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該当件数 : 8



According to "Gyokuyo," a Diary of Kanezane KUJO, Yoshitsune who was the leader of the Karamete troops (the force attacking the rear of the enemy force or a castle) took Tanba-jo Castle (Mikusa-yama Mountain) and continued to take the Ichinotani fortress.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A train using model 260 cars of 261-262 was deadheaded to the exclusive track located in the vicinity of Kujoyama (Keage - Hinooka section), and ultimately it was the last train with no passenger service that ran between the vicinity of Kujoyama (on the exclusive track between Keage and Hinooka) and the vicinity of the east crossing on the Misasagi Prefectural Route.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


With respect to Tokitada, Kanezane KUJO criticized, 'Tokitada is a crazy person' (Article for August 21, 1176 in "Gyokuyo") and Jien criticized, 'He acted tactfully, and he was exiled repeatedly' ("Gukansho").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A train using model 80 cars of 93-94 was deadheaded to Keishin-Sanjo Station, and ultimately it was the last train with no passenger service that ran between Keishin-Sanjo and Kujoyama (on the exclusive track between Keage and Hinooka).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Furthermore, while degrees of latitude are almost correctly measured on the basis of astronomical observation, degrees of longitude are less precise due to a lack of well-developed chronometers required for measurement, and lines of longitude deviate a little eastward from the actual position in marginal areas such as Hokkaido and the south Kyushu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is sure that in the letters of Society of Jesus members there was a single proposition to conquer Min Dynasty and Kyusyu region; in fact, Alessandro Valignano advised the General of the Philippines to increase Christian in Japan and use them as troops in order to conquer Min Dynasty in the letter to him as of December 14, 1582, and Pedro de la Cruz advised the head of Society of Jesus that Japanese naval force was weak so that Spanish navy could conquer Kyusyu or Shikoku in the letter to him as of February 25, 1599.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As I mentioned several times, I was a member of the Hashimoto Cabinet when Hokkaido Takushoku Bank and Yamaichi Securities failed in 1997 as a result of a financial crisis, and when Nippon Credit Bank and Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan failed in 1998. At that time, banks engaging in overseas business were required to have a minimum capital adequacy ratio of 8%, and banks focusing on domestic business were required to have a minimum capital adequacy ratio of 4%. Generally speaking, the higher capital adequacy ratio a bank has, the more sound it is. However, if it goes too far, a credit crunch will occur. During the financial crisis, two big department stores located in front of the railway station in my hometown of Kitakyushu failed-a loan buyback provision was also a factor behind this-, and thus, I learned first-hand about the soundness of banks and the impact on the real economy. I related my experiences like this to Ms. Lagarde and Mr. Noyer.  - 金融庁



8. For the purposes of this Article: a) the termprincipal class of sharesmeans the class or classes of shares of a company which in the aggregate represent a majority of the voting power of the company; b) the termshares” shall include depository receipts of shares or trust certificates of shares; c) the termrecognised stock exchangemeans: (i) any stock exchange established by a Financial Instruments Exchange or an approved-type financial instruments firms association under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law (Law No. 25 of 1948) of Japan; (ii) any regulated market established in the Netherlands subject to regulation by the Authority for the Financial Markets (or its successor) under a license as meant in paragraph 1 of Article 5:26 of the Act on Financial Supervision (or its successor) of the Netherlands; (iii) the Irish Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, the Swiss Stock Exchange and the stock exchanges of Brussels, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Madrid, Mexico, Milan, New York, Paris, Seoul, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Toronto and Vienna and the NASDAQ System; and (iv) any other stock exchange which the competent authorities of the Contracting States agree to recognise for the purposes of this Article; d) the termequivalent beneficiarymeans: (i) a resident of a state that has a convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion between that state and the Contracting State from which the benefits of this Convention are claimed such that: (aa) that convention contains provisions for effective exchange of information; (bb) that resident is a qualified person under the limitation on benefits provisions in that convention or, when there are no such provisions in that convention, would be a qualified person when that convention is read as including provisions corresponding to paragraph 2; and (cc) with respect to an item of income referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 10, paragraph 3 of Article 11 or Article 12, 13 or 20 that resident would be entitled under that convention to a rate of tax with respect to the particular class of income for which the benefits are being claimed under this Convention that is at least as low as the rate applicable under this Convention; or (ii) a qualified person by reason of subparagraph a), b), c) or d) of paragraph 2; e) the termassociated enterprisesmeans enterprises which have a relationship with each other as described in subparagraph a) or b) of paragraph 1 of Article 9; and f) the termgross incomemeans the total revenues derived by an enterprise from its business, less the direct costs of obtaining such revenues. - 財務省


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