意味 | 例文 (35件) |

該当件数 : 35件
The invention is characterized in that the force which is exerted onto the rolling stock (6) by the roll (3) is adjusted to a defined value. - 特許庁
In this membrane magnet, the membrane magnet material having a structure where Nd2Fe14B crystal phase 1 including a non-morphous phase is surrounded by the non-morphous phase 2, is formed on the substrate 3 having a thermal expansion coefficient of 5×10-6 to 10×10-6/K. - 特許庁
Thus, the gear 3 can be set to adjust an output load and torque. - 特許庁
The device comprises the gage 2 inserted among three adjusting bolts of a gap part through the outer periphery side and adjusted to be as thick as a regular gap value at a predetermined temperature, a heating plate 3 mounted in face contact with the gage 2 and having a built-in heater coil, and a power box 6 for supplying power to the heater coil. - 特許庁
The catalyst 10 consists of a noble metal 3, e.g. platinum, carried on a support 1, e.g. a ceria-zirconia containing support, and a compound 5 preventing sintering of the noble metal, e.g. ceria, is arranged around the noble metal 3. - 特許庁
The nonaqueous inkjet ink contains at least a pigment, a fixing resin and a solvent A represented by the general formula in the figure, and further 3-30 mass% of sulfoxides, sulfones or 1,3-dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone as a solvent B, and has 7.0-50.0 cP viscosity at 25°C. - 特許庁
In the methacryl resin composition, which comprises a copolymer of methyl methacrylate and acrylic ester, for an extruded light guide plate: a ratio of methyl methacrylate units in the copolymer is 96 wt.% or more by an analysis based on pyrolysis gas chromatography; and a reduced viscosity measured at 25°C as a chloroform solution of concentration 0.01g/cm^3 is 60-80 cm^3/g. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 35件
日本工業規格JIS A 1323(建築工事用シートの溶接及び溶断火花に対する難燃性試験)に規定するA種試験に合格し、嵩密度0.08〜0.50g/cm^3で厚さ1.0mm〜10.0mmである有機繊維不織布からなることを特徴とする火花受けシート。例文帳に追加
The spark receiving sheet composed of an organic fiber nonwoven fabric passes the Type A test of the Japanese Industrial Standards JIS A-1323 (flame retardant test for spark droplets of welding and gas cutting on fabric sheets in construction work) and has a bulk density of 0.08-0.50 g/cm^3 and a thickness of 1.0 mm-10.0 mm. - 特許庁
第四十四条の三 警察庁長官又は警察本部長は、貸金業者、貸金業務取扱主任者又は第二十六条第二項の認可を受けようとする貸金業協会の役員について、意見陳述事由又は意見陳述事実があると疑うに足りる相当な理由があるため、内閣総理大臣又は都道府県知事が当該貸金業者、当該貸金業務取扱主任者又は同項の認可を受けようとする者に対して適当な措置をとることが必要であると認める場合には、警察庁長官にあつては内閣総理大臣、警察本部長にあつては都道府県知事に対し、その旨の意見を述べることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 44-3 Where the Commissioner-General of the National Police Agency or the Chief of Police has reasonable grounds to suspect the existence of any Grounds Requiring the Statement of Opinions or Facts Requiring the Statement of Opinions with regard to a Money Lender, a Chief of Money Lending Operations, or an officer of a Money Lenders' Association who intends to obtain authorization under Article 26, paragraph (2), and therefor finds it necessary for the Prime Minister or prefectural governor to take appropriate measures against the Money Lender, the Chief of Money Lending Operations, or such person who intends to obtain authorization under Article 26, paragraph (2), the Commissioner-General of the National Police Agency or the Chief of Police may state his/her opinion to that effect to the Prime Minister or prefectural governor, respectively.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The supply system has an advertisement information issue server 3 on a network, to which a large number of unspecified advertisers and advertisement applicants can be connected, and this advertisement information issue server 3 can register the electronic advertisement having category information related to the designation of the advertiser and performs transmitting/receiving control processing for each of advertisement applicants to selectively acquire the desired electronic advertisement out of the relevant registered electronic advertisements. - 特許庁
Reflecting the slight easing of market tensions caused by the refinancing operation for the banks with a maturity of 3 years implemented by the European Central Bank from the end of 2011 and the implementation of policy measures such as the strengthening of fiscal discipline and the organization/strengthening of the emergency response framework at the EU/euro area level, recent production activities have again shifted towards a moderate recovery. However, they remain at the level of about 11% below the peak before the world economic crisis. - 経済産業省
The recording head 1 being carried on a carriage 23 moving in the main scanning direction in an ink jet recorder comprises an ejecting section 5 generating energy for ejecting ink, a supporting member 4 conducting heat from the ejecting section 5, and a housing 3 for supporting the supporting member 4 wherein a space communicating with the outer air is provided between the housing 3 and the supporting member 4. - 特許庁
The structure of the circuit breaker 2 with the terminal unit is characterized in that a bottom face part 3 of a case constituting the terminal unit 12 is provided with grooves 4 facing conductive bars and that conductors 8 energized toward the conductive bars by spring bodies 7 are provided in the grooves 4, thereby facilitating the attachment/detachment work of the circuit breaker 2 and obtaining positive conduction. - 特許庁
第三条 本邦に在留する外国人は、本邦に入つたとき(入管法第二十六条の規定による再入国の許可を受けて出国した者が再入国したとき及び入管法第六十一条の二の十二の規定による難民旅行証明書の交付を受けて出国した者が当該難民旅行証明書により入国したときを除く。)はその上陸の日から九十日以内に、本邦において外国人となつたとき又は出生その他の事由により入管法第三章に規定する上陸の手続を経ることなく本邦に在留することとなつたときはそれぞれその外国人となつた日又は出生その他当該事由が生じた日から六十日以内に、その居住地の市町村(東京都の特別区の存する区域及び地方自治法(昭和二十二年法律第六十七号)第二百五十二条の十九第一項の指定都市にあつては区。以下同じ。)の長に対し、次に掲げる書類及び写真を提出し、登録の申請をしなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 3 (1) All aliens in Japan shall apply for registration with the mayor or head of the city, town or village (in the case of Tokyo, which is divided into special wards or in the case of the cities designated in Article 252-19, paragraph (1) of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947), ward; hereinafter the same) in which his/her residence is located, submitting the documents and photographs specified in the following items, within 90 days of the day of landing in cases where the alien has entered Japan (except for cases where an alien who departed from Japan with re-entry permission under Article 26 of the Immigration Control Act re-enters Japan and cases where an alien who departed from Japan with refugee travel documentation under Article 61-2-12 of the Immigration Control Act enters Japan possessing the subject refugee travel document) or within 60 days of the day of his/her becoming an alien or the day of his/her birth or the occurrence of other relevant causes in cases where he/she becomes an alien while in Japan or when he/she comes to stay in Japan without following the procedure for landing provided for in Chapter III of the Immigration Control Act due to birth or other causes:発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
3 第百五十七条第二項、第百五十八条第二項、第百六十条及び第百六十一条第一項並びに行政不服審査法第十四条第四項、第十五条第一項、第二項及び第四項、第十八条第一項及び第四項、第十九条、第二十一条、第三十四条第一項、第二項及び第六項、第三十五条から第三十七条まで、第三十九条、第四十条第一項から第五項まで、第四十一条、第四十二条並びに第四十三条第一項及び第二項の規定は、審査の申請について準用する。この場合において、第百六十条及び第百六十一条第一項中「矯正管区の長」とあるのは「警察本部長」と、第百六十条第二項中「刑事施設の長」とあるのは「留置業務管理者」と、同法第十八条第一項中「正本及び副本を処分庁又は」とあるのは「正本を」と、同法第三十四条第二項中「審査請求人の申立てにより又は職権で」とあるのは「職権で」と、同法第四十二条第三項中「掲示し、かつ、その旨を官報その他の公報又は新聞紙に少なくとも一回掲載して」とあるのは「掲示して」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加
(3) The provisions of paragraph (2) of Article 157, paragraph (2) of Article 158, Article 160, and paragraph (1) of Article 161 of this Act, and the provisions of paragraph (4) of Article 14, paragraphs (1), (2), and 4 of Article 15, paragraphs (1) and (4) of Article 18, Articles 19 and 21,paragraphs (1), (2), and (6) of Article 34, Articles 35 to 37 inclusive, and Article 39, paragraphs (1) to (5) inclusive of Article 40, Articles 41 and 42, and paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article 43 under the Administrative Appeal Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the claim for review. In this case, the phrase "Superintendent of the Regional Correction Headquarters" in Article 160 and paragraph (1) of Article 161 shall be read as "Chief of Police" ; the term "warden of the penal institution" in paragraph (2) of Article 160 shall be read as "detention services manager" ; the phrase "the original copy and a duplicate copy of the written request for review to either the disposition agency or the review agency" in paragraph (1) of Article 18 of said Act shall be read as "the original copy to the review agency" ; the phrase "upon request of the applicant of the request for review or ex officio" in paragraph (2) of Article 34 under said Act shall be read as "ex officio" ; and the phrase "by both posting the notice on a bulletin board and publishing in the official gazette or other official bulletin or in a newspaper at least once" in paragraph (3) of Article 42 of said Act shall be read as "by posting the notice on a bulletin board," and additional technicalities requiring alternative readings shall be provided for by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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