
「指定出荷」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 指定出荷に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 22



I shipped that with it set to arrive tomorrow at 13 o'clock. - Weblio Email例文集


Such toner can be packed together with the printer and shipped. - 特許庁


The second robot transports the trolley to a specified destination in conjunction with the first robot. - 特許庁


To generate shipment data in a format specified from an order placement side on the basis of ordering data. - 特許庁



When the order receiving system 100 receives designation of the shipment place and an ordered article, it outputs the order reception slip data of an unshipped item corresponding to the specified condition. - 特許庁



a receipt given by the carrier to the shipper acknowledging receipt of the goods being shipped and specifying the terms of delivery  - 日本語WordNet


To fulfil the specification, the image forming apparatus shoud be shipped in a state where toner satisfying the requisite is set in the toner cartridge. - 特許庁


To provide a commodity shipment system and a commodity production system that are both efficient in specifying shipment stores and almost free of entry misses. - 特許庁


Drawing correction data is received indicating shipping of a second repair part in place of a first repair part, and specifying a shipping change-over method from the first repair part to the second repair part (S201). - 特許庁



When the parts management slip processor 2 reads shipment parts information from the RFID tag of a parts management slip and transmit it to the management device 1, the management device 1 collates the shipment parts information with parts specification information obtained from the parts acceptance slip processor 3 and discriminates the propriety of the shipment parts information. - 特許庁



An input device 31 to receive the specified input of a delivery destination for the commodities to be shipped and an IC reader 33 to read out the ID information of the commodities from an RFID tag 41 attached to the incoming and outgoing commodities 4 are connected to each of incoming/outgoing commodity managing devices 10 for a plurality of distribution bases 1. - 特許庁


An information registration management part 101 displays registration screens on client terminals 2 to 4 to acquire information specifying information to be registered from users, and registers relatively fixed basic information which is basically needed for project quality management, DR information regarding a design review (DR) of a project, and shipment quality information regarding shipment quality when a product developed by a projector is shipped. - 特許庁


To provide a system for producing a fabric, by which specified kinds of fabrics can efficiently be shipped on the basis of each one of plural orders from customers, to provide the fabric, and to provide a method for producing the fabric. - 特許庁


The registered members obtains the cotton selling prices to the further in the prescribed period from the computer 30 through the network 1, and make a reserved purchase contract within the credit limited sum by designating the shipping term and quantity of cotton. - 特許庁


The gate way unit 4 correlates the established physical address with a logical address established beforehand at the time of factory delivery to each lighting apparatus 3, and when the user specifies the physical address, lighting controls the lighting apparatus 3 on which the logical address corresponding to it is established as a control object. - 特許庁


In an adjustment mode to be specified before shipment, etc., a detection part 19 detects the amplitude and reference level of an image signal S17 according to image signals S13H, S13B for white/black screen display generated by a part 13 of generating the image signals for black/white screen display. - 特許庁


The procurement (procurement sources and procurement amount) of the waste derived fuel necessary for the power generation quantity is determined by using a procurement period determined from the specified period and the waste derived fuel shipping schedule information of the respective waste collection service companies which is stored in a storage part 120. - 特許庁


When a common reception part of an OES 110 receives an order designated with order information including personal information of a user, a machine type and quantity, and notifies an OMS 130A, the OMS 130A issues a shipment instruction corresponding to the machine type and the quantity in the order information. - 特許庁


The traverser 13 is used for sequentially extracting fabrics held with the fabric-nipping tool main bodies 45 for the specified kinds of the fabrics in each order on the basis of plural orders classified in a prescribed shipment unit, sequentially cutting the extracted fabrics in lengths responded to the orders, and sequentially binding the cut fabrics cut in the lengths responded to the orders. - 特許庁


Inspections are planned in accordance with the actual situation of the production and distribution of items and conducted on a regular basis (in principle, about once a week, by designating a day of the week). For items whose picking period is limited, such as wild mushrooms and edible plants, they are inspected during the harvesting stage. In regard to the inspection in II 3 (3), milk is inspected once every 2 weeks, and Beef is inspected about once every 3 months per farm household. - 厚生労働省


To provide a final defect marking apparatus which can rapidly and reliably implements the final defect marking on a film carrier tape for mounting electronic components with defect marking based on the results of various quality inspections for defects such as disconnection, short circuit, chipping and projections in a previous step before shipping at a point and by a method designated by a user. - 特許庁


許可に基づいて製造された各製品の出荷の前に,許可の所有者は,製品が輸出される前15日以内に,次に掲げる者の各々に,輸出される数量を指定する配達証明郵便又は書留郵便で通知を提供しなければならず,また,当該製品がカナダから輸出先である国又は世界貿易機関加盟国へ移送される間に当該製品を取り扱う予定の既知のすべての当事者にも併せて通知しなければならない: (a) 特許権者又は場合により各特許権者 (b) 許可に指定された国又は世界貿易機関加盟国 (c) 許可が係わる製品を購入した人又は団体例文帳に追加

Before each shipment of any quantity of a product manufactured under an authorization, the holder of the authorization must, within fifteen days before the product is exported, provide to each of the following a notice, by certified or registered mail, specifying the quantity to be exported, as well as every known party that will be handling the product while it is in transit from Canada to the country or WTO Member to which it is to be exported: (a) the patentee or each of the patentees, as the case may be; (b) the country or WTO Member named in the authorization; and (c) the person or entity that purchased the product to which the authorization relates.  - 特許庁


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