
「永久保存」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 永久保存の意味・解説 > 永久保存に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 71



To provide a photosensitive film which ensures high viscosity at room temperature to acquire excellent storage stability, ensures a low viscosity in lamination to acquire embedding property in a substrate and good tackiness, and has excellent developability; and to provide a permanent pattern-forming method using the photosensitive film. - 特許庁


To provide: a photosensitive composition having high thermal cycle test resistance, high storage stability, and a smooth-shape inner surface when a via is formed; a photosensitive laminate using the photosensitive composition; a method for forming a permanent pattern; and a printed board. - 特許庁


To provide a resin composition for forming a flexible polyurethane foam, which is excellent in compatibility of a polyol compound liquid and storage stability, and is excellent in stability during foaming, and has a low closed cell ratio and a small compression set, and is excellent in thermal adhesiveness and high frequency welding properties (initial peeling strength, final peeling strength). - 特許庁


To provide a photosensitive composition capable of satisfying excellent plating resistance and storage stability, in addition to developability, hardness, heat resistance and sensitivity necessary for use as a solder resist, a photosensitive film, a photosensitive laminate, a permanent pattern forming method and a printed circuit board. - 特許庁



To provide a photosensitive composition, which can attain not only developability, hardness, heat resistance, and sensitivity required for a solder resist, but also both superior plating resistance and storage stability, and to provide a photosensitive film, a photosensitive laminate, a permanent pattern forming method, and a printed board. - 特許庁



To provide a photosensitive film excellent in storage stability, capable of easy peeling of a photosensitive layer from a support or a protective film, having good followability to the irregularity of a substrate surface, and suitable for use in a blue-violet laser exposure system. - 特許庁


To provide a new composition for a keratin fiber, without requiring the pretreatment of the keratin fiber, capable of obtaining a permanent coating by using a cosmetic additive and at the same time keeping the quality of the coating and the characteristics of the introduced additive. - 特許庁


To identify a medium by providing the medium with matter for providing identification information and prevent information by the matter for providing identification information from being stored permanently in the medium. - 特許庁


To provide a printed matter which can be easily inserted in newspaper or the like since it has a shape of a single paper sheet at first to allow newspaper insert or the like, can be made into a booklet shape, after distributed, only by folding it, and can be paged in the same manner as a general book and preserved as a so-called permanent file. - 特許庁



To obtain a curable composition excellent in compatibility between a vinyl-based polymer and a hydrosilyl group-containing compound, without having problems such as the cloudiness of the curable composition and separation of the hydrosilyl group-containing compound during the preservation of the curable composition, or the like, and excellent in compressive permanent distortion of the cured material. - 特許庁



To provide a permanent resist composition having properties adapted for MEMS parts, that is, liquid storage stability, a high aspect ratio and excellent pattern property, and giving a cured product excellent in cracking resistance, alkali resistance, adhesion to a substrate and heat resistance. - 特許庁


To provide an image processor which unnecessarily carries out communication for inquiring of an external terminal about information on output conditions of image data input thereto, and eliminates the necessity of permanent storage of data for responding to the inquiry in the external terminal. - 特許庁


A management server 120 manages logical volumes in an operation map 1220 containing volume ID of the volumes and a plurality of predetermined items of operation information (for example, path setting, primary volume setting, secondary volume setting, permanent storage setting and period limitation setting). - 特許庁


To provide a photosensitive composition having superior insulation reliability, thermal shock resistance, storage stability, high sensitivity, adhesion to a substrate and heat resistance and suitable, especially, as a solder resist for a package; and to provide a photosensitive film, a photosensitive laminate, a method for forming a permanent pattern and a printed board using the photosensitive composition. - 特許庁


To provide a photosensitive resin composition free of viscosity increase and gelatinization even under room temperature storage conditions, having satisfactory storage stability, and capable of forming a spacer for a display panel having both heat and chemical resistances necessary as a permanent film and excellent in compressive strength, and to provide a cured material of the composition and a spacer for a display panel. - 特許庁


To stain a thin section produced from a frozen embedded sample by using an adhesive plastic film as a support material for the thin section in a state attached to the adhesive plastic film, and thereafter enclose and preserve it in the form attached to the adhesive plastic film as a permanent specimen that can be observed by an optical microscope. - 特許庁


To seal and preserve a thin slice formed from an embedding sample using an adhesive plastic film as a thin slice support material as a permanent specimen capable of being observed by an optical microscope in the state bonded to the adhesive plastic film after subjected to dyeing, dehydrating or permeating operation in the state that the thin slice is bonded to the adhesive plastic film. - 特許庁


To provide a photosensitive composition which has small surface tackiness, good suitability to lamination and handling and excellent storage stability, exhibits excellent chemical and heat resistances after development, and reconciles surface hardness with brittleness; a photosensitive film using the composition; a high-definition permanent pattern; and a method for efficiently forming the pattern. - 特許庁


To provide a microcomputer which can immediately deal with various user's specification requests and various uses, reduce its hardware constitution scale while maintaining the advantage that data can be saved in an EEP-ROM semipermanently at need, increase the use efficiency of hardware resources, and actualize fast and secure writing matching with element characteristics. - 特許庁


To provide a microcomputer, which responds immediately to various specification requirements and various applications from a user, has an advantage of storing data in an EEP-ROM almost permanently as needed, reduces a structure and scale of hardware in use, improves usability of a hardware resource, securely performs high-speed writing according to an element characteristic, and reduces writing time and response time. - 特許庁


第188条 図書館における写真複製 188.1177.6の規定に拘らず,営利活動をしない図書館又は公文書館は,次の場合は,著作権を有する著作者の許諾を得ることなく,写真複製により,当該著作物の1個の複製物を製作することができる。 (a)当該著作物が,その破損しやすい性質又は珍奇性のため,原形式で使用のために貸与することができないものである場合 (b)当該著作物が複数の部分で公正された著作物に含まれる独立した論文又はその他公表さ れた著作物の短い部分であり,それを提供するために複製が必要であって,複製することが研究又は学習のためにその貸出を要求する者にとって,それらを含む書物又は小冊子を貸し出すに代えて適切である場合 (c)複製物の作成が,保存するためのものであり,複製物が失われ,破損され,若しくは使用に耐えなくされて必要である場合に複製物と取り替えるため,又は他の同様な図書館若しくは公文書館の永久的収集において,失われ,破損され,若しくは使用に耐えなくされた複製物と取り替えるためのものであり,かつ,発行者から複製物を入手することができない場合例文帳に追加

Sec.188 Reprographic Reproduction by Libraries 188.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 177.6, any library or archive whose activities are not for profit may, without the authorization of the author of copyright owner, make a single copy of the work by reprographic reproduction: (a) Where the work by reason of its fragile character or rarity cannot be lent to user in its original form; (b) Where the works are isolated articles contained in composite works or brief portions of other published works and the reproduction is necessary to supply them; when this is considered expedient, to person requesting their loan for purposes of research or study instead of lending the volumes or booklets which contain them; and (c) Where the making of such a copy is in order to preserve and, if necessary in the event that it is lost, destroyed or rendered unusable, replace a copy, or to replace, in the permanent collection of another similar library or archive, a copy which has been lost, destroyed or rendered unusable and copies are not available with the publisher. - 特許庁


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