意味 | 例文 (17件) |
英訳・英語 export procedures
該当件数 : 17件
May I arrange the transportation procedures?発音を聞く - Weblio Email例文集
[1] SMEs exporting goods by clearing customs procedures under their own company name; - 経済産業省
the requirements and the procedure for supervising and inspecting the transfer, import or export, within the Community.発音を聞く - 特許庁
This directive provides inspection program personnel with the procedures for reinspecting product that has been presented for export. - 厚生労働省
An inspection program employee may sign the application and DISTRIBUTION: Inspection Offices; T/A Inspectors; OPI: OPPED Plant Mgt; T/A Plant Mgt; TRA; ABB; PRD; Import Offices issue (but not sign) an export certificate (FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness) and export stamp, only after he or she has: - 厚生労働省
例えば、サブサハラ・アフリカからの輸出の面では、輸出手続きに必要とされる書類数は、OECD加盟国平均が4.5 種類であるのに対し、サブサハラ・アフリカには7.8 種類と、先進国に比して多くの書類の準備・提出が必要である。例文帳に追加
For example, the number of documents required for export is average 4.5 kinds of document in OECD member countries versus 7.8 kinds in Sub-Saharan African countries. Sub-Saharan African countries demands more kinds of document to be prepared and submitted compared to developed countries. - 経済産業省
This is because, even if trade liberalization is promoted through tariff reductions, complicated customs procedures or prolonged custom examinations may give rise to additional costs other than usual trade procedure costs, such as personnel costs for documentation and costs for surplus inventory. - 経済産業省
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Weblio例文辞書での「輸出手続き」に類似した例文 |
He is engaged in export and import trade.
the act of prohibiting both imports and exports
該当件数 : 17件
Further, given progress with the introduction of EDI for procedures at main foreign ports, Japan too is working toward one-stop services (single-window services) for imports, exports and port-related procedures, as well as linkage with private-sector trade-related computerized systems such as international logistics,trade and finance EDI, pursuing more efficient port procedures. - 経済産業省
To provide a technology for concurrently achieving prevention of import of goods bad for society and facilitation of customs clearance at both of an import port and an export port. - 特許庁
We ask you to kindly carry out the necessary procedure for [re-sell, re-export] of the items (goods, software or technology) below.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
We ask you to kindly carry out the necessary procedure for [export, sell] of the products manufactured by the technology transferred described as follows.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
USDA conducted an inquiry to determine whether the procedures and actions of National Beef (California) complied with U.S. export certification requirements and the import requirements of Japan. - 厚生労働省
a. If the product is found to be sound and wholesome, inspection program personnel may permit the product to be re-packaged (at the packers option), sign the export application, and proceed by following the instructions in FSIS Directive 9000.1. - 厚生労働省
承認手続きは、東部熱帯太平洋海域において巻き網漁業によりキハダマグロを漁獲している国からの輸出承認申請を受け、NOAA が、当該申請国、国務省および全米熱帯マグロ類委員会(IATTC)などから提出された書類を審査した上で承認を行うこととなっており、輸出承認の申請は5年毎に行われる。例文帳に追加
The US Government accepts license applications for the import of yellowfin tuna every five years. The import license is granted to an applicant after the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reviews the application and materials submitted by the Department of State and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) on the applicant's compliance with approved fishing methods. - 経済産業省
In addition, with some exporters, working level associates know EPA exists, yet the cost of certain procedures to obtain Certificate of Origin may be creating a situation to make the decision to utilize EPA difficult. - 経済産業省
意味 | 例文 (17件) |
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