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North Faceの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 40


to face north 例文帳に追加

北に面する - EDR日英対訳辞書

to face the sea on the north 例文帳に追加

北は海に面す - 斎藤和英大辞典

Which way does his house face?"—“It faces north [to [toward] the north]." 例文帳に追加

「彼の家はどちら向きですか」「北向きです」. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

When you face (the) north, (the) east is to your right. 例文帳に追加

北に向くと, 東は右側になる. - 研究社 新英和中辞典


If you face north, the east is on your right.例文帳に追加

北を向くと、東は右側になる。 - Tatoeba例文


They climbed the rugged north face.例文帳に追加

彼らは険しい北面を登った。 - Tatoeba例文

If you face north, the east is on your right. 例文帳に追加

北を向くと、東は右側になる。 - Tanaka Corpus

They climbed the rugged north face. 例文帳に追加

彼らは険しい北面を登った。 - Tanaka Corpus

a way of positioning a deceased person, of the head toward the north, the face and the body facing the west 例文帳に追加

頭北面西右脇臥という,死者の寝かせ方 - EDR日英対訳辞書


Wall No. 7, Kannon Bosatsu Ryuzo: On the north edge of the west face. 例文帳に追加

7号壁・観音菩薩立像-西面の北端。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Wall No. 8, Monju Bosatsu zazo (seated image of Manjusri Bodhisattva): On the west edge of the north face. 例文帳に追加

8号壁・文殊菩薩坐像-北面の西端。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Wall No. 11, Fugen Bosatsu Zazo (seated image of Fugen Bosatsu): On the east edge of the north face. 例文帳に追加

11号壁・普賢菩薩坐像-北面の東端。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The other drapes on the north face and the four corners are left hanging down. 例文帳に追加

北と四隅の帳は垂らしたままにしておく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

the posture assumed by Buddha when achieving Nirvana with the head toward the north and the face and body toward the west例文帳に追加

頭北面西右脇臥という,釈迦の入滅時の姿 - EDR日英対訳辞書

A wall line w4 constituting a north-west face connecting the end of the wall line w2 constituting the south-west face and the end of the wall line w3 constituting the north-east face is set to be parallel an actual and legally allowable distance from a north-west boundary b3 of the site 1.例文帳に追加

またそれぞれ南西面を構成する壁面線w2と北東面を構成する壁面線w3の末端を結ぶ北西面を構成する壁面線w4は敷地1の北西側境界b3から事実上及び法律上許容される距離で平行に設定する。 - 特許庁

Konmeichi pond was painted on the face (south side), and Sagano Kotakagari (falconry at Sagano) was painted on the back (north side). 例文帳に追加

表面(南面)には昆明池の図が、裏面(北面)には嵯峨野小鷹狩の図がそれぞれ描かれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mitsumura's surviving wife was the daughter of FUJIWARA no Yoshishige, a Hokumen (north face) of the Emperor Toba, and she was known for her beauty. 例文帳に追加

残された光村の妻は鳥羽天皇の北面藤原能茂の娘で美貌で知られていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There were doorways on the west and north faces of the central area as well as a doorway on the south face used to access the secondary room. 例文帳に追加

身舎の西面、北、および南からの第二の間に戸口がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sato, Ichimura and Amano conquered the north face of Kalanka, a 6,931-meter peak also in India. 例文帳に追加

佐藤さん,一村さん,天野さんは同じくインドにあるカランカ峰(6931メートル)の北壁を制覇した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

The arm 1 has a north-polarized first ferromagnet 4 on the other end face, and the arm 2 has a south-polarized second ferromagnet 5 on one end face.例文帳に追加

アーム1はN極を有する第1強磁性体4を他端面に備え、アーム2はS極を有する第2強磁性体5を一端面に備える。 - 特許庁

A solar energy utilization facility is installed on the inclined face facing south, and a plant cultivation device 5 is installed on the inclined face 4 facing north.例文帳に追加

南向き傾斜面に太陽エネルギー利用設備を設置すると共に、北向き傾斜面4に植物栽培装置5を設置する。 - 特許庁

In the trenched road extending approximately north and south, the soundproof panel 4 is desirably disposed to face north with an upward inclination so as to shield direct sunlight s.例文帳に追加

概ね南北に延びる堀割道路において、前記防音パネル4を北側方向に向けて上向きの傾斜を設けて配置した形態とするのが、太陽光sの直射を遮るので好ましい。 - 特許庁

Thanks to less exposure to direct sunlight, the murals of the walls No. 14 and No. 16 on the north face are preserved well. 例文帳に追加

直射日光があまり当たらなかったと思われる北面の14号壁、16号壁などが保存状態がよい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The layout of Tenryu-ji Temple is contrary to the general layout of Zen temple grounds that face south with major buildings aligned along the north-south axis. 例文帳に追加

これは、通常の禅宗寺院が原則として南を正面とし、南北に主要建物を並べるのとは異なっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After people were seated, two of Kencho separated to right and left and entered through the east or the west door on the north face and then took a seat. 例文帳に追加

当日、諸員着席ののち、褰帳1人ずつ左右に分かれ、北面東西の戸からはいって着座。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A wall line w1 constituting a south face is set to be perpendicular to a south-north azimuth line, independently of the run-out angle of the site 1.例文帳に追加

敷地1の振れ角度にかかわらず、南面を構成する壁面線w1を南北の方位線に直交する向きに設定する。 - 特許庁

A magnet 40 having both the north pole 46A and the south pole 46B facing the rear face of a magazine 22 is provided.例文帳に追加

N極46AおよびS極46Bがともに収容部22の裏面と対向する磁石40を設ける。 - 特許庁

A hole of a shape corresponding to the shape of a lower box body 50 of the ventilation unit 3 is formed in the vicinity of a ridge on the north face of a roof 12.例文帳に追加

屋根12の北側などの面の棟近傍に、換気ユニット3の下側箱体50の形状に対応した形状の孔を形成する。 - 特許庁

To obtain a bright comfortable room by sufficiently taking in light even in a room positioned on a north face, to which natural light is difficult to enter from a window.例文帳に追加

窓から自然光が入りにくい北面に位置する部屋であっても、充分に光を採り入れて明るい快適な部屋とする。 - 特許庁

The roof structure is constructed by covering a south-side roof face with a clay tile 1 having a solar cell board 2 and a north-side roof face with a clay tile having a moss-growing board 4.例文帳に追加

太陽電池基板2を配設した粘土瓦1を南側屋根面に葺設するとともに、苔植生基板4を配設した粘土瓦1を北側屋根面に葺設する。 - 特許庁

It was enshrined in the north face of the Kondo (golden hall) during the early part of the Meiji period; from the late part of the Meiji period until the early part of the Showa period, it was deposited in the Imperial Household Museum of Nara (present Nara National Museum). 例文帳に追加

明治時代初期には金堂の北面に安置され、明治時代後期~昭和時代初期には奈良帝室博物館(現奈良国立博物館)に寄託されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Across the Abukumagawa River 1.5 km north from the Yanagawa city center (Yanagawa-jo castle town) through National Route 349, Oyama, the Oeda-jo Castle where the Date army lined up to face Abukuma-jo Castle can been seen on the left. 例文帳に追加

梁川中心市街(梁川城下)から国道349号線を1.5kmほど北上して阿武隈川を越えると、左手に、当時、梁川城に対峙して伊達軍が布陣したという小山…大枝城跡がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The demagnetization method uses a magnetic field generating means 3 having a pole face 2 in which north poles and south poles are alternately disposed in a loop to demagnetize an object to be demagnetized 4.例文帳に追加

N極とS極を交互に環状に配置した磁極面2を有する磁場発生手段3を使用して脱磁対象物4を脱磁する脱磁方法である。 - 特許庁

The multipolar magnetic rotor 19 is formed by bonding rubber or resin containing magnetic powders to an outer circumferential face of the cylindrical portion 18b of the annular core portion 18, and is magnetized in a radial direction so that north poles and south poles are alternately arranged in its circumferential direction.例文帳に追加

多極磁石ロータ19は、環状芯金18の円筒部18bの外周面に磁性粉入りのゴムまたは樹脂を接着してその周方向交互にN極、S極を配置するように径方向から着磁したものである。 - 特許庁

To provide a roof improving the thermal insulating performance of a house and serving as an aid of environmental improvement by effectively using roof faces to efficiently perform plant cultivation and solar power generation, making the most of the features of an inclined face facing south and an inclined face facing north.例文帳に追加

南向き傾斜面及び北向き傾斜面の特色を生かし、屋根面を有効に利用して植物栽培及び太陽発電等を効率よく行い、家屋の断熱性能を良好にすると共に、環境改善の一助となる屋根を提供すること。 - 特許庁

After being scolded by the irate barber, Doji was feeling despondent and wandered aimlessly down to the bridge over a nearby stream, hanging his head, only to notice that his face, reflected in the water, had completely transformed into that of an oni, whereupon he fled north, without ever returning home to the barber's, into the mountains of Tanba, where he eventually encountered Shuten Doji and became his henchman. 例文帳に追加

床屋に怒られた童子は気落ちして近くの小川の橋にもたれてうつむいていると、水面に写る自分の顔がすっかり鬼になってしまっているのに気づき、床屋には帰らずに北の丹波の山に逃げ、やがて酒呑童子と出会い家来となったと言う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

African countries face various challenges, such as reducing poverty toward achieving the MDGs and addressing sharp rises in food and resource prices, and also new challenges including the great reforms underway in the North African countries. Under such circumstances, expectations for the AfDB have grown bigger than ever. 例文帳に追加

アフリカ諸国は、MDGs達成に向けた貧困削減、資源および食料価格の高騰への対応等に加え、北アフリカ諸国で進行中の大きな改革といった新たな課題にも直面しており、AfDBに対する期待はこれまでに無く高まっています。 - 財務省

The inclined face 4 facing north is covered stepwise with metal plates with sheathing boards erected along a horizontal direction, and the plant cultivation device 5 comprising a vegetation mat formed by wrapping the outer surface of soil of prescribed thickness with a water permeable sheet may be locked upward in the gradient direction of the sheathing boards.例文帳に追加

水平方向に沿って堰板を立設した金属板で北向き傾斜面4を段葺きし、堰板の勾配方向上方に、所定厚さの土壌の外面を透水性のあるシートで包んだ植生マットより成る植物栽培装置5を係止しても良い。 - 特許庁

The placed roof structural body is provided with a triangular north roof panel body 20 and a south roof panel body 30 arranged in a space formed between a roof joint region NFH in a main east roof face 3 in a main roof structure and a roof truss section MFH in a sub roof structural body 7.例文帳に追加

本発明の置き屋根構造体1は、主屋根構造体2における主東屋根面3の屋根接合領域NFHと従屋根構造体7における小屋断面MFHとの間に形成された空間部に配される三角形状の北屋根パネル体20及び南屋根パネル体30を備えている。 - 特許庁


During the service, a Butsu Nehan-zu (painting of Buddha nirvana), depicting Shakamuni entering Nirvana under a sal tree, lying with his head pointing to the north, and his face facing to the west, surronded by ten great disciples, a group of Bosatsu (Bodhisattva), Tenbu (deities who reside in a heavenly realm, one of six realms in which the souls of living beings transmigrate from one to another), animals and insects all lamenting his death, is hung, and "Butsuyuikyogyo" (Mahayana Buddhist scripture) is chanted. 例文帳に追加

法要中は、釈迦が娑羅双樹の下で涅槃に入った際の、頭を北にして西を向き右脇を下にした姿で臥し、周囲に十大弟子を始め諸菩薩、天部や獣畜、虫類などまでが嘆き悲しむさまを描いた仏涅槃図(涅槃図)を掲げ、『仏遺教経』を読誦することとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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