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credit easingの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 19


China had been taking credit easing measures lowering policy interest rates since the second half of 2008.例文帳に追加

中国では、2008 年後半から政策金利が引き下げられ金融緩和政策をとってきた。 - 経済産業省

In United States of America, FRB lowered the target rate of Federal Fund (FF) to 0 to 0.25% in December 2008 and this level was maintained afterward, which promoted the credit and quantitative easings*2.例文帳に追加

米国では、FRB が2008 年12 月にフェデラルファンド(FF)レートの誘導目標を0 ~ 0.25%まで引き下げ、その後同水準を据え置くとともに、信用緩和(Credit Easing) と量的緩和(Quantitative Easing)を進めてきた*2。 - 経済産業省

2An example of the credit easing is residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS), i.e. purchase of assets with relatively high risk, and that of the quantitative easing is purchase of US$600 billion medium and long term national bonds.例文帳に追加

2 信用緩和としては、住宅ローン担保証券(MBS)等の比較的リスクの高い資産の買い取り等が、又、量的緩和としては、6,000 億ドル規模の中長期米国債の購入等が挙げられる。 - 経済産業省

For example, in United States of America, FRB lowered the target rate of the Federal Fund (FF) to 0 to 0.25% in December 2008 and maintained it at the same level afterward, and the credit easing and quantitative easing were continued to be implemented.例文帳に追加

例えば米国では、米連邦準備理事会(FRB)が2008年12月にフェデラルファンド(FF)レートの誘導目標を0~0.25% まで引き下げ、その後も同水準に据え置いた他、信用緩和と量的緩和が進められた。 - 経済産業省


Under these circumstances, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) implemented the credit easing measures to increase capital flow and support the economy.例文帳に追加

こうした状況を受けて、インド準備銀行(RBI)は、資金の流れを拡大して景気を支えるために金融緩和を実施した。 - 経済産業省


In relation to Japan Post, do you plan to announce on Wednesday (March 24) any support measures for "shinkin" banks, credit cooperatives and second-tier regional banks at the same time (as the announcement of the plan for reforming Japan Post), such as the easing of inspection criteria for "shinkin" banks and credit cooperatives? 例文帳に追加

郵政に絡んで、水曜日に、信金・信組とかの検査の緩和とか、そういう信金・信組、第二地銀の手当てみたいなものも一緒に発表されるようなお考えでしょうか。 - 金融庁

The credit easing measures were intended to extend loans to mainly small-to-medium exporting companies. However, the measures also have made the financing environment for large national companies relatively relaxed and this environment is supporting their vigorous outward investment.例文帳に追加

金融緩和による融資拡大は、中小輸出企業支援が主な目的だが、国有大手企業の資金調達が比較的容易になっており、対外投資活性化の背景となっている。 - 経済産業省

Moreover, as a background, while microfinance rapidly developed and competition became fierce, some of microfinance organizations were increasing their market share by easing credit requirements to obtain more clients.例文帳に追加

近年、マイクロファイナンスが急速に発展し市場競争が激しくなってきたなかで、マイクロファイナンス機関の一部は、融資基準を引き下げることで顧客を獲得し、市場シェアの拡大を図っていたことも背景に挙げられる。 - 経済産業省

Compared with Thailand and Indonesia, the economic situation has recovered to pre-crisis levels in Malaysia, aided by the implementation of credit easing at an early date, which has limited the shrinkage of bank lending.例文帳に追加

こうしたタイ、インドネシアの状況に比べ、マレーシアでは早期に金融緩和が行われたことから、銀行貸出しの収縮は限定的なものにとどまり、現在ではアジア通貨・経済危機前と同水準となっている。 - 経済産業省


As monetary policies to deal with the crisis, various countries put into effect low interest rate policies and pumped an abundance of funds into the market (quantitative easing) to deal with the credit crunch.例文帳に追加

危機対応策のための金融政策として、各国は低金利政策や潤沢な資金供給策(量的緩和)を実施し、信用収縮に対応してきた。 - 経済産業省


While the Brazilian government is increasingly concerned about the appreciation of the real and criticizes monetary easing measures taken by advanced economies, it expanded application of the Tax on Credit Operations, Exchange and Insurance (IOF, 6% of tax rate) to overseas borrowings and overseas bond issuance by Brazilian companies179 and reduced the policy interest rate (75bp) on April 18.The Central Bank of Brazil (Banco Central do Brasil) suggests further additional monetary easing.例文帳に追加

ブラジル政府はレアル高への警戒を強 めており、先進国の金融緩和の動きに対する批判を展 開する一方、国内企業国外借入れと海外起債に対する 金融取引税(IOF、税率6%)の適用拡大179、また、 4 月18 日には政策金利の引下げを行い(75bp)、ブラ ジル中銀は更なる追加緩和を示唆している。 - 経済産業省

Each government immediately provided measures to protect credit by announcing programs such as protection of deposits and government debt guarantees. In Eurozone and the United Kingdom, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of England (BOE) drastically lowered policy interest rates, easing monetary policy (see Figure 1-2-2-36).例文帳に追加

各国政府が迅速に預金保護・政府債務保証等を発表し、信用支援策を行ってきた他、ユーロ圏・英国において、欧州中央銀行(ECB)・イングランド銀行(BOE)が大幅に政策金利を低下させ、金融緩和政策を採っている(第1-2-2-36図)。 - 経済産業省

The number of automobile sales that took a sharp downturn rapidly recovered with the effect from 2% commodity tax cut and the credit easing measures and demonstrated a strong growth rate in the beginning of 2009 due to the rebounded demand after the sudden decrease started from the middle of 2008.例文帳に追加

急速に落ち込んだ自動車販売台数も、物品税の2%ポイント引下げや金融緩和の効果などにより急速に持ち直し、2008 年半ば以降の急激な落ち込みの反動で2009 年の前年比伸び率は大幅なプラスで推移した。 - 経済産業省

In the course of rebuilding their indirect financing system after the outbreak of the Asian currency and economic crisis, ASEAN4 stepped up the sale of nonperforming loans in their countries to AMCs in addition to realigning their banking sectors. Thailand and Indonesia substantially tightened their credit grip while allowing international fund movements. Meanwhile, Malaysia tried to smooth its economic recovery by taking an aggressive credit-easing policy after ensuring the independence of its financial policy through the introduction of currency and capital-restricting measures.例文帳に追加

このアジア通貨・経済危機後の間接金融立て直しの過程において、銀行の再編とともに、①不良債権の資産管理会社への売却による処理、②タイ、インドネシアでは国際資本移動を認める中での大幅な金融引締め、③マレーシアでは通貨・資本規制を導入し金融政策の独立性を担保した上で積極的な金融緩和による景気の回復、が行われた。 - 経済産業省

Furthermore, it is thought that the U.S. economy was financed and demand was stimulated more than necessary by an overabundance of liquidity brought about by the credit easing mainly in developed countries, excessive global savings on the back of rapid grow in emerging countries and development of securitization created by a lower expected rate of return globally which all financed the U.S. economy.例文帳に追加

さらに、先進国を中心とした金融緩和策がもたらした過剰流動性、新興国の急速な成長を背景とした世界的過剰貯蓄、世界的な期待収益率の低下を背景として生み出された証券化手法の発達が米国経済をファイナンスし、需要を必要以上に刺激したと考えられる。 - 経済産業省

Russia executed the credit easing policy through policy interest rates cuts in 2010. In March 2010, the government issued an automobile scrap incentive program to promote a replacement of automobile as a part of new car sales promotion measures. It will be necessary to pay attention to the impact from these measures.例文帳に追加

ロシアでは2010 年に入っても政策金利引き下げによる金融緩和を実施している他、3 月には、新車販売促進政策の一環として、政府による自動車買い替え奨励措置である自動車スクラップ・インセンティブ制度が発効するなど対策が講じられており、今後、どの程度の効果が現れるか注視していく必要がある。 - 経済産業省

The Chinese government is actively improving the environment for supporting outward direct investment by Chinese companies by simplifying procedures for inspection and approval of such investment53, easing regulations on the use of foreign currencies, providing credit and special loans to companies making outward direct investment, and signing investment protection agreements and double taxation agreements, etc., with trading partners.例文帳に追加

中国政府は、中国企業による対外投資を支援するため、対外投資にかかる各種審査・認可手続きの簡素化、外貨使用に関する規制緩和、対外投資企業に対する信用供与や対外投資特別融資の実施等のほか、諸外国と投資保護協定や二重課税防止協定を締結するなどの環境整備を積極的に行っている。 - 経済産業省

I would like to use your question as an opportunity to tell you about some anecdotal evidence cited by market participants. For one thing, there are growing expectations of an economic turnaround in Japan and abroad because some economic indicators are improving or have stopped deteriorating in response to economic stimulus measures taken by various countries. In addition, part of the liquidity provided through credit easing worldwide is starting to flow into commodities and stocks. As for the Japanese market, it has been pointed out that foreign investors, who account for some 50% of sales and purchase transactions, have been generally posting net purchases since April because of a recovery of their risk tolerance level. 例文帳に追加

せっかくのご質問でございますので、市場関係者の声の中にこんな声もあるという程度のお話ですけれども、一つには、各国の経済対策などを受けて、一部の経済指標が改善、あるいは悪化が止まっているという傾向を示しているということで、国内外の景気底入れに対する期待が高まっている。それから、世界的な金融緩和によって供給されている流動性資金の一部が、商品や株式などに向かっている。 - 金融庁


The relationship between the yen and dollar has experienced weaker dollar overtones thanks to an improved global economy and expectations for more continued monetary easing in the United States. The strong yen reached a peak of 84 yen against the dollar due to a reversal of the short-term interest rate between the yen and dollar in November 2009 and the crisis in Dubai, however increasing policy by the Bank of Japan to ease credit and an improvement in US economic indicators have moved the currencies to a stronger dollar and weaker yen on expectations of a rate increase and upon entering 2010 the yen hovered around 90 to 95 yen per dollar (Figure 1-1-1-11).例文帳に追加

円・ドル関係については、世界経済の改善と米国の金融緩和継続期待を背景にドル安基調となる中で、2009年11月には日米短期金利差の逆転やドバイ・ショック等を背景に、一時84円台まで円高が進んだが、その後日本銀行による追加金融緩和策や米経済指標の改善を受けた利上げ期待等からドル高・円安方向に戻し、2010年に入ると、概ね90円~95円で推移している(第1-1-1-11図)。 - 経済産業省


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