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silver outflowの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 12


Japan initially suffered from a massive outflow of gold and silver due to a drastic trade deficit. 例文帳に追加

当初は日本側の大幅な輸入超過であり金銀が大量に海外に流出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Due to further outflow of gold and silver and the increasing hoard of them, the Matsukata deflation policy (also known as the Matsukata finance, a financial measure to induce deflation to eliminate inflation generated by raising funds for war cost of the Seinan War) came in. 例文帳に追加

金銀の流出、および退蔵化がさらに進んだため、松方デフレ政策の登場となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Whereas outflow of koban (former Japanese oval gold coin) and chogin (collective term of silver coin) from the country as trade settlement did not stop, thereby absolute amont of currency was extremely in short supply. 例文帳に追加

一方、貿易決済としての小判および丁銀の流出は止むことが無く、通貨の絶対量の不足が深刻となってきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, confusion of financial market because of the Great Depression led outflow of silver coins, so the silver standard was abandoned (the abandonment of the old "tael" and its replacement with the "yuan"; adoption of legal currency based on controlled currency system) in 1935. 例文帳に追加

しかし、世界恐慌による金融市場の混乱による銀錠の流出を受けて1935年に銀本位制を放棄(銀元廃両改元)(管理通貨制度に基づく法幣導入)をした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nagasaki-ginza reportedly established in 1614 (exact date unknown) in Susukihara in Nagasaki City and later in Omuracho, Shimabaracho and Kitairikomi operated chiefly to prevent illegal export of silver and prevent outflow of quality cupellated silver and was staffed by a silver inspector or ginza assistant manager dispatched alternately for one-year assignments. 例文帳に追加

慶長19年(1614年)(設立時期は諸説あり確定的でない)に長崎市芊(すすき)原、後に大村町、島原町北入込に設立された銀座は、主に銀の海外への不正持ち出しの監視、良質灰吹銀輸出の防止の役割を果たし、京の銀座より銀見役および銀座手代が一年毎に交代派遣された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Ansei Nishu gin silver was Keisu ginka (a silver coin whose value is determined by the amount written on it) minted only for international trade after June 25, 1859, with an intention to prevent the outflow of koban to foreign countries in preparation to the opening of Yokohama Port scheduled for July 2, 1859, due to Japan-U.S. Treaty of Peace and Amity, and it was also called Boeki Nishu (Nishu for international trade).例文帳に追加

安政二朱銀(あんせいにしゅぎん)は日米和親条約による安政6年(1859年)6月2日の横浜港の開港に備えて、同年5月25日より小判の海外流出防止の目的で貿易取引専用に鋳造された計数銀貨であり、貿易二朱(ぼうえきにしゅ)とも呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Particularly, the financial crisis came early for various causes, such as depletion of gold and silver mines under direct control of the Edo bakufu, outflow of gold and silver from Nagasaki that resulted from a deficit in trade with foreign countries, and expense for reconstruction projects after disasters, including the Great Fire of Meireki, some big earthquakes, and eruption of Mt. Fuji. 例文帳に追加

とりわけ幕府財政の危機は、諸国の幕府直轄金山・銀山の枯渇傾向、長崎における海外交易赤字による金銀の流出、明暦の大火・大地震・富士山の噴火などの災害復興事業による出費などから、いち早く訪れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thereby, for instance, by producing AgCl by a reaction between the chloride ions and silver, the chloride ions can be removed, and outflow of a catalyst metal due to influence of the chloride ions can be suppressed.例文帳に追加

これにより、たとえば、塩化物イオンと銀の反応によりAgClを生成させることにより、塩化物イオンを除去することができ、塩化物イオンの影響による触媒金属の流出を抑制することができる。 - 特許庁

The second action taken in considering Japan's import surplus through the trade in Nagasaki, was restricting the international trade through Nagasaki by issuing a new law in 1715 to limit the amount of international trade called 'Kaihakugoshi shinrei' or 'Nagasaki shinrei' (which meant that gold and silver were drained out of Japan; and the outflow of gold and silver meant the decrease of the domestic circulation of money and eventually indicated the risk of cooling economy because the currency was backed by the amount of gold and silver at that time). 例文帳に追加

第二に、長崎貿易は大幅な輸入超過であることを鑑み(つまり、金銀が海外に流出することを意味した。金銀の海外流出は貨幣の裏づけが金銀である以上、国内の貨幣流通量を減少させることとなり、景気を冷え込ませることを意味した)、1715年海舶互市新例(長崎新令)を発布し、長崎貿易を制限した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the first place, Arai's plan was developed based on the intention to implement trade controls originating from Confusion commerce suppression policy, so limiting the amount of trade simply followed the system developed in the Tsunayoshi era and his plan intentionally ignored the truth that the outflow of gold and silver had already stopped by Tsunayoshi's reform. 例文帳に追加

貿易額の制限そのものは綱吉時代の踏襲に過ぎず、更に新井の意見書には綱吉時代の改革で金銀の海外流出はほとんどなくなっていた事実を意図的に無視するなど、儒教的な抑商思想に由来する貿易統制ありきの発想が存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As the timing of inflow and outflow of specie money did not always match although this business was done every year cyclically and continuously, when expense was needed before attaining the current money, it was unavoidable to borrow gold and silver from powerful merchants (especially kuramoto [sake brewer] or kakeya [merchants dealing in finance]), putting up their annual rice tax or local special products which were to be sold later as security, and they paid back when such rice tax or products were actually delivered. 例文帳に追加

こうした取引は循環的かつ継続的に毎年繰り返されるが、正貨獲得時期と正貨支出時期が一致するとは限らず、正貨獲得以前に支出を要する場合には、販売予定の年貢米や特産品を担保として有力商人(特に蔵屋敷に出入りする蔵元や掛屋)から金銀を借りて、実際に入ってきた年貢米や特産品をもって返済することになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Koban was circulated mostly in Kanto region around Edo as it was called 'financial habit of Edo', because in Togoku, there were many gold mines such as Kurokawa Kinzan (Kurokawa Gold Mine) in Kai Province, Doi Mine in Izu Province, Hitachi Province and Mutsu Province, in addition, the preparation of metal for currency casting was completed as Insu gold was imported mainly from China against the outflow of the large sum of silver from Japan in the early Edo period, and Ieyasu planned to make gold basic currency after the Koshu gold. 例文帳に追加

東国には甲斐国の黒川金山を始めとして、伊豆国の土肥鉱山、常陸国および陸奥国と金鉱山が多く偏在し、さらに江戸時代初期は多額に上る銀の日本国外流出に対し、主に中国から印子金(いんすきん)が輸入されていたため貨幣鋳造用地金の準備も整い、また家康は甲州金を手本とし基本通貨を金貨とする方針であったことから、「江戸の金遣い」と呼ばれるように、小判は江戸を中心とする関東地方で主に流通した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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