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英訳・英語 European Investment Bank
該当件数 : 9件
In cases where a Financial Instruments Business Operator calculates the value of the interest rate risk equivalent based on the standard approach, the following shall be deemed to fall under the category of international organizations: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Finance Corp. Asian Development Bank Inter-American Development Bank African Development Bank European Investment Bank Nordic Investment Bank European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Caribbean Development Bank Social Development Fund of the Council of Europe発音を聞く - 金融庁
In cases where a Financial Instruments Business Operator calculates the value of the counterparty risk equivalent based on the standard approach, the following shall be deemed to fall under the category of international organizations: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Finance Corp. Asian Development Bank Inter-American Development Bank African Development Bank European Investment Bank Nordic Investment Bank European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Caribbean Development Bank Social Development Fund of the Council of Europe発音を聞く - 金融庁
We also call on the Georgian authorities, other countries, the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Asian Development Bank, European Investment Bank, and European Commission to promptly identify and support reconstruction needs and the restoration of services that will build a base for future economic growth.発音を聞く - 財務省
資本収支は、2011 年9月に、欧州債務危機の影響で、欧州金融機関等の海外投資家のリスク回避傾向が強まり、「その他投資」(銀行融資等)を中心に大幅な流出超を記録した。例文帳に追加
In September 2011, the capital balance recorded significantly excess outflow mainly in “other investments” (bank finance, etc.) due to an increased tendency to avoid risk by overseas investors such as European financial institutions resulting from the European debt crisis. - 経済産業省
European banks withdrew capital from emerging economies in an effort to have as much funds as possible on hand and be prepared for a possible credit crunch, while markets saw investors stepping up their risk-aversion stance. - 経済産業省
Euro Area members will foster intra Euro Area adjustment through structural reforms to strengthen competitiveness in deficit countries and to promote demand and growth in surplus countries.The European Union members of the G20 are determined to move forward expeditiously on measures to support growth including through completing the European Single Market and making better use of European financial means, such as the European Investment Bank (EIB), pilot project bonds, and structural and cohesion funds, for more targeted investment, employment, growth and competitiveness, while maintaining the firm commitment to implement fiscal consolidation to be assessed on a structural basis.発音を聞く - 財務省
The ABCPs that investment funds use in procuring funds mature between one and three months. Therefore, in cases where a refinancing issue of ABCPs was not able to be achieved between financial institutions, the investment funds affiliated with banks were instead entering agreements (commitments) to have liquid funds supplied. European banks in particular, which started later in the securitization business, were providing commitments to affiliated funds which were larger than they could endure, and this made their losses larger. - 経済産業省
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Weblio例文辞書での「欧州投資銀行」に類似した例文 |
the Industrial Bank
the bank of issue
the Agricultural and Industrial Bank
the central bank of Germany
a big bank
the bank rate
該当件数 : 9件
What lay behind such capital withdrawals are, among others: Private banks of Europe withdrew from emerging economies loans that had been made to businesses, sold their stocks, government bonds, commodities and other items to get cash, and thereby secured dollar funds on hand and prepared themselves for a possible credit crunch due to arrive upon a further deepening of the debt crisis; and investors strengthened their risk-off stance and sold volatile stocks issued in emerging economies. - 経済産業省
2011 年8 月の米国国債の格下げや欧州債務危機の 深刻化を受けて、それまで活況を呈していた海外から の証券投資は一気に落ち込み(第1-6-1-5 図)、9 月 にはブラジル・レアルのみならずメキシコ・ペソ、チ リ・ペソなどの主要中南米通貨が大幅に下落し、外貨 準備による自国通貨の買い支えも一部行われた(第 1-6-1-6 図)中南米地域ではスペイン系の銀行のプレゼンスが大 きく、ブラジル、メキシコに対する外国籍金融機関の 与信残高のうち4 割程度がスペインからのものとなっ ていることから(第1-6-1-7 図及び第1-6-1-8 図)、 欧州における銀行の資本増強の一環として中南米にお けるリスク資産の切離しが急速に進めば、信用収縮の 原因となる可能性がある。例文帳に追加
A downgrade of U.S.government bonds in August 2011 and the worsening of the European debt crisis resulted in a sharp decline in securities investment by foreign investors which had been experiencing a boom to that point (see Figure 1-6-1-5).In September, not only the Brazilian real but also other major Central and South American currencies such as Mexico's peso and Chile's peso sharply declined, and foreign exchange intervention was partly implemented by buying the country's own currency with foreign currency reserves (see Figure 1-6-1-6).Spanish banks have a large presence in Central and South American regions, and represents about 40 % of credit to Brazil and Mexico by foreign-registered financial institutions (see Figure 1-6-1-7 and Figure 1-6-1-8).Therefore, credit contraction may be caused due to rapid separation of risk assets in Central and South America which is implemented as a part of bank recapitalization in Europe. - 経済産業省
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