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意味・対訳 利子上げ

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「increase in the rate of interest」の意味

increase in the rate of interest

「increase in the rate of interest」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 17


Also, FOMC participantsprojections for the timing of the increase in interest rates and views on the appropriate path of the federal funds rate were released for the first time.例文帳に追加

また、FOMC 参加者による利上げ予想時期及び FF 金利の動向見通しも初めて公表した。 - 経済産業省

However, the interest-rate raise may increase costs of Vietnamese companies and it leads to a decline in profits. Such concerns caused the share prices decline.例文帳に追加

但し、利上げはベトナム企業のコストを押し上げ、企業収益の悪化につながることが懸念されており、これが株価下落の背景となっている。 - 経済産業省

A modest increase is observed for both the long- and short-term interest rates from before and after the lifting of the zero-interest-rate policy in the Japan Finance Corporation for Small and Medium Enterprise's (JASME) Quarterly Survey on Trends of Small Enterprises (Fig. 1-1-27).例文帳に追加

中小企業金融公庫「中小企業動向調査10」においても、長短金利ともに、ゼロ金利政策解除前後から小幅な上昇が見られる(第1-1-27図)。 - 経済産業省

Afterward, the market became conscious of the coordinated intervention, and due to increase in the interest rate in Europe in April and gap of viewpoints regarding monetary policies between Japan and United States of America where economy was on a firmer footing, the exchange rate of yen grew lower.例文帳に追加

その後は、市場では協調介入が意識され、また、4月に利上げに踏み切った欧州や景気が底堅く推移する米国と我が国との間における金融政策のスタンスの差から、円相場は円安方向に進んだ。 - 経済産業省

According to one of the views, the reasons for the lower rate of increase of unit yield as mentioned above include decreased investment in research and development of agricultural production due to reduced interest in food issues based on the low price of food for the past 20 years.例文帳に追加

この単収の伸び低下の要因の一つとして、過去20年間の低価格が食料問題への関心を薄れさせ、農業生産に係る研究開発投資が減少していたこと等の見方がある。 - 経済産業省

Although there were concerns about the effects of the terrorist attacks in the United States in September 2001, due to the significant increase in automobile sales resulting from the zero interest rate campaign as well as the effects of fiscal and financial policy, the economy showed signs of improvement as the growth rate in the fourth quarter of 2001 was positive for the first time in four quarters.例文帳に追加

2001年9月には同時多発テロが起きたものの、ゼロ金利キャンペーンによる自動車販売の大幅な増加や財政・金融政策の効果により、2001年第4四半期の成長率は4期ぶりにプラスに転じ、景気は持ち直しの兆しを見せた。 - 経済産業省


Nevertheless, in January 2007, a sense that the economy was overheating arose, including the rate of increase of wholesale prices reaching between 6% and 7% since April 2005 for the first time in one year and nine months, and the government has adopted tightening policies, including implementing increases in the policy interest rate and the deposit reserve requirement ratio.例文帳に追加

ただし、2007年 1月には、卸売物価の上昇率が、2005 年 4月以来1 年 9か月ぶりに6%台に達するなど、景気の過熱感も出てきており、政府は政策金利や預金準備率の引上げを実施するなどの引締め政策を採っている。 - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「increase in the rate of interest」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 17


Within this, the household sector increased borrowing through the cash-out refinancing (conversion of loan) of housing loans (carrying out an increase conversion using the amount of increase in the assessed value of home equity, and liquidating part of this), home equity loans, and so forth, against the backdrop of the increase in housing prices and the low rate of interest, and steady consumption has continued coupled with an increase in disposable income due to lower taxes (Figure 1-2-15).例文帳に追加

このうち、家計部門は、住宅価格の上昇と低金利を背景とした住宅ローンのリファイナンス(借換え)によるキャッシュ・アウト(住宅担保評価額の上昇分を利用した増額借換えを行い、その一部を現金化)やホーム・エクイティ・ローン(住宅担保ローン)等を通じて借入れを増大させ、減税による可処分所得の増加とあいまって堅調な消費を続けてきている(第1-2-15図)。 - 経済産業省

Specifically, the report indicates concerns regarding the US fiscal deficit, including: (i) the expansion of fiscal deficit would tend to cause interest rate rise, lower private investment and output to fall below baseline in the US economy, which is the growth engine of the world economy; and (ii) the higher level of the US public debt would cause an increase in global interest rates in other countries, mainly developed countries.例文帳に追加

具体的には、①財政赤字の増大は金利上昇を招き、民間投資を抑制し、世界経済の成長エンジンである米国経済の生産性向上の阻害要因となる、②米国の債務残高の増大は先進国を中心とした諸外国においても金利上昇等の悪影響を及ぼす、と米国の財政赤字に対する懸念を示している。 - 経済産業省

There are concerns in the United States that the delinquency rate will increase further as the "reset" of the interest rates of subprime mortgages granted since the latter half of 2005. Developments in the U.S. housing market, macroeconomic trends and other factors continue to require careful observation also from the perspective of their macroeconomic impact on the Japan's economy.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

米国においては、今後も、2005 年後半以降に貸し出されたサブプライムローンの金利更改期を迎えることから、さらにその延滞率が増加するのではないかと懸念されており、わが国のマクロ経済に与える影響という観点からも、米国住宅市場やマクロ経済の動向等には今後とも注視が必要と考えられる。 - 金融庁

At the same time, we need to remain vigilant to the possible risks of persistence of or a further increase in high oil prices, the effects on emerging market economiesfinancing of reduced liquidity and changes in capital flows reflecting interest rate reversals, as well as the avian flu pandemic.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

この勢いは今後も継続する見込みであると認識していますが、同時に、原油価格の高止まりや更なる上昇、金利の反転・上昇を背景とした資本フローの変化、流動性の逼迫が新興市場国の資金調達に与える影響、鳥インフルエンザといったリスク要因が存在しており、注意が必要です。 - 財務省

Although the euro zone economy as a whole was moderately recovering, as mentioned above, economic trends in the said zone had a large gap between countries. Some of the South European countries including Ireland and Greece continued to register minus growth and the deflation concern was emerging. If interest rates increase, the home loan mainly on the variable rate may lead to the intensification of the bad-loan problem of financial institutions.例文帳に追加

もっとも、ユーロ圏経済全体としては緩やかに回復しつつあるとはいえ、先述の通り域内の景気動向には大きな格差があり、アイルランドや、ギリシャなど南欧諸国の一部は、マイナス成長が続く中でデフレが懸念材料となっている他、金利が上昇すれば変動金利を中心とする住宅ローンが金融機関の不良債権問題の深刻化につながる可能性もある。 - 経済産業省

The relationship between the yen and dollar has experienced weaker dollar overtones thanks to an improved global economy and expectations for more continued monetary easing in the United States. The strong yen reached a peak of 84 yen against the dollar due to a reversal of the short-term interest rate between the yen and dollar in November 2009 and the crisis in Dubai, however increasing policy by the Bank of Japan to ease credit and an improvement in US economic indicators have moved the currencies to a stronger dollar and weaker yen on expectations of a rate increase and upon entering 2010 the yen hovered around 90 to 95 yen per dollar (Figure 1-1-1-11).例文帳に追加

円・ドル関係については、世界経済の改善と米国の金融緩和継続期待を背景にドル安基調となる中で、2009年11月には日米短期金利差の逆転やドバイ・ショック等を背景に、一時84円台まで円高が進んだが、その後日本銀行による追加金融緩和策や米経済指標の改善を受けた利上げ期待等からドル高・円安方向に戻し、2010年に入ると、概ね90円~95円で推移している(第1-1-1-11図)。 - 経済産業省

(2) If no agreement may be reached between the parties regarding the increase in the amount of the building rent, until the judicial decision on establishing the increased amount as valid becomes final and binding, it shall be sufficient for the party which has received that request to pay the building rent in an amount that is deemed to be reasonable; provided, however, that when said judicial decision becomes final and binding, if the amount that has already been paid is insufficient, the amount of the shortfall shall be paid with the addition of interest on late payments at the rate of ten percent per year.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 建物の借賃の増額について当事者間に協議が調わないときは、その請求を受けた者は、増額を正当とする裁判が確定するまでは、相当と認める額の建物の借賃を支払うことをもって足りる。ただし、その裁判が確定した場合において、既に支払った額に不足があるときは、その不足額に年一割の割合による支払期後の利息を付してこれを支払わなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(2) If no agreement may be reached between the parties regarding the increase in the amount of Rent, etc., until the judicial decision on establishing the increased amount as valid becomes final and binding, it shall be sufficient for the party which has received that request to pay Rent, etc. in an amount that is deemed to be reasonable; provided, however, that when said judicial decision becomes final and binding, if the amount that has already been paid is insufficient, the amount of the shortfall shall be paid with the addition of interest on late payments at the rate of ten percent per year.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 地代等の増額について当事者間に協議が調わないときは、その請求を受けた者は、増額を正当とする裁判が確定するまでは、相当と認める額の地代等を支払うことをもって足りる。ただし、その裁判が確定した場合において、既に支払った額に不足があるときは、その不足額に年一割の割合による支払期後の利息を付してこれを支払わなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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