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該当件数 : 16件
By the ultrasonic flowmeter 10, an ultrasonic sensor 50 is assembled from the axial direction of a measurement pipe 30 to the insertion region 31A of a sensor holding wall 31 together with an anti-vibration member 60. - 特許庁
The high-temperature superconducting magnet includes a superconducting coil formed by winding a high-temperature superconducting wire material in a coiled shape and a permanent current switch connected to the superconducting coil where the superconducting coil is formed by winding a plurality of high-temperature superconducting wire materials in parallel, and the high-temperature superconducting wire materials have short-circuit portions connected to other high-temperature superconducting wire materials through conductive materials. - 特許庁
The oxygen concentrations of the low-temperature parts 5a, 5b are measured by the oximeters 10a, 10b, air is supplied from air supply openings 8a, 8b to adjust the oxygen concentration of the exhausted gas to be 20% or more, and the gas after the adjustment is exhausted from exhaust openings 9a, 9b. - 特許庁
An apparatus is configured with a radio receiving unit for receiving external data such as emergency contact, a viewing data input unit from the portable AV device, a switching processing unit for switching between viewing data and the external data, and a voice outputting unit for outputting the viewing data or the external data which are switched to the portable AV device. - 特許庁
The superconducting coil with the permanent current switch which has small connection resistance and high reliability is provided by using a magnesium diboride superconductor line which has high critical temperature, a large critical magnetic field, and a large critical current as the permanent current switch and short-circuiting the superconducting coil. - 特許庁
This method for anionic polymerization of a lactam comprises (a) dissolving (i) a catalyst capable of forming a lactamate and (ii) an adjusting agent selected from amides: R1-NH-CO-R2 in a melted lactam, cooling the obtained solution, (b) introducing the obtained product into a mixing device and then heating the mixture at a temperature enough to carry out the bulk polymerization of the lactam. - 特許庁
For a British, English priority frequency band (frequency band used preferentially) is high and listening ability of high frequency is high, the British becomes difficult to listen sounds coming from a speaker when the high frequency noise is superposed on the sound signal. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 16件
The instrument is usually played using the basic aitake but icchiku (playing melody with single sound) and special aitake are used in choshi, netori, saibara and roei performances.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He was appointed Tachihaki no osa and Kebiishi and played such important roles as defending Kyoto against Nanto-Shinboku (Southern capital [Nara]-Sacred tree) (Direct petition by priest soldiers of Kofuku-ji Temple) and administering the new construction of Onjo-ji Temple which had been burnt down in a battle against Enryaku-ji Temple.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A distance measuring operation control circuit 122A measures time until reception is detected by an envelope detecting signal from when oscillating an ultrasonic wave to calculate a distance up to a distance measuring object from the time. - 特許庁
This configuration enables easily connecting to the portable AV device owned by a user, the switching processing unit to switch the external data received by the radio receiving unit and the viewing data from the viewing data input unit, and distributing the external data such as emergency contact by outputting from the voice outputting unit. - 特許庁
The ceramic heater is excellent in durability at high temperature, and capable of restraining generation of crack at the periphery of the lead wiring because stress generated by a volume expansion reaction of alkali metal like Na accumulated at a specific temperature area of the lead wiring is lowered by arranging an expansion relieving layer on the ceramic layer using direct current. - 特許庁
The objective detergent composition for hair comprises (a) an ethoxylated organic carboxylic acid type anionic surfactant, (b) a cationized polygalactomannan gum derivative, (c) droplet particles of water-insoluble polysiloxane, and (d) an organic carboxylic acid or its salt in which the pH of the composition is adjusted to 4.0-6.5 by the organic carboxylic acid or its salt. - 特許庁
In the method for cracking hydrocarbon oil, at least one kind of hydrocarbon oil selected from heavy thermal cracking oil and an extract is subjected to cracking reaction at 280 to 580°C under 3.0 to 20.0 MPa in the absence of oxygen and hydrogen. - 特許庁
コンテンツ産業における部門別の市場の推移を見てみると、音楽やキャラクター部門はマイナス成長が見込まれる一方で、放送(広告をのぞいたドラマ等のテレビ番組)が2009 年から2014 年にかけて年平均7.0%増、ゲームが同5.5%増、映画が同4.5%増、アニメが同4.3%増等大きな成長をとげると予想されている(第3-3-2-6 図)。例文帳に追加
Looking at the market trend of the contents industry by division, broadcasting (TV programs such as dramas, excluding advertisement) is expected to significantly grow during 2009 to 2014 by an annual average of 7.0%, as well as games (5.5%), movies (4.5%), and animated films (4.3%), while the music and character division is expected to remain in negative growth (Figure 3-3-2-6). - 経済産業省
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