finally joined the great delegation, and therefore the Establishment was organized by Grand Minister Sanetomi SANJO at its head, Takamori SAIGO, Kaoru INOUE, Shigenobu OKUMA, Taisuke ITAGAKI, Shinpei ETO and Takao OKI in order to protect the nation and to settle the affairs of Haihan-chiken while the Iwakura Mission was traveling abroad officially.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On November 25, 1199, a letter of covenant which accuses Kagetoki was prepared overnight and submitted to Hiromoto OE, an aide official to the shogun, by sixty-six gokenin, including Tsunetane Chiba, Yoshizumi MIURA, Tanemasa CHIBA, Yoshimura MIURA, Shigetada HATAKEYAMA, Tomomasa OYAMA, Tomomitsu YUKI, Tomoto ADACHI, Yoshimori WADA, Tsunemori WADA, Yoshikazu HIKI, TOKORO Saemon no jo Tomomitsu, MINBU no jo Yukimitsu, Kiyoshige KASAI, Tomoshige HATTA, Tadatsuna HADANO, Sanehisa OI, Tadasue WAKASA, Takashige SHIBUYA, Tsuneyoshi YAMAUCHISUDO, Yoritsuna UTSUNOMIYA, Shigetomo HANGAYA, Morinaga ADACHI, Moritsuna SASAKI, Shigenari INAGE, Kagemori ADACHI, Yoshizane OKAZAKI, Yoshikiyo TSUCHIYA, Shigetane TO, Koremitsu DOI, Michinobu KONO, Suketsuna SOGA, Shiro NINOMIYA, Akiyoshi NAGAE, MORO no Jiro Suetsuna, Tokage AMANO, Yukimitsu KUDO, and NAKAHARA no Nakanari.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hideo SUZUKI has pointed out the following; after the defeat at the Battle of Hakusukinoe, the vision to see Silla as a 'barbarian country' by the Japanese nation under the ritsuryo codes in the eighth century exaggerated the fact that 'Japanese followers of Alla' were controlled by King Baekje and that the dispatched army of the Yamato Dynasty was a kind of 'mercenary' of Baekje, and as a result, the historical idea centering on the existence of a 'Japanese government at Minama' and the subordinance of Baekje and 'Minama' which were '' of the Yamato Dynasty was established when "Ninhonshoki" was compiled.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is thought that Kyoto nanakuchi were originally set as entrances to the roads connecting Kyoto and seven circuits, and are said to be the Oohara entrance (the Ohara Entrance, the Yase entrance: the Hokuriku road), the Kurama entrance (the Izumo road entrance), the Awata entrance (the Higashi-sanjo entrance: the Tokai road), the Fushimi entrance (the Uji entrance, the Kohata entrance: the Nankai road), the Toba entrance (the Saikai road), the Tanba entrance (the Nishi-shichijo entrance, the Shichijo entrance: the Sanin road) and the Nagasaka entrance (the Tanba road); however, this theory came about after the Edo Period and when such checkpoints had been abolished, so there are doubts surrounding whether these are historical facts.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


薬事食品衛生審議会から、基準値案を了承する答申(平成24年2月24日)≪検査結果の公表≫ (直近発表過去10回分)[第332報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、厚生労働科学研究費補助金による測定結果、北海道、青森県、秋田県、山形県、岩手県、宮城県、栃県、群馬県、茨城県、千葉県、埼玉県、東京都、神奈川県、新潟県、愛知県、京都府、大阪府、兵庫県、島根県、徳島県、愛媛県、高知県、横浜市、藤沢市、金沢市、静岡市、東区、港区(平成24年2月24日)[第333報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、青森市、岩手県、仙台市、山形県、茨城県、栃県、群馬県、千葉県、神奈川県、相模原市、新潟県、静岡県、滋賀県、京都市、徳島県、愛媛県(平成24年2月27日)[第334報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、札幌市、岩手県、秋田県、宮城県、茨城県、群馬県、さいたま市、千葉県、豊島区、神奈川県、横須賀市、藤沢市、新潟県、金沢市、長野県、大津市、京都市、大阪府(平成24年2月28日)[第335報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、北海道、青森県、岩手県、宮城県、山形県、いわき市、群馬県、柏市、東京都、神奈川県、藤沢市、新潟県、長野県、山梨県、愛知県、名古屋市、大阪市、神戸市、鳥取県、島根県(平成24年2月29日)[第336報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、岩手県、仙台市、山形県、茨城県、栃県、群馬県、さいたま市、千葉県、神奈川県、藤沢市、新潟県、富山県、静岡県、浜松市、京都市(平成24年3月1日)[第337報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、北海道、岩手県、宮城県、山形県、茨城県、栃県、群馬県、埼玉県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県、川崎市、新潟県、金沢市、長野県、姫路市、鳥取県、徳島県(平成24年3月2日)[第338報]札幌市、岩手県、仙台市、山形県、茨城県、群馬県、港区、神奈川県、横浜市、相模原市、新潟県、兵庫県、鳥取県、島根県、愛媛県(平成24年3月5日)[第339報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、北海道、山形県、群馬県、さいたま市、千葉県、横須賀市、新潟県、金沢市、長野県、名古屋市、京都市、大阪府、島根県(平成24年3月6日)[第340報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、北海道、岩手県、秋田県、宮城県、山形県、いわき市、群馬県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県、藤沢市、新潟県、新潟市、金沢市、静岡県、愛知県、大阪府、大阪市、鳥取県(平成24年3月7日)[第341報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、仙台市、山形県、茨城県、神奈川県、新潟県、新潟市、山梨県、大阪府、鳥取県、島根県(平成24年3月8日)【検査施状況】検査件数121,415件、うち暫定規制値超過1,168件(平成24年3月8日現在)例文帳に追加

The Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council reported in response to the Minister's consultation by approving the proposed standard limits (February 24, 2012) <<Public announcement of survey results>> (10 most recent data announced)[332rd announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; results of measurements subsidized by the Health and Labour Sciences Research Grant; Hokkaido, Aomori Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, Shimane Prefecture, Tokushima Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture, Kochi Prefecture, Yokohama-shi (city), Fujisawa-shi (city), Kanazawa-shi (city), Shizuoka-shi (city), Koto-ku (ward)/Tokyo, and Minato-ku (ward)/Tokyo (February 24, 2012) [333rd announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Aomori-shi (city), Iwate Prefecture, Sendai-shi (city), Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Sagamihara-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Shiga Prefecture, Kyoto-shi (city), Tokushima Prefecture, and Ehime Prefecture (February 27, 2012) [334th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Sapporo-shi (city), Iwate Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama-shi (city), Chiba Prefecture, Toshima-ku (ward)/Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokosuka-shi (city), Fujisawa-shi (city), ― 45Niigata Prefecture, Kanazawa-shi (city), Nagano Prefecture, Otsu-shi (city), Kyoto-shi (city), and Osaka Prefecture (February 28, 2012)[335th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Hokkaido, Aomori Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Iwaki-shi (city), Gunma Prefecture, Kashiwa-shi (city), Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Fujisawa-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Nagano Prefecture, Yamanashi Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Nagoya-shi (city), Osaka-shi (city), Kobe-shi (city), Tottori Prefecture, and Shimane Prefecture (February 29, 2012)[336th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Iwate Prefecture, Sendai-shi (city), Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama-shi (city), Chiba Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Fujisawa-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Toyama Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Hamamatsu-shi (city), and Kyoto-shi (city) (March 1, 2012)[337th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Hokkaido, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawasaki-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Kanazawa-shi (city), Nagano Prefecture, Himeji-shi (city), Tottori Prefecture and Tokushima Prefecture (March 2, 2012)[338th announcement] Sapporo-shi (city), Iwate Prefecture, Sendai-shi (city), Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Minato-ku (ward)/Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama-shi (city), Sagamihara-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture, Shimane Prefecture, and Ehime Prefecture (March 5, 2012) [339th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Hokkaido, Yamagata Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama-shi (city), Chiba Prefecture, Yokosuka-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Kanazawa-shi (city), Nagano Prefecture, Nagoya-shi (city), Kyoto-shi (city), Osaka Prefecture, and Shimane Prefecture (March 6, 2012) [340th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Hokkaido, Iwate Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Iwaki-shi (city), Gunma Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Fujisawa-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Niigata-shi (city), Kanazawa-shi (city), Shizuoka Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Osaka-shi (city), and Tottori Prefecture (March7, 2012)[341st announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Sendai-shi (city), Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, Niigata-shi (city), Yamanashi Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture, and Shimane Prefecture (March 8, 2012)【The implementation status of surveys】 121,415 survey cases, out of which 1,168 cases exceeded the provisional regulation values (as of March 8, 2012) - 厚生労働省


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