
「犯罪少年」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 犯罪少年に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 45



juvenile delinquency  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


juvenile crimes - Eゲイト英和辞典


a cure for juvenile delinquency  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


Juvenile delinquency is increasing. - Tatoeba例文



The juvenile crimes are increasing recently. - Tatoeba例文



Juvenile crimes have been increasing recently. - Tatoeba例文


Recently juvenile delinquency has been on the rise. - Tatoeba例文


Juvenile delinquency is increasing.  - Tanaka Corpus


The juvenile crimes are increasing recently.  - Tanaka Corpus



Recently juvenile delinquency has been on the rise.  - Tanaka Corpus



Juvenile crimes are showing a tendency to increase.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


That is the principal cause of juvenile delinquency.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


That is what is mainly responsible for juvenile delinquency [crime].  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


The increase in juvenile delinquency is a serious problem. - Tatoeba例文


concerned parents of youthful offenders  - 日本語WordNet


juvenile offenses often reflect an inadequacy in the parents  - 日本語WordNet


New York State passed its juvenile-offender law in 1978. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


The increase in juvenile delinquency is a serious problem.  - Tanaka Corpus


Police Hope to Reduce Juvenile Crime Through Education  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


However, the general crime number has not decreased though the juvenile delinquency stands out. - Tatoeba例文


However, the general crime number has not decreased though the juvenile delinquency stands out.  - Tanaka Corpus


The boys repeated minor offences irredeemably every night.  - Weblio英語基本例文集

一 犯罪をした者及び非行のある少年の改善更生を助け又は犯罪の予防を図るための啓発及び宣伝の活動例文帳に追加

(i) Enlightenment and publicity in order to assist persons who have committed crimes and juvenile delinquents to improve and rehabilitate themselves or in order to promote crime prevention;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 犯罪をした者及び非行のある少年の改善更生を助け又は犯罪の予防を図るための民間団体の活動への協力例文帳に追加

(ii) Cooperation in the activities of private organizations in order to assist persons who have committed crimes and juvenile delinquents to improve and rehabilitate themselves or in order to promote crime prevention;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It is believed that the crimes of juveniles have become more severe in the 21st century.  - Weblioビジネス英語例文


an institution where juvenile offenders can be held temporarily (usually under the supervision of a juvenile court)  - 日本語WordNet


In January, the Osaka Prefectural Police Department started to give a special class at elementary schools to help prevent juvenile crimes.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The crime rate for juveniles under 14 years old in Osaka Prefecture is the highest in the country.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

また、1998 年以降日本では少年犯罪であるとか非常に難しい問題が増えてきています。例文帳に追加

Moreover, since 1998, juvenile crime and other difficult problems have been mounting in Japan. - 厚生労働省

四 その他犯罪をした者及び非行のある少年の改善更生を助け又は犯罪の予防を図ることに資する活動で法務省令で定めるもの例文帳に追加

(iv) Any other activities which contribute to assisting persons who have committed crimes and juvenile delinquents improve and rehabilitate themselves or that promote crime prevention as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Kato considered it "logical" not to give a right to vote to women as well as boys, berserk, criminals and the poor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

2 保護観察官は、医学、心理学、教育学、社会学その他の更生保護に関する専門的知識に基づき、保護観察、調査、生活環境の調整その他犯罪をした者及び非行のある少年の更生保護並びに犯罪の予防に関する事務に従事する。例文帳に追加

(2) Based on medicine, psychology, pedagogy, sociology and other expert knowledge relating to rehabilitation, probation officers shall engage in the work of probation, research, coordination of the social circumstances and other work relating to the rehabilitation of persons who have committed crimes and juvenile delinquents, and the prevention of crime.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第一条 保護司は、社会奉仕の精神をもつて、犯罪をした者及び非行のある少年の改善更生を助けるとともに、犯罪の予防のため世論の啓発に努め、もつて地域社会の浄化をはかり、個人及び公共の福祉に寄与することを、その使命とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The mission of all volunteer probation officers shall be, in the spirit of volunteer social service, to assist persons who have committed crimes and juvenile delinquents to improve and rehabilitate themselves, and to enlighten the public on crime prevention, thereby enhancing the local community and contributing to the welfare of both individuals and the public.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 刑事に関する事件の手続についての代理、刑事に関する事件における弁護人としての活動、少年の保護事件における付添人としての活動又は逃亡犯罪人引渡審査請求事件における補佐例文帳に追加

(ii) Representation in procedures for criminal cases, acting as a defense counsel in criminal cases, acting as an attendant in juvenile protection cases, or assistance in extradition review request cases  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 刑事に関する事件における弁護人としての活動、少年の保護事件における付添人としての活動及び逃亡犯罪人引渡審査請求事件における補佐例文帳に追加

(ii) activities as a defense counsel in a criminal case, or activities as an attendant in a juvenile protection case or legal assistance in a case in connection with a request for the examination of extraditability of a fugitive criminal.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十一条 司法警察員は、少年の被疑事件について捜査を遂げた結果、罰金以下の刑にあたる犯罪の嫌疑があるものと思料するときは、これを家庭裁判所に送致しなければならない。犯罪の嫌疑がない場合でも、家庭裁判所の審判に付すべき事由があると思料するときは、同様である。例文帳に追加

Article 41 A judicial police officer shall refer to a family court a case involving a Juvenile who is, as a result of the investigation of the case, suspected of committing a crime punishable by fine or lighter punishment. The same shall apply even when the Juvenile is not suspected of committing a crime if there are considered to be grounds for which the Juvenile should be subject to hearing and decision of the family court.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十二条 検察官は、少年の被疑事件について捜査を遂げた結果、犯罪の嫌疑があるものと思料するときは、第四十五条第五号本文に規定する場合を除いて、これを家庭裁判所に送致しなければならない。犯罪の嫌疑がない場合でも、家庭裁判所の審判に付すべき事由があると思料するときは、同様である。例文帳に追加

Article 42 (1) A public prosecutor shall refer to a family court a case involving Juvenile who is, as a result of the investigation of the case, suspected of committing a crime except in the case prescribed in the main clause of Article 45, item (v). The same shall apply even when the Juvenile is not suspected of committing a crime if there are considered to be grounds for which the Juvenile should be subject to hearing and decision of the family court.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十七条 地方公共団体は、保護司、保護司会及び保護司会連合会の活動が、犯罪をした者及び非行のある少年の改善更生を助けるとともに犯罪を予防し、地域社会の安全及び住民福祉の向上に寄与するものであることにかんがみ、その地域において行われる保護司、保護司会及び保護司会連合会の活動に対して必要な協力をすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 17 The local government may, in light of the fact that the activities of the volunteer probation officers, Volunteer Probation Officers' Associations and Federations of Volunteer Probation Officers' Associations assist persons who have committed crimes and juvenile delinquents to improve and rehabilitate themselves, prevent crimes, and contribute to the safety of the community and improvement of the welfare of its residents, extend cooperation to the activities of the volunteer probation officers, Volunteer Probation Officers' Associations and Federations of Volunteer Probation Officers' Associations as necessary.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第一条 この法律は、犯罪をした者及び非行のある少年に対し、社会内において適切な処遇を行うことにより、再び犯罪をすることを防ぎ、又はその非行をなくし、これらの者が善良な社会の一員として自立し、改善更生することを助けるとともに、恩赦の適正な運用を図るほか、犯罪予防の活動の促進等を行い、もって、社会を保護し、個人及び公共の福祉を増進することを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is, with regard to persons who have committed crimes and juvenile delinquents, to prevent them from re-offending or eliminate their delinquencies and assist them to become self-reliant as sound members of society and improve and rehabilitate themselves by treating them properly within society, and to ensure the suitable operation of pardons and promote crime prevention activity, etc., thereby to protect society and enhance the welfare of individuals and the public.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十二条 第三十五条から第三十八条まで、第三十九条第二項から第五項まで及び第四十条の規定は、少年院からの仮退院について準用する。この場合において、第三十五条第一項中「前条」とあるのは「少年院法(昭和二十三年法律第百六十九号)第十二条第二項」と、第三十八条第一項中「刑」とあるのは「保護処分」と、「犯罪」とあるのは「犯罪若しくは刑罰法令に触れる行為」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 42 The provisions of Article 35 to Article 38, paragraph (2) to paragraph (5) of Article 39 and Article 40 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the release on parole from the juvenile training school. In this case, the term "the preceding Article" in paragraph (1) of Article 35 shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (2) of Article 12 of the Juvenile Training Schools Act" (Act No. 169 of 1948)" and the term "punishment" in paragraph (1) of Article 38 shall be deemed to be replaced with "protective measures" and "crimes" with "crimes or acts violating criminal laws and regulations".  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五条 総合法律支援の実施及び体制の整備に当たっては、迅速かつ確実に国選弁護人(刑事訴訟法(昭和二十三年法律第百三十一号)の規定に基づいて裁判所若しくは裁判長又は裁判官が被告人又は被疑者に付する弁護人をいう。以下同じ。)及び国選付添人(少年法(昭和二十三年法律第百六十八号)の規定に基づいて裁判所が少年に付する弁護士である付添人をいう。以下同じ。)の選任並びに国選被害者参加弁護士(犯罪被害者等の権利利益の保護を図るための刑事手続に付随する措置に関する法律(平成十二年法律第七十五号。以下「犯罪被害者等保護法」という。)の規定に基づいて裁判所が選定する犯罪被害者等保護法第五条第一項に規定する被害者参加弁護士をいう。以下同じ。)の選定が行われる態勢の確保が図られなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 5 When implementing comprehensive legal support and establishing systems, the necessary conditions and systems shall be secured for the prompt and proper appointment of court-appointed defense counsel (defense counsel whom courts, presiding judges or judges appoint for defendants or suspects based on the provision of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Act No. 131 of 1948); the same shall apply hereinafter), official attendants who are attorneys for juveniles (attendants who are attorneys whom courts appoint for juveniles based on the provision of the Juvenile Law (Act No. 168 of 1948); the same shall apply hereinafter), and court-appointed attorneys at law for victims (the attorneys at law for victims provided by paragraph (1) of Article 5 of Law about the protection of victims rights and profit concerning criminal procedures and other subsidiary ones (Act No. 75 of 2000; hereinafer referred to as "Protection Act on Crime Victims.") whom courts appoint based on the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 5 of the Act on the Protection of Crime Victims; the same shall apply hereinafter).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三条 犯罪をした者又は非行のある少年に対してこの法律の規定によりとる措置は、当該措置を受ける者の性格、年齢、経歴、心身の状況、家庭環境、交友関係等を十分に考慮して、その者に最もふさわしい方法により、その改善更生のために必要かつ相当な限度において行うものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 3 Measures taken pursuant to the provisions of this Act for persons who have committed crimes and for juvenile delinquents shall be rendered in the most appropriate way and to the extent necessary and suitable for their improvement and rehabilitation by fully taking their character, age, personal history, mental and physical conditions, family environment, associates and other factors of persons who are to receive such measures into consideration.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項の規定にかかわらず、家庭裁判所は、故意の犯罪行為により被害者を死亡させた罪の事件であつて、その罪を犯すとき十六歳以上の少年に係るものについては、同項の決定をしなければならない。ただし、調査の結果、犯行の動機及び態様、犯行後の情況、少年の性格、年齢、行状及び環境その他の事情を考慮し、刑事処分以外の措置を相当と認めるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the family court shall give a ruling as prescribed in the same paragraph for a case in which a Juvenile who is 16 years of age or older committed an intentional criminal act that caused death to the victim; provided, however, that this shall not apply if the court finds any disposition other than referral to criminal procedure is found appropriate as a result of the investigation in consideration of motive and manner of the crime, circumstances after the crime, personality traits, age, behavior, environment and other circumstances of the Juvenile.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 前項ただし書の規定による更新は、一回を超えて行うことができない。ただし、第三条第一項第一号に掲げる少年に係る死刑、懲役又は禁錮に当たる罪の事件でその非行事実(犯行の動機、態様及び結果その他の当該犯罪に密接に関連する重要な事実を含む。以下同じ。)の認定に関し証人尋問、鑑定若しくは検証を行うことを決定したもの又はこれを行つたものについて、少年を収容しなければ審判に著しい支障が生じるおそれがあると認めるに足りる相当の理由がある場合には、その更新は、更に二回を限度として、行うことができる。例文帳に追加

(4) The renewal pursuant to the proviso of the preceding paragraph shall not take place more than once; provided, however, that the renewal may take place up to two additional times in a case involving a Juvenile as prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (1), item (i) who committed a crime punishable by imprisonment with or without work or the death penalty if there is a ruling to examine witnesses, to request an expert opinion or to carry out an inspection to find the facts of the case (including motive, manners, consequences of the crime or other material facts closely related to the crime; the same shall apply hereinafter), and if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a hearing of the family court would be severely hindered without commitment of the Juvenile.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第二十一条 共助刑の執行に関しては、第十六条第一項第一号の共助刑の執行を受ける者を懲役に処せられた者と、同項第二号の共助刑の執行を受ける者を禁錮に処せられた者と、同項第一号の共助刑を懲役と、同項第二号の共助刑を禁錮とそれぞれみなして、刑法(明治四十年法律第四十五号)第二十二条、第二十四条、第二十八条、第二十九条、第三十一条から第三十三条まで及び第三十四条第一項、刑事訴訟法第四百七十四条、第四百八十条から第四百八十二条まで、第四百八十四条から第四百八十九条まで、第五百二条から第五百四条まで及び第五百七条、少年法(昭和二十三年法律第百六十八号)第二条第一項、第二十七条第一項、第五十六条、第五十七条及び第六十一条、少年院法(昭和二十三年法律第百六十九号)第一条、第二条、第四条から第九条まで、第十条第一項、第十条の二、第十三条、第十四条第一項、第四項及び第五項、第十四条の二から第十六条まで、第十七条第二項、第十七条の二並びに第十七条の四から第十七条の六まで並びに更生保護法(平成十九年法律第八十八号)第三条、第四条第二項、第十一条から第十四条まで、第十六条、第二十三条から第三十条まで、第三十三条、第三十四条第一項、第三十五条から第四十条まで、第四十八条、第四十九条第一項、第五十条、第五十一条、第五十二条第二項及び第三項、第五十三条第二項及び第三項、第五十四条第二項、第五十五条から第五十八条まで、第六十条から第六十五条まで、第七十五条から第七十七条まで、第八十二条、第八十四条から第八十八条まで並びに第九十一条から第九十八条までの規定を適用する。この場合において、刑法第二十八条中「三分の一」とあるのは「三分の一(国際受刑者移送法第二条第七号の裁判国(以下「裁判国」という。)において同法第二条第十一号の受入移送犯罪(以下「受入移送犯罪」という。)に係る確定裁判において言い渡された同法第二条第一号の外国刑(以下「外国刑」という。)の執行としての拘禁をしたとされる日数を含む。)」と、「十年」とあるのは「十年(裁判国において受入移送犯罪に係る確定裁判において言い渡された外国刑の執行としての拘禁をしたとされる日数を含む。)」と、同法第三十二条中「刑の言渡しが確定した後」とあるのは「国際受刑者移送法第十三条の命令により裁判国から引渡しを受けた後」と、刑事訴訟法第四百七十四条中「二以上の」とあるのは「国際受刑者移送法第二条第二号の共助刑(以下「共助刑」という。)と」と、「その重いもの」とあり、及び「重い刑」とあるのは「共助刑」と、「他の刑」とあるのは「主刑」と、同法第四百八十条及び第四百八十二条中「刑の言渡をした裁判所に対応する検察庁」とあるのは「東京地方検察庁」と、同法第四百八十七条中「刑名」とあるのは「共助刑の種類」と、同法第五百二条中「裁判の執行を受ける者」とあるのは「共助刑の執行を受ける者」と、「言渡をした裁判所」とあるのは「東京地方裁判所」と、少年法第二十七条第一項中「保護処分の継続中、本人に対して有罪判決が確定した」とあり、及び同法第五十七条中「保護処分の継続中、懲役、禁錮又は拘留の刑が確定した」とあるのは「国際受刑者移送法第二条第二号の共助刑の執行を受ける者が保護処分の継続中である」とし、その他これらの規定の適用に関し必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 21 A person upon whom the assistance punishment prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (1), item (i) is to be enforced shall be regarded as a person upon whom imprisonment with work is to be enforced; a person upon whom the assistance punishment prescribed in item (ii) of the same paragraph is to be enforced shall be regarded as a person upon whom imprisonment without work is to be enforced; the assistance punishment prescribed in item (i) of the same paragraph shall be regarded as imprisonment with work; the assistance punishment in item (ii) of the same paragraph shall be regarded as imprisonment without work; and the following provisions shall apply for the purpose of enforcing the assistance punishment: Article 22, Article 24, Article 28, Article 29, Articles 31 to 33 and Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Penal Code (Act No. 45 of 1907), Article 474, Articles 480 to 482, Articles 484 to 489, Articles 502 to 504 and Article 507 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 2, paragraph (1), Article 27, paragraph (1), Article 56, Article 57 and Article 61 of the Juvenile Act (Act No. 168 of 1948), Article 1, Article 2, Articles 4 to 9, Article 10, paragraph (1), Article 10-2, Article 13, Article 14, paragraphs (1), (4) and (5), Articles 14-2 to 16, Article 17, paragraph (2), Article 17-2 and Article 17-4 to Article 17-6 of the Juvenile Training Schools Act (Act No. 169 of 1948) and Article 3, Article 4, paragraph (2), Articles 11 to 14, Article 16, Articles 23 to 30, Article 33, Article 34, paragraph (1), Articles 35 to 40, Article 48, Article 49, paragraph (1), Article 50, Article 51, Article 52, paragraphs (2) and (3), Article 53, paragraphs (2) and (3), Article 54, paragraph (2), Articles 55 to 58, Articles 60 to 65, Articles 75 to 77, Article 82, Articles 84 to 88 and Articles 91 to 98 of the Offenders Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 88 of 2007). In such a case, the "one-third" in Article 28 of the Penal Code shall be, "one-third (including the number of days an incoming sentenced person has been detained in the enforcement of the foreign punishment as defined in Article 2, item (i) of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons (hereinafter referred to as the "foreign punishment"), rendered in the final and binding decision with regard to the offense that is the premise of the incoming transfer as defined in Article 2, item (xi) of the same act (hereinafter referred to as the "offense that is the premise of the incoming transfer") in a sentencing state as defined in Article 2, item (vii) of the same act (hereinafter referred to as the "sentencing state"))"; "10 years" shall be "10 years (including the number of days an incoming sentenced person has been detained in the enforcement of the foreign punishment rendered in the final and binding decision with regard to the offense that is the premise of the incoming transfer in the sentencing state)"; "after a sentence has become final and binding" in Article 32 of the same code shall be "after the surrender by a sentencing state in accordance with the order prescribed in Article 13 of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons"; "two or more" and "the greatest among the punishments" in Article 474 of the Code of Criminal Procedure shall be "assistance punishment as defined in Article 2, item (ii) of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons (hereinafter referred to as the "assistance punishment")"; "the other punishment" in the same Article shall be "the principal punishment"; "the public prosecutors office responding to the court that has rendered the punishment" in Article 480 and Article 482 of the same code shall be "the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office"; "category of punishment" in Article 487 of the same code shall be "types of assistance punishment"; "a person upon whom a decision is to be enforced" in Article 502 in the same code shall be "a person upon whom the assistance punishment is to be enforced"; "the court that rendered such decision" in the same Article shall be "the Tokyo District Court"; and "a judgment of guilty has become final and binding against an individual in the course of enforcement of a protective measure" in Article 27, paragraph (1) of the Juvenile Act and "a sentence of imprisonment with or without work, or of penal detention has become final and binding in the course of enforcement of a protective measure" in Article 57 in the same code shall be "a person with regard to whom assistance punishment as defined in item (ii) of Article 2 of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons is to be enforced and who is currently undergoing a protective measure"; additional technicalities requiring alternative readings in connection with the application of these provisions shall be determined by a Cabinet order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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