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該当件数 : 19



However, since the reliability of descriptions of "Chronicles of Japan" did not increase, the dispute regarding the enthronement theory was not solved, and was left to the conjecture of scholars.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, in the second half, the Meiji fifteen began to show fatigue and let Waseda add three tries after the 20th minute.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


However, although the section was specified as a provisional tramline, the grades of the roadbeds and rails used there were higher than those used for the Honkoku tramline, as the rails used there were borrowed from the Yuragawa-river dam construction office of Ministry of Interior (in Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, this arrangement did not last long, and opened up a sweet shop in Shitaya Kuromon Town but the next door was the long established sweet shop that he moved to Hongo Morikawa Town and opened up the sweet shop.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



During the short period, however, the European-style instantaneous discharge matchlock introduced to Southeast Asia by the Portuguese was improved and the instantaneous discharge matchlock called Malacca-style was invented.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



On the other hand, in the Japanese Imperial Household in ancient times, the child of an Imperial family member father was allowed to succeed the throne; many children who were born between the male Imperial Family Members and the female subjects ascended to the throne.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, some of the statues of Amida Nyorai (Amitabha Tathagata) represent Semui-Yogan-in; therefore, it is impossible in many cases to identify what Buddha is represented by this inso only.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since the amount of the polymer lubricant filled between the rollers is increased more than before, lubricating components held in the bearing are increased, and the lubrication of the bearing can be satisfactorily maintained over a long period. - 特許庁


Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, who was in charge of protecting the sea around the Osaka region, had senior councilors negotiate with the foreign squadron, while promoting activities to get permission from the emperor, but things became complicated with the order to dismiss the two senior councilors, Masato ABE and Takahiro MATSUMAE, who had decided to open Hyogo port on their own authority, making the bakufu side suspicious of Yoshinobu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



By combining the shelf member with the right and left two-wire side racks and then installing the movable locking means for the locking means, a sideward support action is generated between the shelf member and the two-wire side rack, connection strength between the shelf material and the two-wire side rack is increased, and thus the collapsible rack after being assembled is prevented from being shaken to the right and left by external force. - 特許庁



Data SSr are read from the storage 41, a demultiplexer section 24 demultiplexes the image coded data VBr, a decoder 25 decodes the demultiplexed data to generate data Yr, Crr, Cbr of the contents. - 特許庁


Further, the gaps are changed from large to small or from small to large during one rotation of the stirring blades and the waste plastics are strongly pressed to the inner peripheral surface of the screen at a part where the gaps are changed to small and the pressing force of the waste plastics becomes weak at a part where the gaps are changed to large. - 特許庁


Since an organic fatty acid neutralizing unit 3 in which a strong base is added to a membrane-separated liquid is disposed between a membrane separating unit 2 and an ammonia removing unit 5, organic fatty acids in the membrane-separated liquid are converted to neutralized salts by neutralization to lower the volatility and the acids are not removed to the steam side in the subsequent ammonia removing unit 5. - 特許庁

再びシャイロックは叫んだ。「おお、賢く正しい裁判官様! ダニエル様が裁きにいらっしゃったのだ!」そしてシャイロックは再び長いナイフを研ぎだした。そしてアントニオをじっと見据えてこう言った。「さあ、用意をしろ!」「ちょっと待て、ユダヤ人。」ポーシャは言った。「まだ申し渡すことがある。例文帳に追加

Again Shylock exclaimed, "O wise and upright judge! A Daniel has come to judgment!" And then he sharpened his long knife again, and looking eagerly on Anthonio, he said, "Come, prepare!" "Tarry a little, Jew," said Portia; "there is something else.  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

さて、シャイロックがアントニオの血を一滴も流すことなく1ポンドの肉を切り取ることはまったく不可能であったから、ポーシャが賢くも、証文に書かれているのは肉であって血ではないということを発見したことで、アントニオの命は救われたのであった。人々はみな、この便法を巧みにこしらえた、若い法律顧問のすばらしい賢明さをほめたたえたので、拍手喝采が元老院のあらゆるところから響き渡った。グレイシアーノは、シャイロックが使った言葉を叫んでいた。「おお、賢く正しい裁判官様! 聞けユダヤ人、ダニエル様がお裁きにいらっしゃったのだ!」例文帳に追加

Now as it was utterly impossible for Shylock to cut off the pound of flesh without shedding some of Anthonio's blood, this wise discovery of Portia's, that it was flesh and not blood that was named in the bond, saved the life of Anthonio; and all admiring the wonderful sagacity of the young counsellor, who had so happily thought of this expedient, plaudits resounded from every part of the senate-house; and Gratiano exclaimed, in the words which Shylock had used, "O wise and upright judge! mark, Jew, a Daniel is come to judgment!"  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


A combustibility improving device of a premixed-fuel injection valve includes an air flow path 11 added on an inner circumferential side of air flow paths 4a, 4b for fuel combustion of a combustor liner head part. - 特許庁

シャイロックはポーシャが法律を変えてはならないと言うのを聞いて、彼女が自分のために弁護をしているように見えたから、こう言った。「ダニエル様が裁きにいらっしゃったんだ! おお、賢く若い裁判官様、どんなにか私はあなた様を尊敬いたしますことか!まことにあなた様は、お見受けするよりずっと年功を積んでおられますなあ!」例文帳に追加

Shylock hearing Portia say that the law might not be altered, it seemed to him that she was pleading in his favour, and he said, "A Daniel has come to judgment! O wise young judge, how I do honour you! How much elder are you than your looks!"  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


A seat cushion rear support part 42 rotatably fitted to the upper ends of the rear links 39, 39 is laid between the pair of left and right rear links 39, 39, and the seat cushion rear support part 42 and a rear of the seat cushion 22 are detachably joined by a locking mechanism 43. - 特許庁



We welcome work to implement the Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals, and instruct officials to continue work to promote regulatory cooperation and capacity, enhance transparency in regulatory processes while at the same time protecting business confidentiality, facilitate data exchange, and contribute to the international chemicals agenda. - 経済産業省


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