意味 | 例文 (101件) |
該当件数 : 101件
Section 23, paragraphs one, three and four, of the Norwegian Trademarks Act, apply correspondingly. - 特許庁
Trademarks such as those mentioned in this paragraph are called collective marks. - 特許庁
an entry concerning a measure pursuant to Article 56i, paragraph 2, Article 56j, paragraph 2, or Article 57a of the Trademarks Act - 特許庁
The foregoing paragraph shall apply equally if the defendant claims that the trademark has been invalidated. - 特許庁
A public notice under Article 21, paragraph 1, and Article 56d, paragraph 3, of the Trademarks Act shall contain the registration number and the name or trade name of the proprietor. - 特許庁
where an application is under Article 56i, paragraph 1, or Article 56j, paragraph 1, based on an international registration, the number and date of that registration - 特許庁
An opposition under Article 20, paragraph 2, or Article 56c, paragraph 2, of the Trademarks Act shall be filed in writing in two copies with the National Board of Patents and Registration. - 特許庁
Section 51, paragraph four, sentence three, of the Norwegian Trademarks Act applies during the processing of an appeal. - 特許庁
The renewal of trademark registrations shall be subject to payment of twice the fee amounts provided for in the preceding paragraphs. - 特許庁
This element is generally rendered with a mono spaced font to offset it from the standard paragraph type. - Gentoo Linux
When assessing a proposed trademark pursuant to paragraph one, sentence two, and paragraph two, it is necessary to take into consideration all circumstances that prevailed on the date of application, in particular effects of use of the trademark prior to this time. - 特許庁
The provisions of the foregoing paragraph shall not apply when the oldness of a mark previously registered in France is claimed to the benefit of a Community mark. - 特許庁
The publication of registration of a trademark under Section 22 of the Norwegian Trademarks Act shall contain the information specified in Section 29, paragraph two, nos. 1 to 16, 18 and 19. - 特許庁
In addition to the cases referred to in the Trademarks Act (Section 26, paragraphs 1 to 3), the registration of a collective mark may also be cancelled if the owner of the mark has ceased his activities, if the owner permits use of the mark in a manner contrary to the stipulations mentioned in Section 3, or if amendments to the aforementioned stipulations have not been reported to the registration authorities. - 特許庁
When the position coordinates of the line confirmation mark are included in the coordinate data, the server 5 decides that the user has entered the line passing the line confirmation mark, and specifies a paragraph area based on the position coordinates of the line confirmation mark, and stores the entry information entered in the paragraph area as a portion of the node 3 in association with the paragraph area. - 特許庁
The District Court of Helsinki shall serve as the trademark court according to the Council Regulation referred to in the first paragraph of Section 57 below. - 特許庁
(d) 法第33条第1段落の範疇の補正請求の対象である商標の表示見本における要素の表示例文帳に追加
(d) indicating the element in the representation of the trademark whose modification is requested, within the meaning of Art. 33 para 1 from the Law; - 特許庁
A priority claim under Article 18 of the Trademarks Act shall be filed within the time limit laid down in paragraph 2 of Article 17. - 特許庁
A copy of the request for an administrative review shall be enclosed with notification of the request, cf. Section 40, paragraph three, sentence one, of the Norwegian Trademarks Act. - 特許庁
Where an opposition under Article 20, paragraph 2, or Article 56c, paragraph 2, of the Trademarks Act is filed against a registration and the opposition is not manifestly ungrounded, the proprietor of the registration shall be invited to submit his statement within a specified time limit. - 特許庁
(a) 同一又は類似の商品及びサービスにつき,ルーマニアで登録された同一又は類似の商標であって,当該商標の登録日又は優先日が,法第11条第2段落及び第12条第1段落の範疇において,登録出願の対象である商標の正規の国内出願に先立つもの例文帳に追加
(a) an identical or similar trademark registered in Romania for identical or similar goods and services, if the date of registration of this trademark or the priority date, within the meaning of Art. 11 para 2 and Art. 1213 para 1 from the Law is prior to the date of the national regular filing of the trademark which the registration is applied for; - 特許庁
Amendments to the stipulations for use referred to in paragraph 1 shall be reported to the registration authorities. - 特許庁
The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not prevent the addition, in respect of one and the same new plant variety, of a trademark to the denomination of the variety concerned. - 特許庁
Section 34, third paragraph, first sentence shall read as follows: Both the holder of the trademark and the licensee may request that a licence for a registered trademark be recorded in the Trademark Register and notice thereof published. - 特許庁
Assessment of whether the conditions have been met for altering a trademark for which registration has been applied for under Section 13, paragraph one of the Norwegian Trademarks Act shall always take place in relation to the trademark for which registration was originally applied for. - 特許庁
A sign that is used in an industrial or commercial undertaking to indicate the geographical origin of goods or services may, without impediment by the provisions in paragraph two, be registered as a collective mark. - 特許庁
(1) イタリア特許商標庁が行った処分に対する本勅令に基づく審判は,産業発明のための特許に関する 1939年6月29日勅令No.1127第71条第1段落及び第2段落に規定する審判部が審理する。例文帳に追加
1. Appeals under this Decree against actions taken by the Italian Patent and Trademark Office shall be heard by the Board of Appeals referred to in Article 71, first and second paragraphs, of Royal Decree No. 1127 of June 29, 1939, concerning patents for industrial inventions. - 特許庁
The public notice shall inform of the possibility to file an opposition against the registration under Article 20, paragraph 2, of the Trademarks Act. - 特許庁
The public notice shall inform of the possibility to file an opposition against the international registration under Article 56c, paragraph 2, of the Trademarks Act. - 特許庁
A request according to paragraph one is always considered complied with if the trademark is reproduced with the symbol R in a clear manner. - 特許庁
The time limit for filing a request for conversion under Section 75, paragraph two, of the Norwegian Trademarks Act is no later than two years after the termination of the Madrid Protocol took effect. - 特許庁
If the coordinate data includes the positional coordinate of the column check mark, the server 5 determines that the user writes the line passing the column check mark, and based on the positional coordinate of the column check mark, specifies a paragraph area. - 特許庁
When a registration, under paragraph 4 of Article 22 of the Trademarks Act, is renewed by paying a renewal fee, an entry of the renewal shall be made in the Register. - 特許庁
An application concerning recording in the Trademark Register of an assignment or other transfer of a registered trademark shall contain the same particulars of the applicant as those referred to in Article 9, paragraph 1. - 特許庁
前段落は,前記の工業所有権の保護に関するパリ条約第6条 の 2の意味において周知である標章の使用に適用される。例文帳に追加
The foregoing paragraph shall apply to the use of a mark that is well known within the meaning of Article 6bis of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property referred to above. - 特許庁
The Norwegian Industrial Property Office shall also survey trademarks that may preclude the granting of design rights pursuant to section 7, third paragraph (1) of the Designs Act. - 特許庁
Paragraph two applies correspondingly to cases in which the same or similar trademarks are established by use for different proprietors in different parts of Norway. - 特許庁
Payment of the renewal fee with an indication of the trademark’s registration number, made within the time limits set forth in paragraph one, shall be regarded as a request for renewal. - 特許庁
Before a registration may be deleted pursuant to paragraph one, the Norwegian Industrial Property Office shall request the trademark proprietor to report within a reasonable time limit. - 特許庁
The same applies to a decision of the Norwegian Industrial Property Office’s first department to reject an application for international trademark registration pursuant to Section 68, paragraph three. - 特許庁
Paragraph one does not concern the right to bring legal proceedings concerning invalidity or deletion pursuant to Sections 35 to 37 or concerning the right to the trademark. - 特許庁
Not withstanding the provisions of the foregoing paragraph, minor changes may be made on the basis of reciprocity when a foreign trademark is registered, provided that they do not alter the general impression of the trademark. - 特許庁
(c) 独立機関「工業所有権登録庁」を設立する法律(1975年5月2日法律No.17/1975)第4条(11)について,それが商標,商号及び事業標識に関する範囲まで,及び第11条(5)第2段落(b)例文帳に追加
(c) Law 17/1975, of May 2, 1975, on the Establishment of the Independent Body “Industrial Property Registry”, Article 4(11), as regards trademarks, trade names and business signs, and Article 11(5), paragraph (2)(b); - 特許庁
Where the registration is under Article 22, paragraph 4, of the Trademarks Act renewed by paying a renewal fee, the registration number and the name and address of the payer are to be indicated. - 特許庁
A public notice under Article 33, paragraph 1, Article 34, paragraph 1, and Article 56k of the Trademarks Act concerning a transfer of a trademark and registration of or notification concerning a license shall state the registration number, the name or trade name and domicile of the new proprietor or the licensee and any other particulars considered necessary by the registering authority. - 特許庁
At the request of the proprietor of the trademark, the list of goods or of classes of goods for which the mark has been registered may be limited. The provision in the foregoing paragraph concerning the consent of the pledgee shall also apply. - 特許庁
The provisions of paragraph 1 shall by analogy be applied if the registering authority receives from the Community Trade Mark Office referred to in Section 57 notice of an application for a Community trade mark or of an application within the meaning of Section 57a for the registration of a trademark in Finland. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (101件) |
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