意味 | 例文 (18件) |

該当件数 : 18件
Characteristically in shoens in Europe, the legal and economical power was concentrated on the lord.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a simple, effective and economical method for solving a problem that a lifetime of a shaft is limited by stress concentration. - 特許庁
第3節 人口からみた地域の労働経済高度経済成長期には、大都市圏で発生した労働力需要に地方圏の若者が応え、三大都市圏への人口集中が進んだ。例文帳に追加
These age brackets have ledconsumption since at least 1965. - 厚生労働省
Differentiate, yet complement existing development efforts, avoiding duplication, and strategically focus on areas where the G20 has a comparative advantage and can add value focusing on its core mandate as the premier forum for international economic cooperation.発音を聞く - 財務省
Economic power - In those days, when major commercial capital had not emerged yet, major temples received the biggest capital in the form of rice acquired in plenty from their vast shoen (manor in medieval Japan) as well as of abundant donation from nobles.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a laminated glass exhibiting high penetration resistance against even one point concentrated impact force when the glass is used as a structural material of a building or the like and also having light weight and suitable for economical crime prevention and to provide its manufacturing method. - 特許庁
To form a stable horizontal hole reliably, safely, efficiently, and economically while preventing the collapse of a hole wall face by concentrically and continuously applying the explosive force for an opening blast to a prescribed position on the underground hole wall face. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 18件
To provide a laminated glass which exhibits high penetration resistance and impact resistance even against repeated impact applied at one point on the glass surface with concentration and which is free from structural load by virtue of its lightweightness and is economically advantageous. - 特許庁
This decline in manufacturing has a particularly major impact in regions where manufacturers are concentrated, impoverishing and lowering the vitality of regional economies. - 経済産業省
In addition, the Korean 5 point IT Future Strategy was announced in September 2009. Concentrated investment has accelerated the businesses will that become the mainspring of economic growth in thefuture. - 経済産業省
To provide a laminated chip electronic component that can economically and easily avoid the occurrence of stress concentration at a specific spot due to a thermal effect caused by soldering or the deflection or bending of an electronic circuit board at the time of mounting the component on the circuit board, and to provide a method of manufacturing the component. - 特許庁
To enable the designing of a lighter, more economical tank having the tank plates thinner than that of known one, by increasing the rigidity of a tank 1 and adding a device related to a stay 8 so that the fixing condition of the tank with the stay 8 is further stabilized and the degree of stress concentration is reduced. - 特許庁
As technology leaps ahead and the pursuit of efficiency in specialist areas heightens,sustaining economic growth and the dynamism of the Japanese economy will require takingadvantage of the manufacturing industries’ production technology and sales strategies, which have always been Japan’s strengths, while at the same time addressing a process of selection and concentration and building a powerful network with the new, differentiated and developedservice industries which have emerged. - 経済産業省
This entails promoting sustainable economic, social and environmental development; honoring equity in the partnerships that exist; building stronger and more effective partnerships among advanced countries, emerging countries and LICs; engaging the private sector and civil society; and refocusing our priorities and efforts to remove the bottlenecks for LIC growth.発音を聞く - 財務省
第二条 地域における産業集積の形成及び活性化は、産業集積が事業者相互間における効率的な分業、事業高度化に資する情報の共有、研究開発における緊密な連携等を促進することにより、効率的かつ創造的な事業活動を可能とし、もって地域経済に活力をもたらすとともに我が国経済の生産性の向上に資するものであることにかんがみ、地方公共団体が緊密に連携して、企業立地の動向を踏まえつつ、地域における自然的、経済的及び社会的な特性に適合し、かつ、当該地域において産業集積の核となるべき業種について、集中的かつ効果的に施策を講ずることを旨として、行われなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 2 Considering that industrial clusters will enable efficient and creative business activities through promoting an efficient division of work among business operators, sharing information that may contribute to business innovation, and promoting closer coordination in research and development and will thereby re-energize local economies and contribute to the improvement of the productivity of the entirety of the Japanese economy, the formation and development of regional industrial clusters shall be carried out under close collaboration among local public entities, based on trends in the establishment of new business facilities, in view of taking measures intensively and effectively for industries that conform to the natural, economic and social characteristics of respective regions and can become the core of industrial clusters therein.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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