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英訳・英語 lintel of the alcove in a tea room or a window in a shoin-style reception room
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Put a noose around his neck, and pushed him out of the window. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
The capital faction destroyed the bridges over the Uji river, and fought a desperate defensive battle, shooting so many arrows they fell like rain.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When three coins are taken out of a credit means for playing a game and the odd amount of coins less than three are left therein, the limitation of betting three tokens is canceled to permit betting one token on condition that one token can be deducted from the odd amount of coins stored therein to be bet on the game. - 特許庁
A lid that can be placed deep inside the pot is characterized in that it can correspond to pans of various sizes by dividing the lid in a doughnut form and it can be taken out safely by enabling it to hook on a finger grip. - 特許庁
The residence built during the Genroku era (from 1688 to 1703) looked like an ordinary farmer's house, but the inside has traps such as rope ladders, pitfalls, revolving doors and underground passages.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Prize loading plates 10 and 11 are disposed in an X direction and a Y direction, a prize display surface is formed and a prize drop hole 13 are formed. - 特許庁
Motsugai went into a bamboo thicket behind the temple, stripping the bamboo leaves by pulling the hand along the branch, squashing them with the tip of his finger, and having kimono sleeves pulled back, then showed his swordplay with his disciples.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 17件
More preferably, panels are connected by the connection between a so-called "tenon" and a "mortise", or the connection of "halving", or the connection of using "crossbars", or the like to make the solid structure. - 特許庁
There is an anecdote that uses a word play, in which tekka-maki (literally means rolled tekka or tuna sushi roll) was a preferred food for good luck because it could be eaten as a simple meal between gambling matches.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Therefore, in "Azuma Kagami," the author wrote that Yoshitsune led seventy elite cavalrymen, stood at the rear side of Ichinotani (Hiyodorigoe), started his attack on the Taira clan from Hiyodorigoe, and took the Ichinotani fortress.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To obtain a register mark reading device for a cutting plotter or a printer capable of reading the position of a register mark printed on a media surface by a register mark reading sensor without taking time and missing of reading. - 特許庁
Another was lolling on a garden-chair, reading a postage-stamp which some human had let fall, and when he heard Peter's voice he popped in alarm behind a tulip.発音を聞く - James Matthew Barrie『ケンジントン公園のピーターパン』
To provide a rotating float for fishing designed to precisely drop a terminal tackle for fishing into a point, make a fish carry the terminal tackle for fishing into water without providing a sense of incompatibility to the fish, further relax the resistance to the float in water when the terminal tackle catching the fish is pulled from the interior of water and well catch the fish. - 特許庁
To provide a lap robe for a car driver having such advantages as not to make a hindrance to his (her) steering action, not to get out of place nor slip off, and also not to scorch his (her) clothing even if a lit cigarette drops thereon when he (she) is making a steering during smoking. - 特許庁
To fill powder uniformly without failure such as bridging and leakage of the fine powder and in a state of apparent density higher than that by a conventional method even in the case of a drop filling method when the powder of raw-material is filled in a die from a powder feeding device of a compacting press. - 特許庁
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