
「dances」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(7ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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The scene of 'Takesu' (literally means 'Sparrow and Bamboo') is so called because Omiwa is told by court ladies (who bully her) to sing Mago-uta (a kind of folk song sung by packhorse drivers) of 'Take ni Suzume no' (Sparrow and Bamboo) to be allowed to see Motome, and she dances with her right shoulder bared, the bottom left of her clothes folded, a cloth headband on her head, and a spool in her hands. 例文帳に追加

「竹雀」の由来は、お三輪が官女(いじめの官女)たちに、求女に会いたければ「竹に雀の」馬子歌を歌えと言われ、右肌を脱ぎ左の裾を端折り、手拭いの鉢巻に糸を巻くおだまきを持って踊ることに由来する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, Miko no mai (Shrine maidens' dance) as well as many kinds of entertainment among the common people and professional performers that have been passed down to the present day, including the "show business (Sumo) as Shinto ritual" or various kinds of mai (dance) like the Matoi (flaming flag) mai, shishi (lion) mai, Kagura (musical dances including Miko no mai) and Daikagura (spinning tricks and acrobatics), were originally types of ritual prayer intended to honor and appease the gods. 例文帳に追加

また巫女の舞や庶民や芸能の芸として現在に受け継がれる「神事としての興行(相撲)」や舞(纏舞い・獅子舞)や神楽(巫女の舞など)や太神楽(曲独楽・軽業)なども神に捧げ神を和ぎ(かんなぎ)させるための祈りとしての祈祷である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When it is detected in a detection means that a player dances corresponding to the display contents of the monitor 3 and fetched from a dance operation monitoring part 111, a score corresponding to timing deviation is calculated in a deviation amount detection/integration part 106 and then evaluation is performed in the rhythm setting part 107.例文帳に追加

プレーヤがモニタ3の表示内容に従ってダンスを行ったことが検知手段で検出され、ダンス動作監視部111から取り込まれると、ずれ量検出/積算部106でタイミングずれに応じた得点が算出され、次いでリズム設定部107で評価が行われる。 - 特許庁

To feel free to do many kinds of dances at low price in a game parlor or a karaoke (recorded accompaniment) room where the young are easy to walk in, to give lessons in dancing at need, and to activate the game parlor and the karaoke room.例文帳に追加

本発明は、若者が入りやすいゲームセンターやカラオケボックスにおいて多種類のダンスを気軽にかつ低廉な金額にて踊ることを可能とすると共に、必要に応じてダンスの教授を可能とする上、ゲームセンターやカラオケボックスの活性化を図ることを課題とする。 - 特許庁


To make it easy to learn dances by providing information required for guiding the action of a dancer such as the position of the body, a moving direction, the length of stride and a rotation angle.例文帳に追加

体の位置、移動方向、歩幅及び回転角度などダンサーの動作を誘導するために必要な情報を提供し、容易にダンスを習得ことが可能なダンサー誘導表示具、ダンス用教本、ダンス教示用システム及び記録媒体を提供する。 - 特許庁


As the use of the word 'mai' instead of 'odori' suggests in Japanese, the dance is characterized by extremely rigid movements and tension of the body, yet creating rich images with simple motions; inspired by Noh dances when she worked for the Konoe Family, Ichijo Family, and the Sento Imperial Palace, the founder of this dance, Yachiyo INOUE, created a dance that was presentable in front of distinguished persons, and its teaching has been passed down by word of mouth ever since. 例文帳に追加

「躍り」とは言わず「舞」とする点を見てもわかるように、極度に硬い描線と身体の緊張を核として簡素な動きのなかに豊富なイメージを描き出そうとする舞であり、初代井上八千代が近衛家、一条家や仙洞御所づとめの折に能に示唆を得て貴顕の前に披露しても恥ずかしくない舞踊を作ったという口伝をそのままに体現した舞踊であるといえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was decided that a new kagura should be made for the special festivals that were to be held as part of 'the 2,600th anniversary of Imperial rule' on November 10, 1940, and Tadatomo ONO, head of the Imperial Household Ministry's Music Department, composed the dance and music based on traditional Kuniburi no utamai songs and dances. 例文帳に追加

1940年(昭和15年)11月10日に開かれる「皇紀皇紀二千六百年奉祝会」に合わせ、全国の神社で奉祝臨時祭を行うに当たり、祭典中に奉奏する神楽を新たに作ることが立案され、当時の宮内省楽部の楽長である多忠朝が国風歌舞を下地に作曲作舞した神楽舞である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although some traces of ancient style dancing still remain, where shrine maidens whirl back and forth in accordance with traditional ritual rules to cleanse their bodies before being possessed to receive oracles from the gods, modern-style dances (such as the Yaotomemai) that emphasize the elegance of the dancing with graceful chanting of Kagurauta songs are dominant today. 例文帳に追加

前者(「神がかり系」)においては古来の神がかりや託宣の儀式の形式に則って回っては回り返すという動作を繰り返しながら舞うことなどでその身を清めてからその身に神を降すという、その古態を残すところもあるが、現在では優雅な神楽歌にあわせた舞の優美さを重んじた後者(「八乙女系」)がほとんどである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However according to the printed and published book of 'the record of Todai-ji Temple,' it was often written as '媱,' because the character '媱' has the meaning of walking with one shoulder down, of which then the meaning was changed to 'good looking' or 'dances beautifully' or 'playing,' it can be presumed that Princess Sakahito was a woman who was described as 'she was a big spender and preferred to go to luxurious functions like Mando e or socializing with wealthy friends.' 例文帳に追加

しかし「東大寺要録」の版本や刊本には「媱行」と書かれているものが多く、「媱」の字には「肩を曲げて歩くさま」から転じて「見目良い」「美しく舞う」「戯れる」といった意味があるため、むしろ「浪費が激しく、豪華絢爛な交友や、万燈会などの華やかな催しを好んだ女性」とみるのが適切であろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The way he danced the Seigaiha play was described in detail in diaries including "Gyokuyo" (Kanezane KUJO's diary) and "Angen Onga no Nikki" (the record of the ceremony celebrating Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa's 50th birthday), where FUJIWARA no Takafusa, who attended the ceremony, describes the scene as 'Koremori comes out and dances a Rakuson dragon dance in the Iriaya style, wearing a blue Uenokinu coat and an Uenohakama kilt that matched his complexion, his expression, and his aura, which filled the atmosphere and fascinated the audience; the beauty and magnificence of his dance was no less than those of the cherry blossoms he was wearing.' 例文帳に追加

青海波の様子は『玉葉』や『安元御賀日記』などにも詳細に記されており、臨席した藤原隆房はその様子を「維盛少将出でて落蹲(らくそん)入綾をまふ、青色のうえのきぬ、すほうのうへの袴にはへたる顔の色、おももち、けしき、あたり匂いみち、みる人ただならず、心にくくなつかしきさまは、かざしの桜にぞことならぬ」と書いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an animation creation apparatus capable of easily creating presence such that a user himself/herself dances with a character by switching a plurality of specific object images and the back images of the object images periodically or according to the direction of the character and combining the images with the character.例文帳に追加

複数の特定オブジェクト画像およびこのオブジェクト画像の背面画像を、周期的または前記物体キャラクタの向きに応じて切り替えて、前記物体キャラクタに合成することにより、ユーザ自身がキャラクタといっしょに踊っているような臨場感を簡易に生成できるアニメーション作成装置を提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁


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