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該当件数 : 34


なお、関東地域の電力部門(約760 億円、全体の1.9%)や運輸部門(約640 億円、同1.6%)といったインフラ部門からの中間投入も関東地域の自動車部門への投入割合に比べても多くなっている。例文帳に追加

In addition, the intermediate input from infrastructure sector such as electricity sector (approximately 76 billion yen, 1.9% of the whole) and transportation sector (approximately 64 billion yen, 1.6%) in Kanto region is much more in comparison with the percentage of input into the automobile sector in Kanto region. - 経済産業省


To integrally manage the power information of a department database in each management department, by using an integrated main database, to perform analysis of a power system and the operation evaluation of power facilities, and to provide the evaluation result to the management department. - 特許庁


In particular, a regression equation is stored which holds between the aggregated value of the power consumption for every division or process and an index showing the degree of activity for the division or the process, and a phenomenon is detected in which the power consumption for every division or process and the power consumption calculated by the regression equation largely separates. - 特許庁


A department database management system 13, arranged at each management department 11, converts the power information of each department database 12 into a prescribed standard format (RDF) and transmits it to a communication network 19. - 特許庁


なお、関東地域の運輸部門(約1,060 億円、全体の1.2%)や電力部門(約770 億円、全体の0.9%)といったインフラ部門からの中間投入も比較的多い。例文帳に追加

In addition, there is relatively much intermediate input from infrastructure sector, for example, transportation sector (approximately 106 billion yen, 1.2% of the total) and electricity sector (approximately 77 billion yen, 0.9% of the total) in Kanto region. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the impact of these sectors. - 経済産業省



Basic data for calculation of electric power consumption by the production department of a company A is divided by the total number of products manufactured by the production department to calculate electric power consumption per product (S44). - 特許庁


To quickly and consistently determine whether or not applications for electricity use from customers should be referred to a design department in a power company. - 特許庁


The bill to partially amend the Act on the Rational Use of Energy(Energy conservation Act) was submitted to the Diet (March 2012), which incorporates measures for peak demand reduction of electricity use and energy conservation measures in the consumer sector. - 経済産業省


Each imaging apparatus determines total power consumption for each section based on the received content and the content of the power management table A in its own apparatus and then updates a relevant column of the power management table A. - 特許庁



In the power management table B, execution of a job accepted anew is prohibited for a section where power consumption exceeds an upper limit. - 特許庁



The main database 14 stores the power information of each department database 12 of the prescribed specification format which is converted by each department database management system 13, and a main database management system 17 manages the power information stored in the main database 15. - 特許庁


The total management device 2 is set in a management department of an electric power company located in each area, and the management device manages information related to user personal information and power contract, acquires a power usage of each user from the master device 3, and calculates and stores an electricity rate for each predetermined period. - 特許庁


To perform accurate power system analysis reflected with detailed equipment data of a plurality of control departments when performing power system analysis by connecting a plurality of partial systems. - 特許庁


To improve the system reliability for totalizing and outputting the power consumption for every division or process from a measured value of a watt-hour meter placed anywhere in power distribution facilities. - 特許庁


For the purpose of proceeding Electricity System Reform to realize full liberalization of entry to electricity retail business and legal unbundling of the transmission and distribution sectors,the government will submit a bill to amend the Electricity Business Act at the next extaordinary Diet session. - 経済産業省


Each imaging apparatus accumulates power consumed by its own apparatus for each section using the power management table A, transmits the accumulation results to other imaging apparatus, and receives the content of the power management table A transmitted from other imaging apparatus. - 特許庁


Under the aggravating war situation such as during the Manchurian Incident and World War Ⅱ, 'Ordinance for Electricity Distribution Control' came into force in 1941 as part of the economic control measures; moreover, Kyoto Dento was dissolved in April 1942 after assigning the electric generation and transmission division to Japan Electric Generation and Transmission Company Co., Ltd., and the electric distribution division to Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., and Hokuriku Electric Power Company Co., Inc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even if the data to be checked is determined to be basic data for calculation of electric power consumption by the production department of a company C or a company B in S43, similar processing is executed in S44 and S45. - 特許庁


Crown Prince Naruhito mentioned in his speech that Spain's Prince of Asturias Concord Award had been awarded to the workers who bravely struggled at Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami in 2011. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The data is stored in a predetermined storage area of a data storage part 29 as data for determining a reference value of environmental loads for the production department of the company A (S45). - 特許庁


To provide an information display device that is reducible in power consumption and enables abnormality occurrence to speedily be reported to a management department if the abnormality occurs in a standby mode. - 特許庁


When seeing this in each sector, we can see that not only "Oil and Coal Product" depends on imports, but also "Electric Machine", "Information and Communications Equipment", "Electronic Parts" and "Electricity, Gas and Heat Supply" are declining remarkably. - 経済産業省


Transport, telecommunications, electricity and other key service sectors are crucial not only in terms of absorbing employment, but also as infrastructure for corporate economic activities. - 経済産業省


Drive the full retail choice, full liberalization of power generation and legal unbundling, and encourage entry of diverse groups and the integration and cooperation of various business sectors (electricity, gas, telecommunication, etc.) through the Electricity System Reform in order to create new businesses.  - 経済産業省


The power company terminal 4 is installed in the control department of the power company, computes and stores the maintenance management cost by the power company, tabulates the maintenance and management cost for this fiscal year at the end of the fiscal year, and makes a retrieval request about maintenance management cost to the facility maintenance cost management server 2 while transmitting the summary value to the facility maintenance cost management server 2. - 特許庁

同年7月に「電力システム改革の基本方針」を取りまとめ。 「国民に開かれた電力システム」の構築を目指し、①小売全面自由化や料金規制の撤廃 ②発電の全面自由化や卸電力市場の活性化 ③送配電部門の広域性・中立性の確保や地域間連系線の強化等を基本方針として提言。例文帳に追加

Basic Policy on Electricity System Reform” was compiled in July 2012 with the aim of establishing electricity power systems open to the public, and proposed (i)full liberalization of the retail market and abolishment of rate regulation, (ii) full liberalization of power generation and revitalization of wholesale power exchange markets, and (iii) securing of the extensiveness and the neutrality of the power transmission/distribution sector, and enhancement of inter-area networks, etc. as a basic policy - 経済産業省


We look to the Government of Ukraine to accelerate the fundamental reforms in the energy sector, including improvements in cash collection and privatization, to encourage financially viable investments in power generation and distribution and in energy efficiency.  - 財務省


To provide an automatic power supply control system which automatically performs turning off the main power supply of a computer to reduce standby power and turning off the lighting, air-conditioning or the like connected to the same distribution board for every specified unit such as every floor or every section. - 特許庁

・企業部門 中国の高成長は、活発な民間企業の活躍に支えられている面が強いが、依然として、電力、石油・石油化学、通信、石炭、運輸等のように規制等によって、国有企業が独占的な状態を維持している分野も多い。例文帳に追加

? Enterprise sector High growth in China is supported mainly by the vigorous activity of private firms, but many sectors including electricity, petroleum and petrochemicals, telecommunications, coal, and transportation are kept under absolute control by state enterprises. - 経済産業省


(i) Assessment by the Expert Committee on Reviewing Electricity Rates Applications for increases in electricity rates filed by power companies are strictly assessed in neutral and objective deliberations by the Expert Committee on Reviewing Electricity Rates to determine whether their proposed rates have taken into account maximum business efficiency. - 経済産業省


In a facility maintenance management system 1, a facility maintenance cost management server 2 is installed in a control department of a power company, computes and stores the maintenance management cost of the irrigation compensation facility, receives a retrieval request from a local terminal 3 or a power company terminal 4, performs retrieval and transmits a retrieval result to the terminal concerned. - 特許庁


The present invention serves as criteria for decision, determination, and evaluation in the transition of overall energy source to electricity in current internal combustion engine automobiles (including hybrid vehicles) that use petroleum-based fuel as its energy source, and smooth advancement of the introduction of electric vehicles that carry a flywheel power storage device, of which energy-saving effects and CO_2 emission control effects are anticipated. - 特許庁

(ⅰ)電力システム改革により電力の小売を全面自由化し、多様な主体の参入、異業種との融合を促し、創意工夫を凝らした新たなビジネスの展開を促進する。また、電力会社や料金の選択を自由に行うために必要なスマートメーターの導入を進めるとともに、個人情報利用ルールの整備を行う。【2016 年目途に実施】さらに、送配電部門の中立性の一層の確保を着実に進め、新たなイノベーションを誘発し得る電力システムを実現する。 【2018∼2020 年を目途に実施】例文帳に追加

(i) Fully liberalize the electricity retail market, and encourage entry of diverse groups and the integration with various business sectors through the Electricity System Reform in order to create new businesses that use inventiveness. Promote the adoption of smart meters necessary to freely choose an electricity supplier and rate plan, and develop rules on use of personal information. (Implement by 2016) Realize an electricity system that can trigger new innovations by taking steady steps to further secure neutrality of the electricity transmission and distribution sectors. (Implement by 2018 and 2020)  - 経済産業省



More recently, the Private Sector Department in the Bank, in particular, has undertaken a number of innovative projects with high levels of development effectiveness such as a local currency bond guarantee for toll road construction and support of a program to expand the supply of power to the poor in rural areas. These projects succeeded in drawing upon private capital flows, or in realizing projects which were unable to be originated by private sector alone.  - 財務省


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