
「各自」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(14ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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(4) 同一であるか又は誤認若しくは混同を生じさせる虞がある程に類似する複数の商標の登録出願がそれぞれ別の者によってなされた場合において, (a) それら複数の出願が同一のサービス又は同一種類のサービスに係るものであるか,又は (b) それら複数の出願の少なくとも1があるサービスに係り,残り全部が当該サービスと密接に関連する商品に係るものであるときは, 登録官は,各自の権利が裁判所によって決定されるか又は登録官若しくは裁判所が承認する形の合意によって解決されるまでは,それら登録出願の何れも拒絶することができる。例文帳に追加

(4) Where separate applications are made by different persons to be registered as proprietors respectively of trade marks which are identical or so nearly resembling each other as are likely to deceive or cause confusion and . (a) such applications are in respect of the same services or description of services; or (b) at least one of such applications is in respect of services and the other or others is or are in respect of goods closely related to those services, the Registrar may refuse to register any of them until their rights have been determined by the Court or have been settled by agreement in a manner approved by him or by the Court. - 特許庁

(2) 本条(3),(4)及び(5)に基づいて,次に掲げる各号の場合,営業権を伴わない登録商標の譲渡は無効である。 (a) 当該商標がパプアニューギニア国内において譲渡人又は前権利者により善意に使用されたことがない場合,又は, (b) 実質的に同一の又は混同を生じるほど類似する商標が,譲渡後も譲渡人によりその他の商品に継続して使用され,かつ以下の条件をみたす場合 (i) それらの商品及び譲渡人との間に取引上の関係が存在すること,及び (ii) それらの商品が (A) 譲渡された商標に関する商品と同一の内容を有すること,又は (B) 譲渡人及び譲受人による各自の商品への当該商標の使用により,公衆が誤認混同するおそれがある内容を有すること例文帳に追加

(2) Subject to Subsections (3), (4) and (5) an assignment of a registered trade mark without goodwill is invalid if - (a) the trade mark was not at any time in use in good faith in Papua New Guinea by the assignor or his predecessor in title; or (b) a substantially identical or deceptively similar trade mark continues to be used by the assignor, after the assignment in relation to other goods, where - (i) there exists a connection in the course of trade between those goods and the assignor; and (ii) those goods are - (A) of the same description as those in respect of which the trade mark has been assigned; or (B) of such a description that the public is likely to be deceived by the use of the trade mark by the assignor and assignee on their respective goods. - 特許庁


To provide an automatic water-stopping device for saving useless water and time, and decreasing the cost of the device by solving a problem such that it is difficult to stop water optimally, since a water-stopping time zone is usually a working time after feeding water to paddies. - 特許庁


3. 組合員等が正当な事由なく本組合の事業に関し各自が負担すべき公租公課を滞納した場合、又は無限責任組合員若しくは本組合が適用法令上組合員等に関連して源泉徴収を行い若しくは組合員等に代わり若しくは組合員等に関連して公租公課の納付(更正通知、決定通知、納税告知その他日本の税務当局によりなされた課税査定により必要とされる納税を含む。)を行うことが必要とされるものと無限責任組合員が合理的に判断する場合、無限責任組合員は、その裁量により、第29 条に基づく分配を行うに際し、当該組合員等に分配すべき組合財産の中から当該滞納額又は納付額に相当する現金又は現物を控除し、現物についてはその裁量により適切と認める方法によりこれを売却した上、当該公租公課を支払うことができるものとする。この場合、無限責任組合員は、かかる源泉徴収又は公租公課の納付を行った上で、かかる方法により現金又は現物を収受することもできる。組合員等は、かかる支払いに必要な金額又は支払った金額につき、無限責任組合員から請求があれば、無限責任組合員において既にかかる支払いを行った後であればかかる支払いの日から組合員等による現実の支払いがなされた日までの期間につき年[ ]%(年365 日の日割り計算とする。)の利息を付して、無限責任組合員に対し直ちにこれを支払うものとする。かかる支払いは本組合への出資とはみなされない。なお、無限責任組合員は、本項の判断(売却の決定、方法及び結果を含む。)につき、いかなる責任も負わないものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) If (i) any Interested Partner fails to pay its taxes and other public duties in connection with the business of the Partnership without any justifiable reason, or (ii) the General Partner reasonably determines that the General Partner or the Partnership is required by applicable laws to withhold taxes with respect to any Interested Partner or pay any taxes and other public duties (including tax payments required by an amendment notice, determination notice, tax payment notice and any other tax assessment issued by a Japanese tax authority) on behalf of or with respect to any Interested Partner, the General Partner may, in making a distribution pursuant to Article 29, in its discretion, (x) deduct cash or property that is to be distributed to such Interested Partner by an amount equal to such unpaid amount or amount paid from the Partnership Assets to be distributed to such Interested Partner and (y) sell such property in such a manner as the General Partner in its discretion deems appropriate, and pay such taxes and other public duties. In such case, the General Partner may make such withholding or payment of taxes or other public duties and collect cash or property in the same manner. Upon request of the General Partner, the Interested Partner shall immediately pay to the General Partner (a) the amount necessary for payment of such taxes or other public duties or (b) if the General Partner has already made such payment, the amount paid by the General Partner, together with interest at [__]% per annum for the period from the date of payment by the General Partner until the date of actual payment by the Interested Partner prorated on the basis of a 365-day year. These payments shall not be treated as part of any contribution to the Partnership. The General Partner shall not be liable for its determinations under this paragraph (including the determination, manner or results of any sale).  - 経済産業省


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