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Even now chigomage is sometimes worn by girls when they take part in Shichi-go-san (a day of prayer for the healthy growth of young children) events, Jusan Mairi (a visit to a shrine or temple to celebrate being 13 years old), festivals and so on (however, today gaily dressed girls mainly wear Yuiwata [hair style like cotton wrapped up] or Katsuyama-mage [hair style with combs and pins], so that chigomage is not to be seen very often). 例文帳に追加

現在でも七五三や十三参り、祭礼などに参加する少女が結うことがある(但し、現在では晴れ着の少女の髪形は結綿や勝山髷が主流で稚児髷は思ったほど多くない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Fudasho (temples where amulets are collected) etc.: Daibutsu-den (the Great Buddha Hall) - First of the Nanto Shichi Daiji (the seven great temples of Nanto [Nara]); Sashizu-do (the hall to the west of Daibutsu-den) - 11th of the Honen Shonin Nijugo Reiseki (twenty-five places which relate to Honen Shonin); 14th of the 'shinbutsu reijo junpai no michi' (150 pilgrimage routes of Buddhist and Shinto holy places) 例文帳に追加

札所等南都七大寺1番(大仏殿)法然上人二十五霊跡11番(指図堂)神仏霊場巡拝の道第14番 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, glorious events such as Michinaga's promotion and her granddaughter FUJIWARA no Shoshi's judai (an Imperial Consort's bridal entry into court) followed, and Bokushi's Shichi-ju san no shuho(Rituals of exorcism or removing evil influences at 70 years old) was held on a large scale by Michinaga and Rinshi in 1001. 例文帳に追加

その後、道長の昇進、孫娘の藤原彰子の入内などが続き、長保3年(1001年)の穆子の七十算の修法(70歳を祝う加持祈祷)は、道長夫妻の主催によって大規模に行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The word "Ubusuna-mode" (visiting one's own birth god) became widely used and the custom of Ubusuna-mode became popular on such occasions as the coming-of-age ceremony and Shichi-go-san (a day of prayer for the healthy growth of young children). 例文帳に追加

そして産土詣での語が一般に使われるようになり、生まれた子の初詣をはじめ、成年式、七五三等に産土詣でをする風習が盛んになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is read as 'Hotoke mo Kirisuto mo nanimokamo hakkiri tasukete shichi muzukashi gokuro no nai yo ga kurukara mitama wo fudan ni migaite hitosuji no makoto wo toshite kureyo.' (Everything including Buddha and Christ will help clearly to make the world without any difficult troubles, so please improve your spirit constantly and keep being honest) 例文帳に追加

これについても、読み方は「仏もキリストも何もかも、ハッキリ助けてシチ難しい御苦労の無い世がくるからミタマを不断に磨いて一筋のマコトを通して呉れよ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Korokan was forced to move to the Shichi-jo Street (the seventh street) for constructing Toji and Saiji Temples during the Konin period (810-824), with the result that two guest houses were built on both sides of the Suzaku-oji Street, and named the Higashi-no-Korokan (east Korokan) and the Nishi-no-Korokan (west Korokan). 例文帳に追加

東寺・西寺の建立のため弘仁年間(810年-824年)に朱雀大路を跨いだ七条に東鴻臚館・西鴻臚館として移転。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

First, in Shichi Shimin sei believed to have been the ruling system employed before the Taika era, tadokoro is understood to be the base for agricultural management that supported the political status of gozoku families as miyake was the management base that supported the sovereignty of the emperor. 例文帳に追加

まず、大化以前の支配体制とされる私地私民制について、屯倉が王権を支える経営拠点であるように、田荘もまた豪族の政治的地位を支える農業経営拠点であると解される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It had the engraved seal of an encircled paulownia, a hexagon, and a written seal mark at the center of the back of the coin, and had either one of the following on on the bottom left: "hisa, sa, take,""hisa, ishi, take,""hisa, saka, take,""hisa, u, take," or "hisa, shichi, take." 例文帳に追加

裏面中央に丸枠桐紋、亀甲桐紋、花押の極印、左下に「久・さ・竹」、「久・石・竹」、「久・坂・竹」、「久・宇・竹」、「久・七・竹」のいずれかの極印が打たれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The founder Shinran took the lineage of Tariki Nenbutsu to Shakamuni and Shichi Koso into consideration, and devoted himself to succeed "the teachings of Jodo Shu as the true religion" and to enhance it, through his life after he regarded Honen (the founder of Jodo Shu) as his master. 例文帳に追加

開祖親鸞は、釈尊・七高僧へと継承される他力念仏の系譜をふまえ、法然(浄土宗開祖)を師と仰いでからの生涯に渡り、「真の宗教である浄土宗の教え」を継承し、さらに高めて行く事に力を注いだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Article 1 in the Kaishin no Mikotonori edict, however, banned such private ownership and control of lands and people and declared the establishment of a system that the emperor (the public) should own and rule all the lands and pelple, in other words, the conversion of Shichi Shimin sei (private ownership) to Kochi Komin sei (public ownership). 例文帳に追加

ところが、改新の詔第1条は、こうした私的所有・支配を禁止し、全ての土地・人民は天皇(公)が所有・支配する体制の確立、すなわち私地私民制から公地公民制への転換を宣言するものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From ancient times, a culture forming Japan, or a mode of life or custom of people living in this country has rooted in the sense of worth based on a religion, and an influence of religion can be seen in various scenes such as industries including agriculture, forestry, fishery, civil engineering and construction, or seasonal events and festivals including New Years festivals, Shichi-go-san (a day of prayer for the healthy growth of young children), etc., traditional performing arts, Budo (martial arts), etc. 例文帳に追加

古来、日本をかたちづける文化あるいはこの国に棲む人々の風俗や習慣には、宗教に基づく価値観が深く根ざしており、農業・林業・水産業、土木・建築などの諸産業、あるいは正月、七五三他の季節行事・祭、また伝統芸能、武道など、さまざまな場面で宗教の影響を見ることができる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A phenomenon of Shichi-go-san (celebration for children of three, five and seven years of age) at the Seijin-shiki ceremony means the phoenomenon that, even though dressing gorgeously externally, young people participating in the ceremony were caught up in talking with friends whom they had not seen for a long time, did not show interest in the speeches or lectures by the head of the autonomy body holding the ceremony, and they became noisy during the ceremony, and as a result, the Seijin-shiki ceremony which was originally where they are to make up their minds as independent adults has turned into an opportunity to expose the moral degeneration of young people. 例文帳に追加

成人式での七五三現象とは、式に出席する若者が、外面的には着物で豪華に着飾っていても、会場では久し振りに会った友人との談笑などに熱中する余り、主催する自治体首長などの式辞・講演に関心を示さず式典が騒がしくなり、その結果、本来一人前の大人としての決意をすべき場である成人式が、かえって若者のモラル低下を露見させる場となってしまう現象のことを言う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Hososhiyo-sho", when the Myobo-ke (judicial officials) interpreted Yororitsuryo Sagi-ritsu (punitive clause regarding fabrication of official documents and government properties under the Yororitsuryo code) earlier, it was described that the fabrication of the Daijo Tenno Zen (a decree by the Retired Emperor) is a crime comparable to the fabrication of the Shosho (an imperial decree), which shows that the concept of inzen could have been in use early in the history. Nonetheless, the first record which mentions the term inzen is "Encho Shichi-nen Daijingu Kanchu", taken from "Dai Nihon Shiryo" (the Historical Materials of Japan) Vol.1, no.6, which was a document that, upon receipt of an imperial decree from Emperor Uda in 927, Ise-jingu Shrine issued as the Emperor Uda's instructions to Shingun (a district designated as a sanctuary which enjoyed certain privileges under an Imperial charter). 例文帳に追加

『法曹至要抄』によれば、養老律令詐偽律の解釈を巡る明法家の先例の学説として「太上天皇宣」の偽造は詔書と同一の罪に当たるとする説を挙げており早くから知られていた可能性があるが、院宣に関する記録の初見は延長(日本)7年(927年)の宇多天皇が伊勢神宮に宣旨を下されたことを受けて神宮側がその指示を神郡に向けて発した「延長七年大神宮勘注」(『大日本史料』一之六)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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