



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 日英・英日専門用語 > 住所付請求書の英語・英訳 










該当件数 : 14


商品の送先について、以下の住所へ変更をお願いします。なお、請求の送先については、従来どおりです。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

Could you change the delivery address to the one below? The billing address is unchanged.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


The registration number and the names or business names and addresses of both parties shall be stated in the request. - 特許庁


The request for annotation of a change of name, main offices or address of the applicant or owner must be supported by the following documents:発音を聞く  - 特許庁


(2) A request by any person to change his address or address for service appearing in the Register or any document given or sent to or filed with the Registrar shall be made in Form D1. - 特許庁


Where the application is made by a person who is not the registered proprietor of the mark in question, the applicant shall forthwith send copies of the application and of the statement to the registered proprietor at his trade or business address as entered in the Register and, if an address for service different therefrom is entered in the Register, at that address also. - 特許庁


A patentee may make a request in writing along with fee payable to the Controller for the alteration of his name, nationality, address or address for service as entered in the register of patents in respect of any patent granted to him.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


3 当該団体の代表者又は主幹者の住所又は居所が知れているときは、前項の規定による公示の外、これに処分請求の謄本を送しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) Where the domicile or residence of the representative or chief officer of the organization concerned is known, a copy of the written request for disposition shall be sent to such person in addition to publication in the Official Gazette under the preceding paragraph.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 14


ある商標の登録所有者又は登録使用者に関して,その登録された事業所住所又は送達宛先が局の措置により変更されたが変更となった住所が従来の場所を示すものである場合は,かかる所有者又は使用者は,様式 TM16又は様式 TM1の何れか適切な方を使用し,かつ当該局の発行した住所表示変更証を添して,登録官に登録簿の住所記載の変更を求めることができる。かかる請求により,登録官は,その事実が存在したと認めるなら,手数料の納義務を課すことなく,登録簿の当該住所の記載を変更する。例文帳に追加

A registered proprietor or a registered user of a trade mark whose registered business address or address for service is altered by a public authority but the address as altered designates the same premises as before shall make a request for the appropriate alteration of the address to the Registrar on FormTM16 or TM1 as appropriate and if the request is accompanied by a certificate of the alteration given by the said authority, the Registrar shall alter the Register accordingly if he is satisfied as to the facts of the case, without payment of fee. - 特許庁

(4) 第109/A条(1)に基づいて報酬を請求する目的では,種子処理者は,(所有者の面による請求があったときは),第109/A条(2)にいう植物種に属する植物品種であって,所有者を受益者とする保護下にあるものの収穫物を作けの目的で処理した量についての情報,並びにこの処理行為の対象となる者の名称及び住所(営業所)例文帳に追加

(4) For the purposes of claiming the remuneration under Article 109/A (1), the seed processor ? upon the written request of the holder ? is obliged to give information about the quantity processed for the purposes of sowing of the harvested product of the plant variety belonging to some of the plant species specified in Article 109/A (2), being under protection in favour of the holder, as well as about the name and address (place of business) of the persons for whom he has fulfilled this activity of processing. - 特許庁


A registered proprietor or a registered user of a trade mark the address of whose principal place of business in India or whose address for service in India is altered by a public authority, so that the changed address designates the same premises as entered in the register, may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar in Form TM-34 or TM-50 as the case may be, and if he does so he shall leave therewith a certificate of the alteration given by the said authority. - 特許庁

特許願は,次を含むものとする。出願人の姓名,住所及び国籍。出願人が法人である場合は,その名称及び本拠, 発明者が出願人でない場合は,発明者の姓名,住所及び国籍,出願人が代理されている場合は,代理人の姓名及び住所。出願人が法人により代理されている場合は,当該法人の名称及び本拠を記載する。発明の名称,特許与を請求するという出願人の意思の表明,出願人又はその代理人の署名。例文帳に追加

The request for grant of a patent shall contain the following: the surname, first name, address and nationality of the applicant; if the applicant is a legal person, its name and headquarters; the surname, first name, address and nationality of the inventor, if the inventor is not the applicant; the surname, first name and domicile of a representative, if the applicant is represented; if the applicant is represented by a legal person, its name and headquarters shall be given; the title of the invention; an expression of the will of the applicant that he is requesting the grant of a patent; the signature of the applicant or his representative.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


The prescribed annual fee in respect of each registration shall be payable before the 1st day of December in each year in respect of the following year, and in case it is not paid within one month from that date the Controller shall send to the registered trade mark agent at such agent's registered business address a notice in writing requiring such agent to pay the fee on or before a date to be mentioned in the notice, and in the case of failure to pay the fee within the time specified in the notice the Controller may cause the name of such agent to be erased from the Register of Trade Mark Agents. - 特許庁

にはすべて,その納者の住所及び名称の表示,並びに納目的を容易に特定できる必要資料を備えなければならない。 (a) 特許出願,特許,証明申請,又は証明に関する処理手続の場合は,これらの資料は,次の事項から構成されなければならない。 -ルクセンブルク特許又は証明に関する場合は,出願番号 -欧州特許又は国際特許に関する場合は,出願番号及び公告番号中,最新の番号 -特許又は証明についての出願(申請)日 -権利者の名称 -対象処理手続の性格についての言及 -1つ又は複数の手数料の金額 (b) 年金の納の場合は,これらの資料は,次の事項から構成されなければならない。 -手数料の納対象である特許年次 -(a)に掲げた要素 (c) 庁の請求に対する納の場合は,当該資料は,当該請求発行の番号,日及び名称から構成されなければならない。例文帳に追加

Any payment must include the information on the name and the address of the person who makes it, as well as the necessary data allowing an easy identification of the purpose of the payment. (a) In the case of an operation relating to a patent application, a patent, a certificate application or certificate, these data shall be composed of: - if it concerns a Luxembourgian patent or a certificate: the filing number; - if it concerns an European or international patent: the more recent between the filing number and publication number; - the filing date of the application for patent or certificate; - the name of the owner; - a reference to the nature of the operation in question; - the amount of the fee or the fees. (b) In the case of a payment of annual fee, these data must be composed of: - the patent year for which the fee is due; - the elements referred to under (a) above. (c) In the case of a payment of a bill of the Service, the data shall be composed of the number and the date of the issuance of the bill as well as the name of the issuer of the bill. - 特許庁


(2) 当該願には日を入れた上,1人又は2人以上の出願人又はそれらの者の代理人によって署名され,次の情報を含まなければならない。 (a) 特許を受けようとする宣言 (b) 明確かつ簡潔に発明の技術的命名を示すものであって空想的名称を含まない,発明の名称 (c) 1人又は2人以上の出願人の名称及び洗礼名,呼称又は商号,及び住所 (d) 委嘱する場合は,職業代理人の名称及び営業上の住所 (e) 庁の通信が送されるべきルクセンブルク大公国領土内の郵送宛先 (f) 分割出願に関する場合は,その旨の表示及び原特許出願への言及 (g) 特許協力条約(PCT)に基づいて出願された国際出願を基礎とするルクセンブルク特許請求に関する場合は,その旨の表示及び当該国際出願への言及 (h) 欧州特許の変更請求に関する場合は,その旨の表示及び当該欧州特許への言及 (i) 法第14条(2)(b)に基づいて出願された新規特許出願に関する場合は,その旨の表示及び原出願への言及例文帳に追加

2. It should be dated and signed by theapplicant or applicants, or by their representative, and should include the following information: (a) a statement according to which a patent is sought; (b) the title of the invention, indicating in a clear and concise manner the technical designation of the invention without containing any whimsical appellation; (c) the name and given name, the designation or corporate name as well as the address of the applicant or applicants; (d) the name and the business address of the professional representative, if one is retained; (e) the postal address in the territory of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg to which the communications of the Service should be sent; (f) if it concerns a divisional application, its designation as such, as well as the references to the initial application; (g) if it concerns a request for grant of a Luxembourgian patent on the basis of an international application, filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), its designation as such, as well as the references to the international application; (h) if it concerns a request for conversion of an European patent application, its designation as such, as well as the references to the European patent application; (i) if it concerns a new patent application filed in accordance with Article 14, paragraph 2, letter (b) of the Law, itsdesignation as such, as well as the references to the initial application. - 特許庁


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