
「議論のある問題」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 議論のある問題の意味・解説 > 議論のある問題に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 123



His remarks are irrelevant to the subject under discussion.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


It's necessary to discuss the problem without delay. - Tatoeba例文


This question must be discussed separately from that one. - Tatoeba例文


It's necessary to discuss the problem without delay.  - Tanaka Corpus



This question must be discussed separately from that one.  - Tanaka Corpus



There are many controversies surrounding the issue of brain death.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


It's a moot point which issue is most important.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


In 2001, a serious common problem of workload due to a global increase of patent filings was discussed for the first time at the Trilateral Conference.  - 特許庁


This regulation was the subject most talked about during discussions of Imperial succession during the Heisei period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The verdict at issue in these discussions is the one brought in the Lander's trial in 1994. - Tatoeba例文



The verdict at issue in these discussions is the one brought in the Lander's trial in 1994.  - Tanaka Corpus


Basic to the argument is the assumption that the rules in question are present in the language. - Tatoeba例文


Basic to the argument is the assumption that the rules in question are present in the language.  - Tanaka Corpus


The issue of the relocation of a U.S. air station in Okinawa, however, was not discussed in detail.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Private sector involvement in crisis resolution is a key question that needs to be discussed thoroughly. - 財務省


I think that the Prime Minister wants the ruling parties to hold intensive discussions on the tax system and produce a good proposal.  - 金融庁


The primary purpose of this document is to present a list of issues to facilitate domestic and international discussions at the WTO.  - 経済産業省

そこではまた、メモリのテストを行うソフトウェアや、ハードウェアがなぜ問題あるメモリを見逃してしまうかについても 議論されています。例文帳に追加

It also discusses how memory testing software or hardware can still pass faulty memory.  - FreeBSD


There remains a record that it was contrived by Narimasa SASSA, but it is not sure these positions were really used and were doubtful as mentioned above.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When discussing this issue, it would be helpful to clarify a key currency's role.  - 財務省


a session (as of executives or advisors) to discuss policy or strategy or to solve problems or exchange ideas  - 日本語WordNet


If the arguments of the present chapter are of any validity, there ought to exist the fullest liberty of professing and discussing, as a matter of ethical conviction, any doctrine, however immoral it may be considered.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


This topic is timely and particularly important among all the infrastructure-related themes, asinvestment framework for clean energy and developmentis under discussion at the Bank and the Summit process focuses on the energy issue. - 財務省


Fruitful discussions were held in a friendly atmosphere on issues including macro-economic developments in Japan and the EU, regulatory and supervisory developments in the financial services, and developments in the markets in Japan and the EU.  - 財務省


Market discipline will be reinforced and progress will be made towards the resolution of numerous problems, should private sector entities establish and widely adopt such practices. Holding various discussions from this perspective in the international discussions would also be beneficial.  - 金融庁


Without going into a long discussion of this complex issue, while at the same time acknowledging that a precise definition of science is a contentious question, let me propose that science is a way of explaining natural phenomena with physical models and theories which generate predictions which can be tested publicly and repeatedly by observation  - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』


Economic Partnership Agreements in Japan (EPA) provide an opportunity to talk about such development of the business environment in the private and government sectors jointly, not only relying on the EPA for resolving problems. It is effective to promote international standards and agreements between the two countries. - 経済産業省

・ Ⅲ.の各チェック項目の検証において個別の問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.又は Ⅱ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかをⅠ.又はⅡ.のチェックリストにおいて漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter III., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapters I. and II. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・ Ⅲ.の各チェック項目の検証において個別の問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.又はⅡ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかをⅠ.又はⅡ.のチェックリストにおいて漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter III., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapters I. and II. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁


As a brief discussion of the point will enable us to see the bearings of an important question, I will here permit a disciple of Lucretius to try the strength of the Bishop's position, and then allow the Bishop to retaliate, with the view of rolling back, if he can, the difficulty upon Lucretius.  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』

・Ⅱ.の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点が Ⅰ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかをⅠ.のチェックリストにおいて漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review the findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁


- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter III., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapters I. and II. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, with the use of the checklists in those chapters, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・ 本チェックリストの Ⅱ.以降の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかを漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II. and later in this checklist, it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・Ⅱ.の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかを Ⅰ.のチェックリストにおいて漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・Ⅲ.の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.又はⅡ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかを Ⅰ.又はⅡ.のチェックリストにおいて漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter III., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapters I. and II. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, with the use of the checklists in those chapters, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・ Ⅱ.以降のチェック項目の検証において個別の問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかを漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II. and later, it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・ Ⅱ.の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかを Ⅰ.のチェックリストにおいて漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・Ⅱ.の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点が Ⅰ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかをⅠ.のチェックリストにおいて漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・ Ⅱ.の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかをⅠ.のチェックリストにおいて漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・ Ⅲ.の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.又はⅡ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかをⅠ.又はⅡ.のチェックリストにおいて漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- This chapter lists the check items to be used in the inspection of financial institutions that employ the "integrated risk measurement technique" which measures various risks with uniform yardsticks such as VaR and measures the aggregated risks.  - 金融庁

・ Ⅱ.の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかをⅠ.のチェックリストにおいて漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・ Ⅲ.の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.又はⅡ. のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかをⅠ.又はⅡ.のチェックリストにおいて漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter III., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapters I. and II. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, with the use of the checklists in those chapters, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁


- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・Ⅱ.以降のチェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点が Ⅰ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかを漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II, it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・Ⅱ.の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点が Ⅰ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかを漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of a review conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁


- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter III., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapters I. and II. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁


- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II. and later, it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・ Ⅱ.の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかを漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of a review conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁

・ Ⅲ.の各チェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.又はⅡ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかをⅠ.又はⅡ.において漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter III., it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapters I. and II. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁


・ Ⅱ.以降のチェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかを漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II. and later, it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I. are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution.  - 金融庁


浜島書店 Catch a Wave
Copyright © 1995-2024 Hamajima Shoten, Publishers. All rights reserved.
Copyright(C) 財務省
Copyright(C) 2024 金融庁 All Rights Reserved.
Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved.
研究社 新英和中辞典
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原題:”Creationism in the Science Curriculum?”

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

本翻訳は Ian Johnston : Creationism in the Science Curriculum? を日本語訳したものです。
翻訳は http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/essays/creationism.htm に基づいています。
Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
原題:”On Liberty”

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
原題:”The Belfast Address”

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

(C) 2005 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
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