
英訳・英語 empty
該当件数 : 11件
To provide a flat plate-like perforated metal plate which is used as a plate for a fence such as a windbreak fence, a snow protection fence, a sand protection fence or a screen fence, and the fence using the flat plate-like perforated metal plate. - 特許庁
To suitably weld a filter to a base material by improving a welding strength and preventing a defect such as scorching, perforating or the like. - 特許庁
The mask 15 is a scattering stencil mask, in which a bored pattern 15a is formed on a film 15b through which as illumination beam passes being scattered. - 特許庁
a colored glassy compound (opaque or partially opaque) that is fused to the surface of metal or glass or pottery for decoration or protection発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
Both surfaces of the glass are polished and ground during a polishing process G to complete the perforated insulating substrate 20, having a plurality of through holes formed on a glass plate. - 特許庁
By constituting the perforated hollow core bar of the roller from a plurality of layers and deviating the positions of the holes, the temperature unevenness of a surface layer is improved while gaining the strength. - 特許庁
To prevent perforation from occurring in a part just below an external electrode on the inside surface of a glass vessel even when an external electrode type discharge lamp is lit with a voltage equal to that of a conventional one. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 11件
To prevent a perforation phenomenon at a part directly under an external electrode at the inner wall of a glass vessel of an external electrode type discharge lamp, under the lighting condition the same as the condition in the past. - 特許庁
To prevent occurrence of a hole in the part immediately under an electrode in the inside face of a glass container in an electric discharge lamp of the external electrode type even when the lamp is lit at the same voltage as in a conventional discharge lamp. - 特許庁
While the caring wear 1 can be widely opened by the side fastener 3 and the crotch fastener 5 and the wearing and removal of the nursing wear 1 is facilitated, the bottom stop 3c to the sleeve fastener 3 is positioned between the knee and the edge of the sleeve bottom of the person to keep the fastener from the sleeve bottom. - 特許庁
To provide an advertising device for automobile rear window pane glass that reduces staining and damage of a perforated plastic film where an advertisement is printed, can display a clear advertisement surface for a long period, and is easily attached to and detached from a rubber frame. - 特許庁
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