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意味・対訳 資本構成

日英・英日専門用語辞書での「composition of capital」の意味

composition of capital

「composition of capital」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 16


Figure 2-3-20: Trade composition for area according to production stage (Import of Parts, Import of Capital goods, Export and Import of Final consumption goods)例文帳に追加

第2-3-20図 生産工程別に見た地域構成(部品輸入、資本財輸入、消費財輸出入) - 経済産業省

In recent years, the composition ratio of public capital formation to GDP remains at the lowest level .例文帳に追加

GDPに占める公的資本形成の構成比は、近年過去最低水準で推移している。 - 厚生労働省

The impact of such valuation losses on the capital adequacy ratio varies according to the composition of a bank’s capital and the contents of its portfolio. It is true that under the capital adequacy regulations, when evaluation losses arise on holdings of “other securities,” the loss amount is deducted from the tier 1 core capital, which leads to a decrease in the upper limit on the tier 2 supplementary capital, meaning that the capital adequacy ratio may drop further accordingly.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

有価証券の評価損が自己資本比率に与える影響は銀行の資本の構成等により、あるいはポートフォリオの中身等によりさまざまでありますけれども、自己資本比率規制上いわゆる「その他有価証券」の評価損が生じた場合、これが自己資本の基本的項目(ティア1)から控除されることにともない、補完的項目(ティア2)の上限も同時に減少することとなりますので、その分更に自己資本比率を低下させる可能性があるということは事実でございます - 金融庁

Firstly, what kind of shareholder composition do SMEs that have received venture capital investment have?例文帳に追加

はじめに、ベンチャーキャピタルから出資を受けている中小企業では、どのような株主構成となっているのであろうか。 - 経済産業省

Subsequently, observation of the composition of the goods imported and exported by air reveals that capital goods comprise 80% of exports and 60% of imports. This implies that air transportation represents a particularly important means of distribution for Japanese companies that are competitive in highly value-added parts and capital goods in the East Asian production network (see Figure 2-4-66).例文帳に追加

次に、2006年の航空貨物の輸出入品目構成を見ると、輸出の80%、輸入の60%を資本財が占めており、東アジア生産ネットワークの中で付加価値の高い部品、資本財に競争力を有する我が国企業にとって、航空輸送は特に重要な輸送手段であるといえる(第2-4-66図)。 - 経済産業省

One of the characteristics of equity finance is that it allows companies to strengthen their financial base through the introduction of capital-like funds which carry no repayment obligation. On the other hand, when capital is introduced from outside players, the composition of shareholders changes and demands for disclosure of detailed financial information can be received from shareholders who are investors.例文帳に追加

エクイティ・ファイナンスの特徴として、企業は返済義務のない資本性資金の導入により財務基盤を強化できる一方、資本を外部の主体から導入した場合、株主構成が変化し、投資家である株主からは詳細な財務内容の開示等を求められることが挙げられる。 - 経済産業省


Of course, the most appropriate exchange rate regime might differ from country to country, due to differences in the size of a nation's economy, the composition of its trade partners, the composition of its major trade items, the degree of its capital account liberalization, the nation's past experience with inflation, and other factors.例文帳に追加

もちろん、最も適切な為替相場制度は、その国の経済規模や貿易相手国の構成、貿易の主要品目の構成、資本自由化の度合い、過去におけるインフレーションの経験などにより、国によって異なります。 - 財務省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「composition of capital」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 16


During 5 years since 2005, the medium industrial category in which the number of the employed increased the most was the industry of "social insurance, social welfare, and care services" (such as welfare and care services for the elderly people), followed by "industries unable to classify," "medical and other health services," "postal activities," "manufacture of general-purpose machinery" and "food take out and delivery services .The number of the employed decreased the most in "construction" followed by "employment and worker dispatching services," "agriculture," "wholesale trade," "postal services" and "manufacture of textile mill products ." (Increasing professional and engineering workers) Looking at the long-term transition of the employment composition by occupation, the ratio of "professional and engineering workers" increased from 6 .6% in 1970 to 14 .5% in 2010, and the ratio of "clerical workers" increased from 14 .0% in 1970 to 18 .4% in 2010 (Figure 16) .(Decrease in public capital formation which greatly affected regional employment) By plotting the relationship between the changes in the composition ratio of public capital formation to the gross prefectural product and the changes in the regional increase rate of the employed and the ratio of the number of workers in the construction industry to the number of workers in the region, we can see that the decrease of public capital formation had a more profound effect on the decrease of the number of workers in the regional blocks including Hokkaido, Tohoku and Shikoku, than the 3 major urban regions, i .e .例文帳に追加

産業中分類別に、2005年からの5 年間で最も就業者数が増えたのは老人福祉・介護事業などの「社会保険・社会福祉・介護事業」であり、以下「分類不能の産業」「医療業」「郵便業」「はん用機械器具製造業」「持ち帰り・配達飲食サービス業」と続く 。 - 厚生労働省

The composition ratios of the capital procured from external sources indicate that the share of policy funds has been rising rapidly since the Asian crisis (1997), and that from the perspective of small and medium-sized enterprises policy financing is indispensable (Table 2.4.10).例文帳に追加

また、外部から資金調達した場合の調達先構成比を見ると、アジア危機(1997年)以後は政策資金の占める割合が急増しており、中小企業の側から見て、政策金融が不可欠な存在になっている10(第2-4-10表)。 - 経済産業省

One challenge toward increase of workers' wage income is the increase of labour productivity; as shown in Figure 23, when the factors for labour productivity change are broken down into the change in capital-labour ratio per worker, change in TFP (total factors productivity), and change in labour allocation, we can see that the TFP change ratio and capital-labour ratio consistently contributed at a considerable level, but the contribution by the industrial composition of workers was negative in the 2000s .例文帳に追加

勤労者の賃金収入の増加のために、労働生産性の上昇が課題となるが、労働生産性変化を第23図のとおり労働者1 人当たり資本装備率の変化、TFP(全要素生産性)の変化、労働力配分の変化に要因分解すると、TFP変化率、資本装備率は一貫して大きく寄与してきたが、労働者の産業構成については2000年代はマイナスの寄与となっている 。 - 厚生労働省

Many SMEs believe that freedom in management declines with changes in the composition of shareholders brought on by the introduction of outside capital, and it can be inferred that quite a number of companies are not interested in public offerings even if they can satisfy listing criteria.例文帳に追加

多くの中小企業が、外部資本の導入により株主構成が変動し、経営の自由度が低くなると考えており、仮に公開基準は満たせても、株式公開を志向していない企業も少なからず存在すると推測できる。 - 経済産業省

We can see a positive correlation between the changing composition ratio of publiccapital formation and the regional increase rate of workers and the ratio of the number of workers in theconstruction industry to the number of workers in the region; the decrease of public capital formation had a moreprofound effect on the decrease of the number of workers in the regional blocks including Hokkaido, Tohoku andShikoku, than the three major urban regions .例文帳に追加

公的資本形成の構成比変化と地域の就業者増加率、地域の就業者数に占める建設業就業者割合には正の相関関係がみられ、公的資本形成の減少は、3 大都市圏に比べ北海道、東北、四国といった地域ブロックにおける就業者の減少に大きな影響を及ぼした。 - 厚生労働省

In a situation in which total foreign assets and total foreign debts increased rapidly after the 1990s, as most of American total foreign assets are held in the form of direct investment or stock acquisition. On the other hand, a high percentage of total foreign debts exist in the form of treasury notes, bonds and bank loan. It is a composition for obtaining capital gain by differences in risk / rate of return between debt and assets.例文帳に追加

対外総資産と総負債が1990年代以降急速に拡大してきた中で、米国の対外総資産の多くが直接投資や株式などの形態で保有されている一方、対外総負債は財務省証券や債券、銀行融資の割合が高く、負債と資産のリスク・収益率の差によりキャピタルゲインを得ている構図となっている。 - 経済産業省

The "First Pillar" of the Basel II frameworkminimum capital requirements, entails such elements as a thorough application of look-trough principle in treating investment funds, and enhanced disclosure by credit rating agencies on individual securitized products, with a view to encouraging financial institutions to understanding the composition of the underlying assets in an appropriate manner.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

バーゼルⅡの枠組みのうち、最低所要自己資本比率の計算に関する「第一の柱」では、例えば、投資ファンドや証券化商品の取扱いについて、ファンドに関するルックスルー原則の徹底や、証券化商品に関する格付会社のディスクロージャーの拡充等を通じ、金融機関がファンド等へ投資を行う際に、その資産内容等を適切に理解するよう誘導する規制となっている。 - 金融庁


4. To strengthen the international monetary system, we agreed to focus our work, in the short term, on assessing developments in global liquidity, a country specific analysis regarding drivers of reserve accumulation, a \\ strengthened coordination to avoid disorderly movements and persistent exchange rates misalignments, a criteria-based path to broaden the composition of the SDR, an improved toolkit to strengthen the global financial safety nets, enhanced cooperation between the IMF and regional financial arrangements, the development of local capital markets and domestic currency borrowing, coherent conclusions for the management of capital flows drawing on country experiences.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

4. 我々は、国際通貨システムを強化するため、短期的には我々の作業の焦点を以下の点に当てることに合意した:世界的な流動性の状況の評価、外貨準備の蓄積の原因に関する各国固有の分析、為替レートの無秩序な動きや継続したファンダメンタルズからの乖離を回避するための協調の強化、SDRの構成通貨を拡大するための基準に則った道筋、グローバルな資金セーフティ・ネットを強化するための諸制度の改善、IMF と地域金融取極の間の協力の強化、地域資本市場や自国通貨での借入れの発展、各国の経験を踏まえた資本移動への対処のための一貫した結論。 - 財務省


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