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full time staffとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 専任者

Weblio英語表現辞典での「full time staff」の意味

full-time staff

訳語 専任者

「full time staff」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


Since April 1, 1950, he started working for the Tokugawa Art Museum as a full time staff.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

昭和25年4月1日 徳川美術館常勤職員として勤務開始。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

307. Regular employees, regular staff Enter the number of regular employees or regular staff among the above-described full-time employees.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

307 正社員、正職員上記の常用雇用者のうち、正社員、正職員の数を記入してください。 - 経済産業省

Fig. 3-3-48 indicates the percentage of staff that are full-time, part-time, paid, and not paid, and indicates that the staff size of NPOs are small in number and that many staff work part-time with no pay.例文帳に追加

従業員構成を見てみると、常勤・非常勤、有給・無給の状況は第3-3-48図のとおりであり、規模も小さく、非常勤や無給のスタッフが多いことが分かる。 - 経済産業省

When appointing young nonpermanent workers as full-time staff, both large corporations and SMEs attach a high value towillingness for his/her tasks,” “skill/knowledge level,” and “on-the-job performance so far.” * “Nonpermanent workermeanspart-time staffor full-time contract employee called “fixed-term plant worker,” “seasonal plant worker,” orcontract worker.”発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

「非正社員」とは、雇用されている「パートタイム社員」や「期間工」「季節工」「契約社員」等と呼ばれるフルタイム契約社員を指す。 - 経済産業省

* "Nonpermanent worker" means "part-time staff" or full-time contract employee called "fixed-term plant worker," "seasonal plant worker," or "contract worker."例文帳に追加

※ 「非正社員」とは、雇用されている「パートタイム社員」や「期間工」「季節工」「契約社員」等と呼ばれるフルタイム契約社員を指す。 - 経済産業省

Mid-30? of SMEs point outweak motivation among young full-time staff,” but only 10% of large corporations recognize it as a reason for failure, suggesting a clear gap between SMEs and large corporations.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

中小企業では、次いで3割半ばが「若年正社員の意欲不足」を挙げているが、これを挙げる大企業は1割と明らかに差がある。 - 経済産業省


Considered from the point of view of form of employment at the time of reemployment, we find that 94.5% of male permanent staff and employees are reemployed, and most of these are employed as full-time staff and employees. In the case of women, however, 27.6% are reemployed as fulltime staff or employees, and 54.9% as part-time workers. More are thus reemployed as part-time workers (Fig. 3- 2-31).例文帳に追加

再就業時の雇用形態から見てみると、男性の場合は正規の職員・従業員が94.5%となっておりほとんどの者が正規の職員・従業員として就業しているが、女性の場合は正規の職員・従業員が27.6%でパートが54.9%となっておりパートとして就業する者の方が多いようである(第3-2-31図)。 - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「full time staff」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


SMEs are heavily dependent on recruitment of young mid-career workers with some work experience and appoint nonpermanent workers as full-time staff based on their skills/knowledge and job performance. In this sense, it is significantly important to conduct and utilize job performance evaluation, which objectively identifies the skill level of each staff member.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

中小企業において、就労経験のある若年中途採用への依存度が高いこと、技能・知識、就労実績により非正規社員の正社員登用を行うことを踏まえ、個々の社員の技能レベルを客観的に把握する職業能力評価の実施と活用の意義は大きい。 - 経済産業省

At the initial startup stage, several full-time Japanese staff are often needed. Having a high proportion of Japanese pushes up the cost of stationing staff overseas, including personnel expenses, and so there is a recognition of the importance of developing local human resources as soon as possible in order to localize management. As the development of local markets and management of local workers also tends to go more smoothly if handled by local people, a key concern is how to identify and train reliable local human resources and use them in management.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

また、現地の市場開拓や現地人の労務管理においては、やはり現地人同士の方がスムーズに行くことが多いため、信頼できる現地人材をいかに発掘・育成し、経営者層の一員として活用できるかがポイントとなっている。 - 経済産業省

According to the Employment Status Survey, the proportion of women in employment who are employed part-time is 26.7%, the second highest proportion after full-time staff and employees at 37.6%, and women make up 92.0% of all part-timers.例文帳に追加

「就業構造基本調査」によると女性有業者に占めるパートの割合は26.7%と正規の職員・従業員の37.6%に次いで高く、パートに占める女性の割合を見ると92.0%となっている。 - 経済産業省

Enter the total number of full-time persons employed (contract employees of at least one month and those who have been employed for at least 18 days within the previous two months as of the end of March 2012 or the nearest point in time thereto, irrespective of titles such as "regular employees," "regular staff," "part-timers," "casual employees," etc.)発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

常用雇用者(正社員、正職員、パート、アルバイト等の呼称にかかわらず、1か月を超える雇用契約者と平成24年(2012年)3月末の前2か月においてそれぞれ18日以上雇用した者)の総数を記入してください。 - 経済産業省

The guidelines on statistical data stipulate that data collected from individual corporations should be treated as confidential information and only full-time staff in charge of statistics who are not responsible for conferences relating to products should be allowed access to such data.例文帳に追加

統計情報に関するガイドラインでは、企業から集めた個別情報は機密情報として扱い、商品に 係る会合を担当しないプロパーの職員である統計担当職員しか、当該情報にアクセスできない旨定めている。 - 経済産業省

For that, as a result of the consultation between the government, the Navy, and the Army, the substitution of official activity by the civil officers would be admitted by the government regulations, but the duty as for the Iaku-joso (making comments on military affairs to the Emperor with full responsibility of the results) would be substituted by the Chief of the Naval General Staff, and the Army accepted that the affair this time would not become a precedent.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これに対して、政府と海軍が陸軍と協議をした結果、内閣官制によって事務行為の代理については文官でも認められること、ただし、帷幄上奏に関する職務は軍令部長が代行すること、陸軍に対しては今回の件を前例とはしないことで、陸軍もこれを受け入れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The rise in the variation in incomes between households is considered to arise from a variety of factors. These include changes in household composition, such as the rise in the number of elderly non-employed households and the above-described increase in single-mother families, as well as the widening variation in wages among employees.20) Looking at employment trends by size of enterprise during this period as shown in Fig. 3-1-6, it can be seen that the decline in the proportion of full-time staff and employees and the increase in the proportion of part-time and temporary workers was greater at large enterprises than SMEs.21)例文帳に追加

世帯別の所得水準のばらつきの拡大には、雇用者の賃金分散の拡大20とともに、高齢の無業者世帯の増加や前述のような母子家庭の増加等の世帯の構成の変化等、様々な要因が考えられる。なお、この間の企業規模別の雇用動向を見ると、第3-1-6図に示すように、中小企業と比較して大企業における正規の職員・従業員の割合の減少とパート・アルバイトの割合の増加がより大きかったことが分かる21。 - 経済産業省


(vi) In cases where the training program scheduled by the accepting organization includes practical training, the applicant must be a full-time employee of any of the following organizations and be dispatched from it, except for cases where the applicant participates in the training program prescribed in the following item. However, this shall not apply to cases where the applicant is accepted for the training of overseas staff who will be working at that organization's foreign joint venture or local subsidiary, subject to the requirement that the establishment of a joint venture or subsidiary has been recognized by the competent authorities, in cases where the applicant is invited by the national government, a local government or an incorporated administrative agency, or in cases where the applicant falls under the cases designated by the Minister of Justice in a public notice.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

六 受入れ機関が実施する研修の中に実務研修が含まれている場合は、次号に定める研修を受ける場合を除き、申請人が次のいずれかに該当する外国の機関の常勤の職員であり、かつ、当該機関から派遣される者であること。ただし、申請人が本邦の機関が外国に設立することを予定している合弁企業若しくは現地法人の常勤の職員の養成を目的とする研修を受けるため当該本邦の機関に受け入れられる場合で当該合弁企業若しくは現地法人の設立が当該外国の公的機関により承認されているとき又は受入れ機関が我が国の国若しくは地方公共団体の機関若しくは独立行政法人である場合その他法務大臣が告示をもって定める場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


「full time staff」の意味に関連した用語

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