
「保護貿易制度」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 15



(See the relevant chapters of Part I for more information on Trade in Services, Intellectual Property Rights, and Government Procurement.) - 経済産業省


The TRIPS Agreement also provides for exemptions regarding measures based on existing treaties in the area of intellectual property. (See Chapter 11 for Trade in Services and Chapter 12 for Intellectual Property Rights.) - 経済産業省


Based on their edge in technology and cost, they now constitute supporting industries and have rapidly advanced in the production and export of intermediate goods. - 経済産業省


He tried to expand Japan's trade surplus, increase gold holdings, and open trade with the Russian Empire; he also made friends with Gennai HIRAGA and others, protected Western learning, and took on men of talent based on a merit system regardless of the hereditary four-class order consisting of warrior-rulers, peasants, artisans, and merchants (shinokosho), but these sudden reformations provoked a backlash among conservatives in the shogunate cabinet.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



A seamless economic zone that fosters the comprehensive integration of systems covering liberalization of trade in goods, liberation of trade in services, the establishment of investment rules, security in the movement of people, and protection of intellectual property rights can generate energy not only in Japan but in East Asia as a whole. As a member of East Asia, Japan must take the initiative in building this economic zone. - 経済産業省



Developed and developing countries differ in their views of environmental labelling. The developed countries argue that such labelling is useful for conservation purposes and has very little detrimental impact on trade; the developing countries have concerns that trade could indeed be impaired. All countries agree, however, that it is important to maintain transparency in such systems and that the issues need to be fully discussed in the future. - 経済産業省


First, if a country’s IPR system permits excessive intellectual property protection, or discriminates against foreign interests, or varies widely from generally agreed-upon international rules and procedures, excessive time and money must be spent in the acquisition and enforcement of rights of foreign origin, which could be a non-tariff barrier. - 経済産業省


To generate a vigorous economic growth in East Asia, further development of rules in each country is needed. In addition, for this purpose, building a seamless economic zone based on a framework of economic partnerships that covers whole East Asia, in other words, comprehensive systemic harmonization including liberation of trade (both goods and service), upgrading investment rules, securing movement of people, and protection of intellectual property rights is also desired. - 経済産業省


Although differences of systems alone provide insufficient evidence to argue that there is a problem with the system, protecting intellectual property rights through principles and procedures that differ from other countries imposes a high cost for the use of the system. This makes it more difficult to foresee whether intellectual property rights can be obtained from the viewpoint of other countries, possibly hindering the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment. - 経済産業省



With the obligations under the TRIPS Agreement (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) becoming applicable to developing countries in January 2000, laws regarding intellectual property system have been established in Asian countries and regions. But it is pointed out that their enforcement frameworks are fragile and intellectual property is not sufficiently protected compared to advanced countries. - 経済産業省



For East Asia to keep its sustainable growth, it first needs to improve its trade and investment environment that covers the region as an integrated sphere. It furthermore needs to establish an institution that can back the growth of each economy in the region at a different stage of economic development, allowing them to make a good utilization of their different advantages. - 経済産業省


It is vital for East Asia to bring together its forces for the institutional improvement to protect intellectual property rights (IPRs), which are the driving force for creating values, in order to further activate trade and investment among the increasingly interrelating economies in the region and to further boost the appeal of East Asia as a production base and a market. - 経済産業省


From the latter’s perspective, promoting the use of intellectual assets mentioned in Section 1 of this chapter is especially necessary. From the former standpoint, however, there will be a need to sufficiently lower the service link cost in East Asia and expand the range of options of business activities of Japanese corporations by eliminating tariffs, facilitating trade and investment, establishing an intraregional system for investment rules and intellectual property protection, establishing a dispute settlement system between the private sector and local governments, and implementing economic cooperation policies and international finance policies through EPAs. - 経済産業省


Specifically, it is thought that the following measures are necessary for the removal of non-tariff barriers and institution building and improved operation with the objective of facilitation of trade and investment: (1)support for projects to improve the screening capacity of patent offices in each country and human resources development in implementation agencies in order to strengthen protection of intellectual property rights, (2)human resources development for standard certification institution building and development of standardized institutions, and (3) computerization of the distribution sector with a view to improved efficiency on thesoftside, including customs procedures that promote improved efficiency of distribution. - 経済産業省


この地理的表示に関しては、2001年のドーハ閣僚宣言(パラグラフ18)において、(i)ワイン・スピリッツの地理的表示の多数国間通報登録制度創設につき新ラウンドの枠内で交渉を行うこと(ビルトイン・アジェンダ)、(ii)第23条に規定されている地理的表示の追加的保護の対象産品をワイン・スピリッツ以外の産品に拡大することにつき、2002年末までのTRIPS 理事会での議論の結果を貿易交渉委員会へ報告することが合意された。以後、精力的な議論が行われ、2005年12月の香港閣僚宣言において、(i)ワイン・スピリッツの地理的表示の多国間通報登録制度創設についてはドーハ閣僚宣言において予測された交渉終結の期間内に交渉を完了すべく交渉を強化すること(パラグラフ29)、(ii)追加的保護の対象産品をワイン・スピリッツ以外の産品に拡大することについては、協議プロセスを加速し、一般理事会は進展を検討し、遅くとも2006年7月31日までに適切な行動をとること(パラグラフ39)とされた。例文帳に追加

Regarding geographical indications, the Doha Ministerial Declaration of 2001 (Paragraph 18) provided for: (i) negotiation of the establishment of a multilateral system for the notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits within the framework of the new round (Built-in Agenda); and (ii) the granting of additional protection of Article 23 for geographical indications for products other than wines and spirits. The TRIPS Council was instructed to report its discussions to the Trade Negotiations Committee by the end of 2002. Following vigorous discussions, the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration of December 2005 resolved to: (i) intensify negotiations regarding the establishment of a multilateral system for the notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits so as to complete within the overall time-frame for the conclusion of the negotiations that was foreseen in the Doha Ministerial Declaration (Paragraph 29); and (ii) intensify the consultation process concerning the extension of the protection for geographical indications provided for in Article 23 of the TRIPS agreement to products other than wines and spirits, and take appropriate action by the General Council by July 31, 2006 at the latest (Paragraph 39). - 経済産業省


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