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該当件数 : 22



the difference when a producer's total variable cost is subtracted from the income generated selling the product, called producer's surplus  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Our expenditures for health care exceed 11 percent of gross domestic product. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


The energy consumption calculation device calculates the total number of members and the whole power amount consumed by a production line (S24). - 特許庁

生産額はGDP とは異なり、中間財(原材料)の投入額(用)が含まれており、「売上」に当たる。例文帳に追加

The amount of total production, unlike the GDP, it includes the invested amounts (cost) of intermediate goods (law materials), and equivalent to sales. - 経済産業省



Evaluation loss as the cost requiring to produce the commodities (i) by the requested number of products Xi(t) by successively changing the number of personnel Zj3k(t), sum thereof, and planed number of products Yij(t) at with increments at prescribed intervals is calculated (S110 to S122). - 特許庁



In addition, according to said survey, the gross value of travel consumption in Japan, including domestic travel consumption by Japanese, came to ¥23.5 trillion, which was equivalent to 4.6% of GDP (nominal). - 経済産業省


The value of travel consumption of inbound tourists in fiscal 2007 increased by 8.7% on year-on-year basis, i.e., ¥1.48 trillion, which was equivalent to 0.3% of the gross domestic product (nominal) for the same fiscal year, and was also equivalent to 0.5% of domestic final consumption expenditure (nominal) for the same year. - 経済産業省


An optimization calculation part 8 collects all the components necessary to be collected in a day after manufacturing of a new product is started and searches a relationship (transportation plan) between trailer loadable capacity minimizing a necessary total transportation cost, a cargo collection route for visiting component delivery sites, and collected cargo volumes at the respective component delivery sites to obtain a minimum total transportation cost (optimum total transportation cost). - 特許庁


To provide physical and/or chemical pretreatment method for vegetable prior to processing, including no complicated process that increase the total expense associated with vegetable production. - 特許庁



Then, initial costs to be reflected on the price of the new and powerful facility in the production starting stage is calculated from the total payment, the corresponding costs of the new and powerful facility and the loan sum. - 特許庁



In China’s consumer market, for example, the great disparity between people in the higher income brackets and people in the lower income brackets results in a wide-ranging demand that cannot be calculated on the basis of the per capita gross domestic product. - 経済産業省


The census shows the number of commercial establishments, number of employees, annual merchandise sales, etc by all industries on a national, regional level and class of the establishment. - 経済産業省


At the same time, application of safeguard measures generally means higher prices and fewer choices for consumers, user companies and other economic agents, and has the additional demerit of impacting negatively on a country's GDP. - 経済産業省


By that time, the company had produced 26 all-talkie films, two part-talkie films and two sound films, and as for their production cost, Chidori Kogyo had paid 405,000 yen to Makino Talkie and the balance of advance payment made by Makino Talkie was 450,000 yen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Reviewing the economic trends in major countries above, Germany's stability is distinguished in many sections such as production, export, employment, and consumption, and the gap between Germany and other countries, which are exhibiting stagnation as a whole despite a few exceptions depending on indexes referenced, is becoming distinct. - 経済産業省


Since February 2008, the ISM business index1 has dipped below 50, which is regard as the expansion-contraction turning point for total production activity. In addition to the sluggish growth in consumption since 2007, this has been caused by rising energy costs and by financial institutions tightening their lending standards. Business confidence also continues to demonstrate a course of contraction. - 経済産業省


(Changes in Worker's Lifestyles and Household Spending)With respect to worker's lifestyles, both income and disposable income grew significantly in line with arapid economic growth from 1960 to the first half of the 1970s, when possession of the so-called "threeholy durables", or "3C's", became common among ordinary households. - 厚生労働省


Gross production of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries of Japan (upstream) is ¥600 million (the figure for agriculture and forestry is for 2005 and for fisheries, for 2006), which is about 1% of the GDP. On the other hand, the food-related ultimate consumption expenditure (downstream) by consumers is as much as ¥80 trillion, and accordingly, there is still sufficient room for the expansion of the domestic market based on the replacement of imports and collaboration with home-meal replacement and away-from-home meals industries. - 経済産業省


The amount of tourism consumption in the city, including both consumption by Japanese and foreigner visitors, amounts to ¥77.1 billion, accounting for 22.8% of gross city product,82 and the economic ripple effect derived from an induced production coefficient (2.33 times) tentatively calculated by the city is ¥181.9 billion. The proportion of foreigners to the total number of guests at accommodation facilities has been increasing year after year, and nowadays one out of twelve guests is non-Japanese. Such facts suggest that continuance of commitments for capturing foreign tourists would positively impact the city’s economy in material terms. - 経済産業省

3 内閣理大臣は、飲食料品以外の農林物資(生産の方法又は流通の方法に特色があり、これにより価値が高まると認められるものを除く。)で、一般消者がその購入に際してその品質を識別することが特に必要であると認められるもののうち、一般消者の経済的利益を保護するためその品質に関する表示の適正化を図る必要があるものとして政令で指定するものについては、その指定のあつた後速やかに、その品質に関する表示について、その製造業者等が守るべき基準を定めなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) With regard to agricultural and forestry products other than foods and drinks (except those which have distinctive features in the method of production or distribution and thereby their value are found to be increased) whose quality is found to be particularly distinguished by consumers upon the purchase of them and are designated by Cabinet Order as products whose quality labeling should be appropriate to protect economic interests of consumers, the Prime Minister shall, promptly after the designation, enact a standard for quality labeling, with which the Manufacturer, etc. should comply.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十九条の十三 内閣理大臣は、飲食料品の品質に関する表示の適正化を図り一般消者の選択に資するため、農林物資のうち飲食料品(生産の方法又は流通の方法に特色があり、これにより価値が高まると認められるものを除く。)の品質に関する表示について、内閣府令で定める区分ごとに、次に掲げる事項のうち必要な事項につき、その製造業者等が守るべき基準を定めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 19-13 (1) For the purpose of aiming at proper quality labeling of foods and drinks and thereby helping consumers choose them, the Prime Minister shall enact a standard to be observed by Manufacturer, etc. concerning necessary matters among those listed in the following, for each division as prescribed in Cabinet Office Ordinance, as regards the quality labeling of foods and drinks out of agricultural and forestry products (except those which have distinctive features in the method of production or distribution and thereby their value are found to be increased):  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



In this environment, to promote even more efficient economic activities, to raise productivity, to bring benefits to consumers, and to ensure the surplus for as long as possible, the following efforts become essential: (a) Increase total foreign trade and pursue the benefits of bilateral trade, both imports and exports, not only for the purpose of acquiring foreign currency, (b) Raise productivity by acquiring new technologies and business know-how through greater inward FDI and outward FDI, (c) Make improvements in the international business environment towards liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, thereby making Japan both a “foreign trade country” and aninvestment country.” - 経済産業省


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