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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 極値性に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 1262



Here, absolute values of the positive polarity voltage is different from that of the negative polarity voltage. - 特許庁


The cathode 4 is a polarizable electrode made of an activated carbon whose most frequent value of micropore diameter is 1.5 nm or less. - 特許庁


When the peak value has the same polarity with the stationary alarm determination value, a value obtained by adding the increase value (ΔV) to the peak value is set as an alarm determination value. - 特許庁


To prevent a voltage effective value held in a liquid crystal capacitance from differing, according to positive/negative polarity, when a common electrode is driven by a two-valued voltage. - 特許庁



Consequently, when the designation value Q is "-1", a positive holding time becomes shorter than a negative holding time, so as to allow a negative voltage effective value to exceed a positive voltage effective value. - 特許庁



A resistance value between electrodes of positive polarity and a resistance value between electrodes of reverse polarity are measured to decide the energizing current or/and energizing time of the positive polarity and reverse polarity with these values for controlling the deterioration of the electrodes to be equal to each other. - 特許庁


The gas detector/detecting method compares a value corresponding to the extremal value appearing time in every gas kind of the reducing gas stored in an extremal value appearing time storage part 23, with a value corresponding to the extremal value appearing time at the first time detected by the extremal value appearing time detecting part 24, and specifies the kind of the reducing gas. - 特許庁


A correction amount corresponding to the gradation value is considered to vary with write polarities in some cases and therefore the correction amount is divided to that for the positive polarity and that for the negative polarity. - 特許庁


Then, when DC voltage of the developing bias or effective AC voltage is assumed to be a voltage DC1, and the DC voltage of blade bias or the effective AC voltage is assumed to be a voltage DC2, the voltage DC2 is made to reverse polarity against the electrified polarity of the toner in relation to the voltage DC1. - 特許庁



the value that represents the property related to the dielectric polarization of a substance, called permittivity  - EDR日英対訳辞書



To determine which polarity a peak value belongs to. - 特許庁


To obtain a method for designing a digital filter whose phase characteristic has an extreme value. - 特許庁


A phase integral value relating to a reference wobble is stored in a storing part, the polarity of a phase integral value in each unit data section is compared with the polarity of a phase integral value of the reference wobble, and whether the polarities are the same or reverse is confirmed to determine binary information of each unit data section. - 特許庁


To achieve a work function value required for an FET of each polarity in a High-k/metal gate electrode structure. - 特許庁


A DSV value when the synchronous information is recorded with temporarily set polarity is calculated, and when the DSV value is the prescribed limit value or less, the temporarily set polarity is allowed and the synchronous information is actually recorded with the temporarily set polarity. - 特許庁


The polar oil can be defined as 2-10 value of organicity/inorganicity in an organic conceptual diagram. - 特許庁


A plurality of extreme values are detected in a distribution of integral values, and in the case it is detected that a minimum extreme value and at least a second minimum extreme value are at a close level, the reliability of a detected motion vector is decided to be low. - 特許庁


The barcode reading device sets up a second threshold for causing second threshold setting section to determine anew effectiveness of the second threshold from extreme values in addition to the determination of effectiveness of a first threshold similar to the conventional threshold established by a first threshold setting section by further detecting extreme values existed between adjacent extreme values which are effective by a second extreme value detection section. - 特許庁


By confirming that the polarity of the digitized voltage value is positive and that the digitized current value is increasing, the polarity of the digitized current value is judged. - 特許庁


A first gas species specifying part 25 discriminates the gas species of the reducing gas by comparing the extreme value appearing time at each gas species of the reducing gas stored in an extreme value appearing time memory part 23 with the appearing time of the first extreme value detected by the extreme value appearing time detection part 24. - 特許庁


The ring waveguides 14 to 20 have a group delay characteristic of a mutually identical resonance peak value. - 特許庁


Preferably, the minimum value of rigidity is present on the side of the rubber low in rigidity of the rubbers. - 特許庁


The apparatus counts pulse signals with negative polarity outputted from a neutron detector 1, counts noise pulse signals of positive polarity, subtracts a positive polarity pulse counted value from a negative polarity pulse counted value per unit time to measure the neutrons. - 特許庁


When the negative direct voltages are applied, application period is controlled so that a product of the voltage value of the negative direct voltage and the application period is equal to a product of the voltage value of the positive direct voltage and the application period. - 特許庁


In the square wave alternating current arc welding method, the arc is started in the reversed polarity when the time from the stop of the arc to the restart of the arc has exceeded a threshold value, and is started in the straight polarity when the time from the stop of the arc to the restart of the arc has not exceeded the threshold value. - 特許庁


When the conductive pattern 4 is arranged at the place of a distance L1 toward the electrode 1 from one end of the electrode 2, the resistance value (r) between the electrode 1 and the electrode 2 is one (r) of the resistance electrode 3 corresponding to the distance L3 obtained by subtracting the distance L1 from the distance L2 between the electrode 1 and the electrode 2. - 特許庁


In polarization-voltage characteristic 21 when voltage of a polarization value of a ferroelectric capacitor is increased from a state of 0C/cm2, a voltage value at which a polarization value corresponding to Qti is obtained is assumed to be Vtf. - 特許庁


A polarity indication signal generation circuit 3 selects the polarity pattern table based on a random value N outputted by a random value generation circuit 4 and outputs a polarity indication signal REVs based on the polarity pattern table. - 特許庁


A resistance value passing through terminals collecting current in the periphery of the positive or negative electrode plate P200 on the outside is lower than a resistance value of a normal electrode surface having an electrochemical reaction active coating layer having a lattice pattern on the other surface of the electrode plate. - 特許庁


Related to the chip-type thermistor comprising an electrode for resistance value, an electrode film is formed by using a photosensitized conductive paste, and an electrode pattern is formed by photolithography, to form an electrode for resistance value. - 特許庁


Therefore, the conductivity between the measuring electrodes is switchable, three or more kinds of the stable values exist, and the multiple value memory nature is applicable. - 特許庁


Here, the total resistance value of the first and second negative resistance circuit is equal to the resistance value of parasitic resistance or higher in inverse polarity. - 特許庁


An average value per unit time of a voltage applied on a plurality of electrodes of the toner supply roller 41 is set at a larger value on the same polarity side of regular charge electrode property of the toner than an average value per unit time of the voltage applied on a plurality of electrodes of the toner carrying roller 31. - 特許庁


The brushless motor starter 1 comprises a polarity determination circuit 13 for determining polarity of an integrated value of the integration circuit 12. - 特許庁


When it exceeds the limit value, the temporarily set polarity is not adopted and the synchronous information is actually recorded with polarity being different the temporarily set polarity. - 特許庁


Further, the peak value on the same polarity side only as the lamp current immediately before the polarity inversion is made higher or longer in time span for that portion. - 特許庁


The decreased pixels are compensated by preliminarily deciding pixels by using the polarity or polarity/absolute value of each element of a matrix to be used for the inverse transformation, and increasing the same component value of those pixels by a component value distributing means 53. - 特許庁


Then, when the exciting current IL reaches the comparison value, the polarity of a voltage to be applied to the exciting coil LZ is reversed, and another comparison value whose polarity is reverse to that of the comparison value and absolute value is also smaller than the comparison value is used as a new comparison value for the following comparison. - 特許庁


By the depolarization, a ferroelectric device comprises residual strain, piezoelectric distortion, dielectric constant, polarization value, and elastic modulus, of the polarization state of a ferroelectric material, in addition to piezoelectric distortion, dielectric constant, polarization value, and elastic modulus of the depolarization state. - 特許庁


A difference between the maximum value of the correlation values and the maximal value in the correlation values, excluding the maximum value, is calculated as a reliability index for the motion vector of the target block. - 特許庁


By setting the value of the sum of the counter roller current value and the contact roller current value including the polarity to be a fixed value equal to or exceeding a certain value capable of obtaining the desired image density, the image of satisfactory density is obtained. - 特許庁




When the focus error signal exceeds the reference value in polarity at the opposite side, a brake signal is outputted. - 特許庁


Consequently, pixels which have the same FRC data value and have inverted polarities become equal in number. - 特許庁


And further c/a can be 1.1-1.5 by making the instantaneous value immediately before the polarity inversion as 'c'. - 特許庁


To provide a group III nitride semiconductor laser capable of providing a low threshold by using a semipolar surface. - 特許庁


An average value of an odd-numbered group is obtained by adding the square mark to the polarity-reversed black square mark. - 特許庁


An average value of an even-numbered group is obtained by adding the triangular mark to the polarity-reversed black triangular mark. - 特許庁


To provide a cathode ray tube capable of maintaining optical characteristics and lowering a resistance value of a coating film. - 特許庁



To provide a group III nitride semiconductor laser to provide a low threshold by utilizing a semipolar surface. - 特許庁


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