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英訳・英語 Gross Capital Formation
該当件数 : 13件
両地域では、海外からの直接投資が総固定資本形成の2~3 割程度を占め、経済成長の原資となっている。例文帳に追加
In both areas, foreign direct investment accounts for some 20-30% of total fixed asset formation and is serving as a driving force of economic development. - 経済産業省
この高い成長をけん引しているのは、民間設備投資等からなる総固定資本形成、民間消費、純輸出と考えられる(第1-2-4-53 図)。例文帳に追加
The driving force of this strong growth is considered to be total fixed asset formation including private investment, private consumption and net export (see Figure 1-2-4-53). - 経済産業省
Regarding the French economy, whose conditions had been favorable, the economic growth rate fell dramatically in 2001 as a result of negative inventory investment and slowdown in gross fixed capital formation. - 経済産業省
In 2002, net exports decreased given the sluggish recovery in the world economy and gross fixed capital formation turned negative, leading to a slowdown in the economic growth rate for two consecutive years (Fig.1.1.11). - 経済産業省
また、国内総固定資本形成に占める対内直接投資の割合を比較してみても、我が国の割合( 0 . 7 % ) は、先進国平均(25.0%)、世界平均(22.0%)よりはるかに低い(第3-1-4図)。例文帳に追加
Moreover, inward FDI flows as a percentage of gross fixed capital formation in Japan (0.7percent) is much lower than the average in developed countries (25.0 percent) and the world average(22.0 percent) (Fig.3.1.4). - 経済産業省
これは、中国が輸出・総固定資本形成が同37.6%、同38.5%となっており、外需と投資を中心とした成長を遂げていること、また、ASEAN 諸国がアジア通貨・金融危機の影響もあり総固定資本形成が同20%前後と低迷する中で、輸出は同40%以上の水準を保ち、外需を中心とした発展を遂げていることと対照的である。例文帳に追加
This stands in contrast to China, whose exports and total fixed capital formation stood at 37.6and 38.5% of GDP, indicating that it has achieved growth led by external demand and investment. India’s demand breakdown also stands in contrast to ASEAN, which, as total fixed capital formation stagnated at around 20% due to the impact of the currency and financial crisis, maintained exports at about 40% of GDP, achieving growth led by external demand. - 経済産業省
県内総生産に占める公的資本形成の割合を地域ブロック別にみると、2009年度には北海道、北陸、九州・沖縄で高く、南関東、近畿、東海の3 大都市圏では低い。例文帳に追加
Looking atthe ratio of public capital formation to gross prefectural product by regional block in 2009, the ratio was high inHokkaido, Hokuriku, and Kyusyu and Okinawa, and was low in the three major urban regions including SouthKanto, Kinki and Tokai . - 厚生労働省
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Weblio例文辞書での「総資本形成」に類似した例文 |
the act of accumulating capital
of two or more people, to financially join their capital
to touch the capital―break in upon the capital
the stock―the capital stock―of a company
Capital is tied up.
The capital is (left) intact.
該当件数 : 13件
The cost of social security in Japan is somewhat higher than in the US and the UK but is lower thanin Sweden, Germany, and France. - 厚生労働省
The UK economy maintained stable growth throughout the 1990s, but economic growth in 2001 and 2002 was stagnant, due to effects such as weakening exports brought about by sluggish growth in the Euro zone, reductions in the inventory investment of businesses and gross fixed capital formation. - 経済産業省
地域ブロック別に、1999年度からの10年間の県内総生産に占める公的資本形成の構成比変化と地域の就業者増加率、地域の就業者数に占める建設業就業者割合の変化との関係をプロットしてみると、公的資本形成の減少が、3 大都市圏に比べ北海道、東北、四国といった地域ブロックにおける就業者の減少に大きな影響を及ぼしたことがわかる(第17図) 。例文帳に追加
By plotting the relationship between the changes in the composition ratio of public capital formation to the grossprefectural product and the changes in the regional increase rate of the employed and the ratio of the number ofworkers in the construction industry to the number of workers in the region, we can see that the decrease of publiccapital formation had a more profound effect on the decrease of the number of workers in the regional blocksincluding Hokkaido, Tohoku and Shikoku, than the 3 major urban regions, i.e. South Kanto, Kinki and Tokai(Figure 17). - 厚生労働省
インドの経済成長を需要項目の面から見ると、1991年の経済改革以降、輸出・総固定資本形成の対GDP比率が上昇してきているものの、2004 年時点でも家計消費が対GDP 比で61%を占めており、内需主導での成長を果たしていることが分かる(第1-4-6 図)。例文帳に追加
An analysis of India’s economic growth by demand category shows that since implementing economic reforms beginning in 1991, exports and total fixed capital formation relative to GDP increased, but in 2004, household consumption accounted for 61% of GDP, marking a shift to growth led by domestic demand (Figure 1-4-6). - 経済産業省
The ratio of Japan’s ODA to the gross fixed capital formation of the developing countries within the East Asian region is comparable to that of the Cohesion Fund in the EU (Tables 3.4.15 and 3.4.16), and both theoretical verification and empirical analysis show that Japan’s ODA has contributed to the economic growth of developing countries within the region to a certain degree (Table 3.4.17). - 経済産業省
需要項目別に見ると、10-12 月期のマイナスに大きく寄与したのは前年同期比で▲ 37.8%の大幅減となった純輸出(寄与度は▲ 6.2%)であり、以下民間消費(寄与度▲ 1.5%)、総固定資本形成(同▲ 0.7%)、政府消費(同▲ 0.4%)、在庫変動(同+0.0%)と在庫変動を除く全ての項目でマイナスとなった(第2-3-2-1 図参照)。例文帳に追加
Analysis by demand components reveals that net exports was the biggest contributor to the negative growth of the October? December quarter, which declined by 37.8% compared to the same period of the previous year (negative contribution of 6.2%), followed by private consumption (negative contribution of 1.5%), gross fixed capital formation (negative contribution of 0.7%), government spending (negative contribution of 0.4%), and inventory change (positive contribution of 0.0%),indicating negative growth in all the main components except for inventory change (Figure 2-3-2-1). - 経済産業省
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