
「会計方針」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 31



(vi) Accounting policy (1 page) - 経済産業省


(a) Changes in accounting policies with reasonable justification;  - 金融庁


Mandatory application of IFRS has not been decided by the council.  - 金融庁


When a finance plan that was adopted temporarily by a business continues to be applied it is called the principle of consistency. - Weblio英語基本例文集



an accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency or assure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error etc.  - 日本語WordNet



Disclose any relevant assumptions and make appropriate references to the accounting and calculation methodologies and data sources used.  - 経済産業省


This would include, for example, company-level accounting policies and financial policies, management decisions related to the structuring and operation of organizations, and the decision-making process at the management level.  - 金融庁


In addition, the EU intends to require third country companies that are listed in the EU market to prepare consolidated financial statements based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) or those standards deemed as equivalent to the IFRSs from 2009. Accordingly, the FSA, in co-operation with the European Commission, will monitor the progress made toward convergence from both sides, and promote dialogue with the aim that the Japanese accounting standards will be recognized as being equivalent to the IFRSs.  - 金融庁


Specifically, information to be disclosed may be on the current state of action related to financial statements (the current state of action on contribution to standard setting, state of progress in development of appropriate accounting manual and implementation of training, such as participation in external training programs, related to accounting standards (including IFRS)).  - 金融庁



I know that there was a media report that Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the FSA are considering it. However, our basic policy has not changed.  - 金融庁



We have been discussing with major relevant parties the policy of making more active contributions to international rule-making relating to accounting standards by steadily expanding voluntary application.  - 金融庁


Fifth, regarding the introduction of international accounting standards, I will consider Japan's policy from a comprehensive perspective while taking account of the international situation and developments related to industry and small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs).  - 金融庁


Therefore, as further deliberation will be conducted regarding the future application of IFRS, it has not been decided to introduce mandatory application.  - 金融庁

2 監査人は、財務諸表が一般に公正妥当と認められる企業会計の基準に準拠して適正に表示されているかどうかの判断に当たっては、経営者が採用した会計方針が、企業会計の基準に準拠して継続的に適用されているかどうかのみならず、その選択及び適用方法が会計事象や取引を適切に反映するものであるかどうか並びに財務諸表の表示方法が適切であるかどうかについても評価しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) In reaching a conclusion as to whether the financial statements are presented fairly in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, the auditor shall evaluate whether accounting policies selected by management are consistently applied in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, whether they appropriately reflect subject events or transactions as well as the appropriateness of the financial statements presentation.  - 金融庁

2 監査人は、経営者が採用した会計方針の選択及びその適用方法、財務諸表の表示方法に関して著しく不適切なものがあり、財務諸表が全体として虚偽の表示に当たると判断した場合には、財務諸表が不適正である旨の意見を表明しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) The auditor shall express an adverse opinion, if he or she determines that the accounting policy whether its selection or application, or the manner of presentation in the financial statements, is materially inappropriate, and in auditor’s judgment, it leads to the misstatements of financial statements taken as a whole.  - 金融庁


As you pointed out, a working group set up under the Ministry of Finance is debating how the special account for earthquake reinsurance should be managed. However, I understand that a decision has not been made to revise the specifics of the reinsurance system, such as the compensation amount and insurance premium rate.  - 金融庁


Let me mention another matter referred to in the Prime Minister's instructions. Regarding the introduction of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), we will conduct comprehensive deliberation on our policy while taking account of international developments as well as the situations of Japanese industry and small and medium-size enterprises.  - 金融庁


To provide a direct entry type account book with which profit and loss of every month are recognized and even non professional man can prepare an income tax blue form return profit and loss statement and a balance sheet, easily and quickly recognize a management state of every month and easily plan a management policy. - 特許庁


It should be promptly made clear that mandatory application of IFRS to the consolidated financial statements of listed companies should not take place for the time being. Also, as for accounting standards for non-consolidated financial statements, while ensuring transparency by means of footnotes etc., convergence should take place only for those standards deemed appropriate based on the industrial structure and actual business operations in Japan, and the resulting differences in accounting standards between those used for consolidated and non-consolidated financial statements should be accepted.  - 金融庁


Pursuant to its basic examination and relevant policies, the Certified Public Accountants and Audit Oversight Board (“the Board”) examined quality control reviews of business year 2004 and 2005 by the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“the JICPA”) and inspected audit firms.It has recently issued an interim report titledRegarding Quality Control of Audits by Small Scale Audit Firms.”  - 金融庁

9 監査人は、適正な財務諸表を作成する責任は経営者にあること、財務諸表の作成に関する基本的な事項、経営者が採用した会計方針、経営者は監査の実施に必要な資料を全て提示したこと及び監査人が必要と判断した事項について、経営者から書面をもって確認しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(9) The auditor shall obtain from a management a written representation, which acknowledges the management’s responsibility for fair presentation of the financial statements, states the basis of presentation in the financial statements, specifies the significant accounting policies selected by management, affirms that management has made all relevant information available to the auditor, and includes any other matters which the auditor believes are necessary.  - 金融庁

1 監査人は、経営者が採用した会計方針の選択及びその適用方法、財務諸表の表示方法に関して不適切なものがあり、無限定適正意見を表明することができない場合において、その影響が財務諸表を全体として虚偽の表示に当たるとするほどには重要でないと判断したときには、除外事項を付した限定付適正意見を表明しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(1) The auditor shall express a qualified opinion with a description of qualification, if the accounting policy whether its selection or application, or the manner of presentation in the financial statements, is inappropriate and that an unmodified opinion cannot be expressed, but that the effect is not so material and pervasive to conclude that the financial statements as a whole are not presented fairly.  - 金融庁


These Policies shall be reviewed on an annual basis, and the respectiveBasic Plan for Examinations” and “Basic Plan for Inspectionsshall be determined every year, in consideration of the wider scope of audit practices enforced as a result of the introduction of quarterly financial reporting and internal control reports, etc., the amendment of relevant laws and regulations including the CPA Act, changing social and economic situations, and so on.  - 金融庁


For example, management's attitude to uphold proper accounting and financial reporting practices, clearly defining the policies and principles to ensure the proper practices, communicating them to internal and external parties, and establishing appropriate systems to achieve them would provide a solid foundation for the achievement of reliable financial reporting.  - 金融庁


Yesterday, I attended the meeting of the Business Accounting Council, as had been made public. The other day, I first made an announcement to you. Basically, the council's discussion was held along the line of that announcement. I explained my view and policy and listened to the various opinions of council members.  - 金融庁

平成二十年度予算においては、「基本方針二 ○○六」等で定められた歳出改革路線を堅持し、各分野において歳出の抑制を図っておりますが、一般会計予算の歳入のうち約三割にあたる二十五兆円余りを公債発行で賄わざるを得ず、依然として財政は厳しい状況にあります。例文帳に追加

In the draft budget for FY2008, we have curbed expenditures in each area in line with the policy of pursuing expenditure reform stipulated in "Basic Policies 2006." Still, we have to cover expenditures worth slightly over 25 trillion yen, equivalent to about 30% of the total revenue in the general account budget, by issuing government bonds, which means that our fiscal condition remains severe. - 財務省

(5) 組織・運営計画 適正な水道料金を徴収し、人件費や水道施設の運転・管理費に充当すると言った水道会計と言う認識がない。また、水道技術者も少ない。このため、水道事業を実施する運営・維持管理に必要な組織の構築、運営方針の計画を行う。これには、人材育成計画も含む。例文帳に追加

(5) Organization and Management Plan In both cities, the accounts of the water supply works are not separated from the municipal general accounts. The concept of the water account, in which the personnel expenses and O&M expenses are to be covered by water rate from residents, should be introduced, and set the water charge at the appropriate level. In addition, in both cities, there are few number of water engineer. Therefore, organization and management plan including human resource development plan for water supply works should be established. - 厚生労働省


For example, the management's attitude to uphold proper accounting and financial reporting practices, clearly defining the policies and principles to ensure the proper practices, communicating them to internal and external parties, and establishing appropriate systems to achieve them would provide a solid foundation for the achievement of reliable financial reporting. The management's internal or external announcements, daily activities, decisions on the budget, human resource policies, and the like will affect internal control in the organization through the awareness of the people in the organization.  - 金融庁


The effect that the audit was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards; that the auditing standards require the auditor to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement; that the audit procedures were performed on a test basis; that the subject of audit was a presentation of the financial statements taken as a whole, which encompasses an evaluation of accounting policies selected by management as well as their application and those of the managements accounting estimates; and that a reasonable basis was obtained to express an opinion.  - 金融庁


Regarding additional measures that you announced at this time, I think that the most important thing is to revitalize the economy and the people’s lives. What benchmark will the government use in order to evaluate the effects of the measures? Also, regarding the controversial issue of a revision of fair-value accounting, are you considering a provisional revision, or are you planning to implement a drastic revision because fair-value accounting is no longer suited to the financial system?  - 金融庁


また、そういったことを受けて、今度は連合が書いておりますけれども、連合も当然、これはちょっと参考までに書いていますけれども、連合(日本労働組合総連合会)の「2012年度 連合の重点政策」ということで、「労働者など多様な関係者の利害に資する企業法制改革と会計基準の実現」というところで、上場企業の連結財務諸表について、IFRSを強制適用することについては、当面見送る方針を早期に明確にするということが連合の要望書でございまして、そういった意味で、ご存じのように、3月11日、未曾有の災害でございます東日本大震災が発生をいたしまして、サプライチェーンが断絶ということで、今ご存じのように、非常に景気も厳しい局面にあるわけでございます。例文帳に追加

Following this letter of request, Rengo (Japanese Trade Union Confederation) requested that it should be promptly made clear that mandatory application of IFRS to the consolidated financial statements of listed companies should not take place for the time being in its Priority Policy Actions 2011–2012 under the section titledReforming corporate related legal framework and realizing accounting standards, that would benefit a wide range of stakeholders such as workers.”). On March 11, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred, which was an unprecedented disaster, disrupting supply chains, and leaving the economy in a very severe condition until now.  - 金融庁


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