
「サービス名データベース」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 37



In addition to the three-dimensional feature/geographical name information database 5, the host system 6 is provided with a distribution service subscriber list database 11. - 特許庁


/etc/host resolver configuration file /etc/hosts host database file /etc/nsswitch name service switch configuration "CONFORMING TO"  - JM


The database 12 includes names of service providers (store names), locations, mail addresses, categories of services, service content of the day or default, charges, and service information of reservation situations, etc. - 特許庁


In the database, identification information of the electronic apparatus, and identification information for access and a service name of the service site are registered. - 特許庁



The service server 7 searches a place name/address database (DB) 6 for place name/address data, and transmits them to the terminal device 3. - 特許庁


関数は、プロトコル proto を用いるサービス前 nameにマッチするエントリをデータベースから探し、そのエントリを収めた servent 構造体を返す。例文帳に追加

function returns a servent structure for the entry from the database that matches the service name using protocol proto.  - JM


The service center 5 analyzes the action record information by referring to a map database 51 and a transportation means database 53 and generates and sends the time-series action history table including a plurality of spot names to the user terminal 2 as the request source. - 特許庁


A service server 10 stores electronic program guide (EPG) information, and is connected to a karaoke musical piece data base device 20 and a user data base device 30, and extracts an artist name included in karaoke history information related to a user ID from a karaoke history data base stored in the user data base device 30. - 特許庁


A user terminal or a broker sends a request message from the user to the personal database, the directory service, or a database in charge in the common database system on the basis of the identification ID or a name of the database included in the message, processing such as registration, deletion, update or retrieval is performed according to an instruction code in the message, and a reply is sent. - 特許庁



An image-related information acquisition system comprises a host system 6 with a three-dimensional feature/geographical name information database 5 and a distribution service subscriber list database; and a plurality of mobile terminal devices 3a and the like for receiving feature/geographical name information from the host system 6. - 特許庁



To facilitate preparation of a database of position display information in cross-reference with positional information and to efficiently offer services such as current location name display or the like at terminals of a mobile communication and an external device on the basis of the database. - 特許庁


The service providing device searches a first database and extracts an anonymous identifier associated with the user identifier included in the first authentication request information. - 特許庁


The user registration database stores related information on each user, such as "company name", "business type", "user identifier" and "handled merchandise and service contents." - 特許庁


To provide a technology capable of improving processing performance of naming services by reducing an amount of inquiry sentences to be issued to a database processing side in retrieving a value corresponding to a compound name and an object reference. - 特許庁


The alumni association is provided with a person in charge of life support and a person in charge of farewell support, and a farewell support service center makes the list of trusters and trust contents into database. - 特許庁


When an ID and a password are entered in the database of a card exchange service provider, at the same time, my pages 5 and 6 of the registered person are secured and the ID and the password are sent to the subscriber. - 特許庁


Function of displaying information, such as the name or the like of an object, by searching various kinds of databases based on the photographed image data, or search service using communication means, is added to a camera or a mobile telephone with camera. - 特許庁


The control means receives the service name from the electronic apparatus in which the session is established, and obtains information from the service site using the identification information for access obtained from the database to transmit the information to the electronic apparatus in which the session is established. - 特許庁


To provide a method for distributing a concept mail to a plurality of targets with a distribution mediation service device interposed by integrating customer data bases whose operating main bodies are different while maintaining the anonymity of customers' personal information and the distribution mediation service device. - 特許庁


And, when a customer wants to give service points to another, by notifying the server of the said service points and the name of the person by e-mail, the server retrieves the e-mail address of the said person from the database of customer lists by the name of the said person, adds up the said service points and automatically notifies the customer that the said service points were given.  - 特許庁


And, when a customer wants to give service points to another, by notifying to the server with the said service points and the name of the person by e-mail, the server retrieves the e-mail address of the said person from the database of customer lists by the name of the said person, adds up the said service points, and automatically notifies that the said service points have been given.  - 特許庁


A system is configured in such a way to manage service points of each customer by providing a database of customer lists (including at least, customer names, total service points and e-mail addresses of customers) on a shop server on the Internet, and to add service points when a customer purchases goods via the Internet.  - 特許庁


To provide a secure domain name service for a computer network that includes a portal connected to a computer network such as the Internet, and a domain name database connected to the computer network through the portal. - 特許庁


When a request report of maintenance is received from the personal terminal 20 with product identification information, e.g., product name, and the ID code, the server communicates with the agent terminal 30 of a maintenance agent so that the agent provides the maintenance service to the user. - 特許庁


The credit service providing management system 121 extracts, in response to a request of credit use from the user, the credit data from the IC card, verifies the sign with the public key, decodes the data with its own secret key, and temporarily reflects them to a credit information database 124. - 特許庁


In this system, an electronic mail address is accepted as well as an address, a name, a telephone number of destination by a service accepting work terminal 4, and accepted information of the electronic mail address etc., is transferred to a server 11 to be registered to a data base 12 to be controlled with situations of the delivery. - 特許庁


In order to realize the points service method in the transaction on the Internet, the present invention is configured, by providing a shop with a server, in such a way to manage service points of each customer by providing database of customer lists (including, at least, customer names, total service points, and e-mail addresses of customers) with the said server possessed by the said shop on the Internet, and to add service points when a customer purchases commodities in the transaction on the Internet.  - 特許庁


When the registered persons subscribed to this card exchange service mutually exchange cards and the registered person, who receives the card, inputs the ID of the card exchanging party to his/her own my page in the database while utilizing the portable telephone, card information on the side of the party is transferred from the my page of the card exchanging party to the registered person's own my page. - 特許庁


A successor server which succeeds to services from a server in which a fault has occurred succeeds to a virtual server name (specific computer name) and updates information indicating the correspondence between the virtual server name and a network address of the server in which a fault has occurred to information indicating the correspondence between the virtual server name and a network address of the successor server (Steps S1 and S2). - 特許庁


A user registered as a user into the server uses a terminal device 3 to connect to the disease condition database in the server 2 via the Internet and selects a relevant symptom, so that disease name estimated by the server is searched, and the result is then displayed in the terminal device 3. - 特許庁


This retrieval service for returning, as a result, an objective keyword and an operation method in a tool of a person wishing to know an operation method is provided by designating, as conditions, a tool name of a person knowing the operation method for executing a certain process, the keyword in the tool, a tool name of the person wishing to know the operation method by using the relational database. - 特許庁


A keyword retrieval engine 5 retrieves a merchandise sales (E commerce and auction) page from the extracted page, and an index retrieving means 7 extracts the merchandise name or the service name and the price as indexes from the pertinent page, and makes an index data base 8 store them by associating them with URL to the page. - 特許庁


The relational database is used to provide a search service that, when the tool name for which the operation method of implementing certain processing is known, the keyword in the tool, and the tool name for which the operation method is desired to know are specified as conditions, returns the target keyword and operation method in the latter tool. - 特許庁


When a person 16 requesting purchase inputs personal information and card information in order to purchase a commodity, information related to the terminal of the person 16 such as a remote host name and a remote IP are automatically detected by an authentication server of an online service provider 13 and are collated with a personal information data base 151. - 特許庁


An authentication migration system determines whether or not agreement of a user for migration of authentication means is obtained, by referring to a migration completion flag of a database 2 when the user accesses an authentication server 1, and transmits a screen prompting the user to confirm and approve the authentication migration which includes a list of service names etc. which the user has registered to use, to display it on a user terminal 4. - 特許庁


When the organization which have ordered production of the printed matter such as business cards and postcards purchase goods or services from the other organization, an introduction fee is provided, and the printed matter such as business cards and postcards can be prepared with the introduction fee. - 特許庁


リゾルバ (resolver) はシステムの一部分で, IP アドレスとホストとの変換をおこないます. IP アドレスとホストを対応させるためのマップを,二つの場所のうちの一つから探すように設定できます. 一つめは /etc/hosts (man 5 hosts)と呼ばれるファイルです. 二つめはインターネット ドメインネームサービス (DNS) と呼ばれる分散データベースですが, これに関する議論は このドキュメントで扱う範囲を 越えていますので,これについての説明はおこないません.リゾルバは前のマッピングを おこなうシステムコールの集合体です. ただしどこからマッピング情報を見つけるのかは, 最初に指示しておく必要があります. これは まず /etc/host.conf ファイルを編集することでおこないます.混乱の元になりますので, このファイルを /etc/hosts.conf と呼んだりしてはいけません(余分なs がついていますね).例文帳に追加

What you put in them depends to some extent on whether your ISP allocates IP addresses statically (i.e., you get given one IP address, and always use that one) or dynamically (i.e., your IP address changes each time you connect to your ISP). PPP and Static IP Addresses  - FreeBSD


Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
この対訳コーパスは独立行政法人情報通信研究機構の研究成果であり、Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedでライセンスされています。
Copyright (c) 2001 Robert Kiesling. Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 David Merrill.
The contents of this document are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.
Copyright (C) 1999 JM Project All rights reserved.
Copyright 1994-2010 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. license
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