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該当件数 : 8


第十条 日本弁護士連合会及び弁護士会は、総合法律支援の意義並びに弁護士の使命及び職務の重要性にかんがみ、基本理念にのっとり、会員である弁護士又は弁護士法人による協力体制の充実を図る等総合法律支援の実施及び体制の整備のために必要な支援をするよう努めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 10 (1) The Japan Federation of Bar Associations and local bar associations shall make efforts to provide necessary support for the implementation of comprehensive legal support and the establishment of systems by improving the systems of cooperation between attorneys at law and legal professional corporations which are members of those associations and by other means, by observing the Basic Principles, taking into consideration the significance of comprehensive legal support and the importance of the mission and duties of attorneys at law.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


When it is the general hall call button, in a Step 160, the dwelling story information is transmitted to the elevator serviceable to its hall call button, that is, to the whole car in this embodiment, and the dwelling story information is transmitted only to the specific car when it is the hall call button for the specific car (Step 150). - 特許庁


The Act provides that refugee examination counselors shall be appointed from among persons of reputable character who are capable of making fair judgments on the objection filed in connection with denial of refugee status and who have an academic background in law or current international affairs.  - 特許庁


In 1992, immediately after the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War had come to an end, Francis Fukuyama, the U.S. political scholar, authored the bookThe End of History.” But, looking at the conflicts frequently happening in different parts of the world due to a rising tide of nationalism and religious fundamentalism, we can see now that it is perhaps optimistic to assume that history has ended with the world converging on democracy and market-oriented regimes.  - 財務省



According to the present invention, a spectrum of a flicker frequency is detected by performing frequency analysis on a change of a signal level, a change in an initial phase of the spectrum in continuous fields or frames is judged, and a flicker component of a video signal is suppressed. - 特許庁



The method for forming a circuit pattern includes steps of: exfoliating resist by dissolving the resist film on the circuit board after forming patterns by an exfoliating solution including dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid; surface activating the surface of a substrate by cyanide sodium after alcohol-defatting the substrate after the resist exfoliation step; and cleaning the circuit board with its surface activated by the surface activation step. - 特許庁

(ⅰ)戦略分野を特定し、出口を見据え、総力を結集して研究開発等を推進しイノベーションにつなげていくための司令塔として、「総合科学技術会議」の機能を強化する。これにより、府省の縦割りを廃し、産学官の連携を抜本的に強化し、高い科学技術力が最終製品・サービスまで到達できていない我が国の現状を打破する。 【本年8月までに法改正を含む工程表策定】例文帳に追加

(i) Strengthen the functions of the Council for Science and Technology Policy as headquarter for identifying strategic sectors, focusing on results, and carrying out R&D through collective efforts. Accordingly, this overcomes Japan’s current situation which, despite having technological prowess, technology does not culminate in final products and services due to uncoordinated R&D among the Government, universities, and the private sector. (By August, establish schedule, including for legal revision)  - 経済産業省



The ban was fully lifted in December 2007, with the sales of all insurance products approved as a result and, now that roughly three years have passed, the steps for prevention of harmful practices are slated to be changed as necessary on the basis of monitoring results and other information from the perspective of the protection and convenience of insurance policyholders, etc. However, I do not feel it appropriate to make a definite statement about any future orientation now. From what I heard, however, over-the-counter sales make up 1 percent of non-life insurance sales and approximately 6 percent of life insurance sales, which are the figures that I believe have been reported to me. Judging from those, it seems to me that the firewall or information on financing deals is protected fairly strictly. I recall the debate that took place in the past about the possible highly negative impact of the insurance sales by banks on the livelihood of sales agents marketing life insurance products but some regional banks are actually not engaged in life insurance sales. In the meantime, I hear that the three mega-banks are selling life insurance, but my guess is that it rather reflects their effort to have a full line of products, so to speak. The possibility of the insurance sales by banks posing a real threat to the life insurance industry, particularly the livelihood of life insurance sales agents, was a subject of a heated debate in the LDP as well. It turns out that more liberalization does help add more convenience for the people, as the results show: the over-the-counter sales by banks make up 6 percent of life insurance sales and 1 percent in non-life insurance sales. Let me also point out that it is extremely important to protect life insurance policyholders and that the greater the convenience for prospective policyholders, the more accessible life insurance becomes. I cannot give any definite word at this point in timeif I may be a little daring, however, I would say on the issue of the scheduled review after three years that the statistics look acceptable to me, but that is just my personal opinion.  - 金融庁


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