例文 (18件) |
該当件数 : 18件
The circumstances extenuate the crime - 日本語WordNet
To rob resisting power of a criminal surely while lessening injury of the criminal through a safety space at the time of bringing the criminal under control. - 特許庁
It is said that Koreyoshi's punishment for attacking and burning down Usa-jingu Shrine was lightened due to Yoshitsune and Yoritsune's doing. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A hopes to get relief from the charge of patent infringement on B's product in one way or another. - Weblio英語基本例文集
During their life, Japanese people used to worship the Juo so that they would make their judgment in after life as favorable as possible. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To effectively suppress and arrest a criminal having a lethal weapon, such as a knife or the like, by allowing an arrester and the criminal to suffer less injury. - 特許庁
第十三条 国及び地方公共団体は、犯罪被害者等が受けた被害による経済的負担の軽減を図るため、犯罪被害者等に対する給付金の支給に係る制度の充実等必要な施策を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 13 The State and Local governments shall take such necessary measures as improving systems concerning payment of benefits for Crime Victims, in order to alleviate the economic burdens caused by harm that Crime Victims suffered from. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
2 前項の罪を犯した者が、審判手続終了前であって、かつ、犯罪の発覚する前に自白したときは、その刑を軽減又は免除することができる。例文帳に追加
(2) Where a person having committed a crime set forth in the preceding paragraph confesses his/her crime prior to the completion of the hearing proceedings and before the revelation of such crime, the punishment for such crime may be commuted or waived. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
2 前項の罪を犯した者が、審判手続終了前であつて、かつ、犯罪の発覚する前に自白したときは、その刑を軽減し、又は免除することができる。例文帳に追加
(2) Where a person having committed a crime set forth in the preceding paragraph confesses his or her crime prior to the completion of the hearing procedures and before the revelation of such crime, the punishment for such crime may be commuted or waived. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
He returned home after two months and although it was a capital offence to leave one's domain, the domain lord Naomasa NABESHIMA highly regarded Shinpei's views and reduced his punishment to indefinite house arrest via his own direct judgement. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
3 この法律において「犯罪被害者等のための施策」とは、犯罪被害者等が、その受けた被害を回復し、又は軽減し、再び平穏な生活を営むことができるよう支援し、及び犯罪被害者等がその被害に係る刑事に関する手続に適切に関与することができるようにするための施策をいう。例文帳に追加
(3) The term, "Measures for Crime Victims" as used in this Act shall mean measures to support Crime Victims in recovering from or alleviating their harm to restore their peaceful life again, and to get involved in criminal procedures related to their harm in a proper way. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
For instance, in addition to the rokugi (six considerations) system where special allowance was made for punishment, those with rank had their punishment reduced based upon their rank, or in reality, did not receive general punishment unless they committed crimes such as hachigyaku (the eight most abominable acts or omissions) or homicide. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide an LED lamp which reduces an environmental burden by using LEDs as a light source and can exhibit effectively a crime prevention function. - 特許庁
To provide an outdoor lighting fixture and lighting method using LEDs as light sources to reduce a load to the environment and exhibiting a crime deterrent effect to contribute to environmental design for safe and ease urban development. - 特許庁
第十九条 国及び地方公共団体は、犯罪被害者等の保護、その被害に係る刑事事件の捜査又は公判等の過程において、名誉又は生活の平穏その他犯罪被害者等の人権に十分な配慮がなされ、犯罪被害者等の負担が軽減されるよう、犯罪被害者等の心身の状況、その置かれている環境等に関する理解を深めるための訓練及び啓発、専門的知識又は技能を有する職員の配置、必要な施設の整備等必要な施策を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 19 The State and Local governments shall take such necessary measures as training and enlightening people to deeply understand Crime Victims' mental and physical conditions and their surroundings, deploying staff with expertise and skills, and developing necessary facilities, so that people may pay sufficient consideration to the honor, peace in life and other human rights of Crime Victims, to alleviate their burdens in the process of their protection, investigation and trial of the criminal case concerning the harm. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
If a subject 1 does not match any person on a blacklist, a facial verification system 3 fulfills its execution and expresses regret for the subject 1, who has been made to feel unpleasant (made to feel discomfort), such that face verification has been performed with the system for suspicion at least once, thus alleviating the annoyance of the subject 1. - 特許庁
第六条 総合法律支援の実施及び体制の整備に当たっては、被害者等(犯罪により害を被った者又はその者が死亡した場合若しくはその心身に重大な故障がある場合におけるその配偶者、直系の親族若しくは兄弟姉妹をいう。以下同じ。)が刑事手続に適切に関与するとともに、被害者等が受けた損害又は苦痛の回復又は軽減を図るための制度その他の被害者等の援助に関する制度を十分に利用することのできる態勢の充実が図られなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 6 When implementing comprehensive legal support and establishing systems, the conditions and systems shall be improved for victims and family members (persons who have suffered injury because of crimes, or their spouses, lineal relatives or siblings in the case of those persons who died or suffered serious physical or mental harm; the same shall apply hereinafter) to enable appropriate participation in criminal procedures and the full utilization of systems to recover damages or to alleviate the pain of the victim and family members and other systems for assistance. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
例文 (18件) |
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