





該当件数 : 28



(“Job Card system”). - 厚生労働省

図表3-16 ジョブ・カード制度例文帳に追加

Chart 3-16 Job Card System - 経済産業省


Establishment of the job card system - 経済産業省


Establishment of the job card system - 経済産業省


Improve/enhance the Job Card system - 厚生労働省


(Promotion of the Regular Employment Plan for Freeters and the Job Card system) - 厚生労働省


For this reason, it is significantly meaningful to encourage corporations to deeply get across/understand the Job-Card system.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


Providing the youth with vocational capability development opportunities via the Job Card system <expanded> - 厚生労働省


For “freeters” (job hoppers), the job card system will be promoted in order to help them find worthwhile jobs by increasing job opportunities for them as regular employees. - 経済産業省


Occupation ability form system (Job-card system) as the young person's occupation ability development chance - 厚生労働省


Improve/enhance the Job Card system (e.g., Establishment of life security benefits for those under vocational training, (providing a loan of ¥0.1m/mo., exemption of repayment,),etc. - 厚生労働省

② 「ジョブ・カード制度」(フリーター等の職業能力を形成する機会に恵まれない人を対象に、企業での実習と座学を組み合わせた訓練を提供し、訓練修了者の評価結果や職務経歴の情報をジョブ・カードとしてまとめ、求職活動などに活用する制度例文帳に追加

(ii) the Job Card system (for freeters and others who have had little opportunity for vocational capability development receive training that combines lectures with on-the-job training at companies. Training results, work experience and other information on those who have completed the training will be recorded in their Job Cards to use for job searching), - 厚生労働省


The "Job-Card system" has been launched to help "freeters" and those who have little experience of working as full-time workers obtain a full-time job by (i) raising their awareness about work through comprehensive career counseling and identifying the issues they face in career formation, (ii) providing such people with an opportunity for practical vocational training comprising job training at companies and lectures and (iii) summarizing companies' evaluation of their job performance and their job experiences in a Job-Card. - 経済産業省

フリーターなどの職業能力形成機会に恵まれない者を対象として、① ジョブ・カードを活用した、きめ細かなキャリア・コンサルティングを通じた意識啓発やキャリア形成上の課題の明確化を行い、② 企業実習と座学などを組み合わせた実践的な職業訓練(職業能力形成プログラム)を提供するとともに、③ 職業訓練での企業からの評価結果や職務経歴などをジョブ・カードとして取りまとめることにより、就職活動やキャリアアップに活用する「ジョブ・カード制度」が2008(平成20)年4月に創設された。例文帳に追加

Targeting those who lack the opportunity for vocational skills development, the “Job Card system,” a mechanism used for job search and career enhancement, was set up in April 2008 by clarifying challenges on awareness enhancement and career development through painstaking career consulting utilizing the Job Card while providing practical job training (Vocational Capability Development Program) combining corporate training and lectures and by compiling evaluation results on corporate training from corporations and work experiences as the Job Card. - 厚生労働省


The Job Card System was established in April 2008 in order to enable people with limited opportunities for vocational ability development, such as "freeters,"women who have finished raising children, and single mothers to enhance their capabilities and shift to stable jobs. - 経済産業省


The job card system was established in April 2008 in order to enable people with limited opportunities for vocational ability development, such asfreeters,” women who have finished raising children, and single - 経済産業省


If an increasing number of companies set up and utilize their internal capability evaluation standard for personnel evaluation purposes by taking the opportunity of introducing the “Job-Cardsystem employment training program, vocational abilities will be enhanced on an industry-wide scale.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


Enrich the Job Card system (a mechanism in which training courses combining lectures and hands-on training are provided, and information on job experience, vocational training and capability evaluation is used for job search) and enhance support. - 厚生労働省


The Job-Card system was launched to guide these workers to stable job opportunities. In April 2011, Job Card Promotion Council, consisting of labor-management groups and experts, developed the “New National Promotion Basic Plan.” The program aims to help job seekers obtain a full-time job by (i) raising their awareness about work through comprehensive career counseling and identifying the issues they face in career formation, (ii) providing such people with an opportunity for practical vocational training comprising job training at companies and lectures (Vocational Ability Development Program) and (iii) summarizing training service providersevaluation of their job performance and their job experience in a Job-Card.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

○ 若者を中心とした不安定な就労形態の問題等については、フリーターの常用雇用化やジョブ・カード制度の推進などの支援により安定した雇用を実現し、現在及び将来の経済的基盤の充実を図ることが必要である。例文帳に追加

To address the problem of unstable employment styles, especially among the youth, the government should help them build a better economic base for the present and the future by ensuring stable employment through support measures, such as a program to increase the regular employment of freeters and the Job Card system. - 厚生労働省


The "job card system" has been launched to help "permanent part‐timer" and those who have little experience of working as full-time workers to raise their awareness through comprehensive career counseling, identify the issues they face, and find fulltime employment, by providing these people with an opportunity for practical vocational training comprising job training at companies and lectures as well as by summarizing evaluations from companies and their job experiences in a job card. Efforts will be made to further promote the system in monodzukuri and other areas.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

現役期における就労と所得確保については、「フリーター常用雇用化プラン」や「ジョブ・カー ド制度」等の若年層の雇用の安定・促進を図る施策や、パートタイム労働者の待遇改善、派遣労働 者の就業環境の整備を行うとともに、最低賃金制度などの就業構造の変化等を踏まえた安全網の充 実を図ることとしている。例文帳に追加

To secure employment and income for the working generation, the government will take measures to stabilize and facilitate employment of the young generation (e.g., the Regular Employment Plan for Freeters, the Job Card system), improve treatment for part-time workers, and create a better work environment for dispatched employees. At the same time, the minimum wage system and other safety nets for workers will be enhanced in light of changes in the employment structure. - 厚生労働省


This system first educates freeters and others about employment and helps them identify tasks through careful career counseling and then provides them with practical job training that combines practice in the workplace and classroom lectures. The evaluation of the training results and work experience are noted on their job cards for use in their job search. - 経済産業省


This system first enlightens freeters and others about employment and helps them identify problems through careful career counseling and then provides them with practical job training that combines practice in the workplace and classroom lectures. The evaluation of the training results and work experience are noted on their job cards for use in their job search. - 経済産業省


Thus the following measures are being implemented: (1) Create skill standards which clarify the skills and know-how appropriate for the special qualities of services provided, through efforts of organizations such as the Service Productivity & Innovation for Growth conference, (2) Support establishment of a skills evaluation system (testing and certification) as a common platform for human resource development, (3) Promote utilization of Job Cards,34 which are also incorporated into a “Bottom-up Growth Strategy”, (4) Provide support to develop a common education program and education materials for each industry and job type, etc. - 経済産業省


年長フリーター等の正規雇用化を推進するため、① 年長フリーター等(25〜39歳)を積極的に正規雇用(ア直接雇用、イ「若年者トライアル雇用」を活用、ウ「ジョブ・カード制度」の雇用型訓練のうち「有期実習型訓練」修了者を正規雇用、の場合がある)する事業主又は② 採用内定を取り消されて就職先が未決定の学生等を正規雇用する事業主に対する奨励金(「若年者等正規雇用化特別奨励金」)を平成20年度第2次補正予算において新たに創設したところであり、対象者1人につき中小企業には100万円、大企業には50万円を支給(3年間にわたり3回に分けて支給)することとしている。例文帳に追加

In order to promote regular employment among older Freeters, establishment of a grant (Special Grant to Promote Regular Employment among the Youth, etc. was newly financed in the FY 2008 second supplementary budget for employers who will proactively hire older Freeters (aged 25-39) as regular employees (a) direct employment, b) utilizing the “youth trail employmentor c) employing those who have finished the fixed-term on-the-job training program of theJob Card System’s” employment-based training as regular employees) or hire graduates whose place of employment remain unsettled, due to withdrawal of their job offers, and 1 million yen for person for small and medium sized enterprises and 500 thousand yen for person for large companies will be provided (over 3 years in 3 separate payment periods). - 厚生労働省






Job card system









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