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In 1699, he inherited the Okazaki Domain upon his older brother Tadamitsu's death and was appointed as Jugoinoge and referred to himself as Daikenmotsu. 例文帳に追加

元禄12年に兄忠盈の死により岡崎藩を相続し、同年従五位下に任官し大監物を名乗る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Stories in "Kojidan" get their subject matter from anecdotes about the aristocracy, customs and practices of the court and military households, and folklore, and many include excerpts from earlier literature such as "Shoyuki" (The Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke), "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan), "Chugaisho" (The Narrative of FUJIWARA no Tadazane), and "Fukego" (A Collection of the Sayings of FUJIWARA no Tadamitsu). 例文帳に追加

貴族社会の逸話・有職故実・伝承などに材を取り、『小右記』『扶桑略記』『中外抄』『富家語』などの先行文献からの引用が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After being released, he went again to Kyoto and organized Tenchugumi backing up Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA in order to become a vanguard of the imperial visit to Yamato of the Emperor Komei, and raised an army in Yamato Province. 例文帳に追加

釈放後、再び京都へ上り孝明天皇の大和行幸の先駆けとなるべく中山忠光を擁立して天誅組を組織して大和国で挙兵する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tenchugumi announced that Gojo tenryo (territory directly controlled by bakufu) was changed to 'Tencho chokkatsuchi' (territory directly controlled by the Imperial Court) and called themselves 'Goseifu' and established an organization in which Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA was appointed to shusho (chief commander) and Yoshimura, Matsumoto and Fujimoto to sosai (president). 例文帳に追加

天誅組は五条天領を「天朝直轄地」とすると布告し、「御政府」を称し、中山忠光を主将、吉村、松本、藤本を総裁とする職制を定めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tomiko, the lawful wife of Tadamitsu adopted and raised Nakako, and in order to raise her as the princess of the court noble, she became an adopted daughter of Mori clan, the family lord of Chofu Domain, and was taken in by the court noble, Nakayama clan. 例文帳に追加

忠光の正室・富子が仲子を引き取り養育する事になり、公家の姫として育てるために、忠光が暗殺された長府藩の藩主家・毛利氏の養女となり公家・中山家に引き取られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tenchu-gumi put the office organization in order with Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA the commander-in-chief and Torataro YOSHIMURA, Keido MATSUMOTO, and Tesseki FUJIMOTO president; the members called themselves 'the government' or 'presidency.' 例文帳に追加

天誅組は中山忠光を主将、吉村寅太郎、松本奎堂、藤本鉄石を総裁とする職制を整え、自らを「御政府」または「総裁所」と称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shingo NASU organized a death squad in order to make Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA flee, entered into an enemy camp and died in battle; Tesseki FUJIMOTO was also killed in battle; Keido MATSUMOTO who had lost eye sight from an injury committed suicide. 例文帳に追加

那須信吾は中山忠光を逃すべく決死隊を編成して敵陣に突入して討ち死に、藤本鉄石も討ち死にし、負傷して失明していた松本奎堂は自刃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA, who was the seventh son of Tadayasu was a vanguard of sonno joi (19th century slogan advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners) and he was made the head of the Tenchu-gumi (literally, Heavenly Avenging Force) but, later, he was assassinated by a member of the Choshu clan (the Tenchu-gumi incident). 例文帳に追加

忠能の七男、中山忠光は尊王攘夷の急先鋒で天誅組の首領とされたが、後に長州藩の刺客により暗殺された(天誅組の変)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Famous Sobayonin officers were Yoshiyasu YANAGISAWA in the era of Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA, the fifth shogun; Akifusa MANABE in the eras of Ienobu TOKUGAWA, the sixth shogun and Ietsugu TOKUGAWA, the seventh shogun; Tadamitsu OKA in the era of Ieshige TOKUGAWA, the ninth shogun; Okitsugu TANUMA in the era of Ieharu TOKUGAWA, the tenth shogun; and Tadaakira MIZUNO in the era of Ienari TOKUGAWA, the eleventh shogun. 例文帳に追加

5代将軍徳川綱吉時代の柳沢吉保、6代将軍徳川家宣・7代将軍徳川家継時代の間部詮房、9代将軍徳川家重時代の大岡忠光、10代将軍徳川家治時代の田沼意次、11代将軍徳川家斉時代の水野忠成などが有名。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His children were Tadatsune MAKINO (first son), Fusachika ISHIKAWA (second son), Tadamasa MAKINO (fourth son), Yasunori MAKINO (sixth son), and daughters (the legal wife of Suketoki OTA, the legal wife of Nobuyori OKOCHIMATSUDAIRA, the legal wife of Tadatomi NISHIO who later became the second wife of Tadamitsu MIZUNO, the lord of the Tsurumaki Domain, and the legal wife of Yukihiro AOYAMA). 例文帳に追加

子に牧野忠鎮(長男)、石川総親(次男)、牧野忠雅(四男)、牧野康命(六男)、娘(太田資言正室)、娘(大河内松平信順正室)、娘(西尾忠宝正室のち水野忠実(鶴牧藩主)継室)、娘(青山幸寛正室)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Choshu Domain had their branch, Chofu clan take care and protect Tadamitsu, but during the Kinmon incident in 1864, in Shimonoseki War, when the conventional party within the domain gained power due to the First Conquest of Choshu, he was assassinated in Tako Village, Toyoura District of Chofu Domain in the December of the same year he was kept as a refuge. 例文帳に追加

長州藩は忠光の身柄を支藩の長府藩に預けて保護したが、元治元年(1864年)の禁門の変、下関戦争、第一次長州征伐によって藩内俗論派が台頭すると、潜居中の同年11月に長府藩の豊浦郡田耕村で暗殺された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, Hiro SAGA from Ogimachisanjo clan (Saga clan) who was married to Fuketsu AISHINKAKURA, the younger brother of Fugi AISHINKAKURA, the last emperor of Shin, the later emperor of Manchukuo, is the grandchild of Tadamitsu's only daughter, and was the great grandchild for the couple (although for Tomiko she was the great grandchild of her adopted daughter). 例文帳に追加

また、清最後の皇帝で後に満州国皇帝となった愛新覚羅溥儀の弟である愛新覚羅溥傑に嫁いだ正親町三条家(嵯峨家)出身の嵯峨浩は、忠光の一人娘仲子の孫にあたり、夫妻(富子にとっては義理であるが)の曾孫にあたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In August 1863, the Tenchugumi (Heavenly Avenging Force,) a group of masterless samurai (roshi) who revered the emperor like Torataro YOSHIMURA, Keido MATSUMOTO, and Tesseki FUJIMOTO, raised an army in order to charge ahead of Emperor Komei's Imperial Trip to the Yamato Province and, led by ex-chamberlain Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA, they went to Yamato Province and attacked the magistrate's office in Gojo City on August 17. 例文帳に追加

文久3年(1863年)8月、吉村寅太郎、松本奎堂、藤本鉄石ら尊攘派浪士の天誅組は孝明天皇の大和行幸の魁たらんと欲し、前侍従中山忠光を擁して大和国へ入り、8月17日に五條市代官所を襲撃して挙兵した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In August 1868, the Tenchu-gumi incident was caused in Yamato Province by Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA, Kugyo (the top court officials), Torataro YOSHIMURA, Kurata IKEUCHI (the Tosa clan), Keido MATSUMOTO (the Mikawa Kariya clan), Tesseki FUJIMOTO (the Okayama clan), and Zennosuke NIGORI, a powerful landlord in Kawachi Province, and this rapidly led to Nobuyoshi SAWA (one of the seven court nobles who were exiled from Kyoto in the previous year) and Kuniomi HIRANO (the Fukuoka clan) causing the Ikuno incident in Tajima Province. 例文帳に追加

文久3年(1863年)8月大和国では公卿中山忠光、吉村寅太郎・池内蔵太(土佐藩士)、松本奎堂(三河刈谷藩士)、藤本鉄石(岡山藩士)、さらには河内国の大地主水郡善之祐らも加わった天誅組の変が勃発し、続いて但馬国では沢宣嘉(前年京都から追放された七卿の一人)・平野国臣(福岡藩士)らによる生野の変が連鎖的に発生した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tenchu-gumi Incident ("Tenchu-gumi no hen" in Japanese) was an incident that occurred at the end of the Edo period; it was carried out by a group of people called Tenchu-gumi (Heavenly Avenging Force) consisting of a bunch of ronin (masterless samurai) who were Sonno Joi ha (supporters of the doctrine of restoring the emperor and expelling the barbarians) including Torataro YOSHIMURA; this group rose to action in Yamato Province having a court noble Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA as the commander-in-chief on September 29, 1863 and was subsequently put down and destroyed by the army of the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by the shogun). 例文帳に追加

天誅組の変(てんちゅうぐみのへん)は、幕末の文久3年(1863年)8月17日(旧暦)に吉村寅太郎をはじめとする尊皇攘夷派浪人の一団(天誅組)が公卿中山忠光を主将として大和国で決起し、後に江戸幕府軍の討伐を受けて壊滅した事件である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His children included MINAMOTO no Mitsusue (Shikibu no jo (Secretary of the Ministry of Ceremonial), Echizen no kami (Governor of Echizen Province), and Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade)), and his descendants included MINAMOTO no Sadatoshi (Daizen no daibu (Master of the Palace Table), Echizen no kami, Shurishiki (Office of Palace Repairs), Hyogo no jo, Jushiinoge (Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade)), MINAMOTO no Noritaka, MINAMOTO no Narisada (Musashi no suke (vice governor of Musashi no kuni)), MINAMOTO no Narisane (Musashi no suke and Izu no kami (Governor of Izu Province)), MINAMOTO no Tametsune (kebiishi (officials with judicial and police powers) Uemon no jo (the third ranked official of the Right Division of Outer Palace Guards), then exiled to Oki Province; details are unknown), MINAMOTO no Suenobu, MINAMOTO no Tadamitsu (Harima no suke (assistant governor of Harima Province)), MINAMOTO no Takayuki (Daigaku no suke (Assistant Director of the Bureau of Education)), and MINAMOTO no Tadamasa (Kogo no miya Jicho). 例文帳に追加

子に源満季(式部丞・越前守・従五位下)、子孫に源満季(大膳大夫・越前守・修理職・兵庫丞・従四位下)、源憲尊、源成定(武蔵介)、源成實(武蔵介・伊豆守)、源為経(検非違使右衛門尉・後に隠岐国配流、詳細は不明)、源季信、源忠満(播磨介)、源高行(大学助)、源忠政(皇后宮侍長)などがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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