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69番通りを走行 、アムステルダム通りを通過例文帳に追加

Okay, he's at 69th, just off amsterdam ave. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

その後の暗い年月の を特別にした全てが例文帳に追加

Now in the dark years that followed, I had to work out what remained for me - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Especially, he was recognized by Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA in Kanjin Noh (performances held to raise subscriptions for the construction of shrines or temples) played at Rakuchu Imakumano in around 1374.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a design material different from heretofore while new designability is required currently in order to differentiate the product. - 特許庁



As foreign products are gaining brand power, such as South Korean products with improved designs, Japan needs to maintain its brand power in the future. - 経済産業省



Genji, grieving about it, and during the depressing days due to being pushed by the power of the family of the Udaijin (Minister of the Right), he secretly has repeated affairs with Oborozukiyo (The Tale of Genji), who serves as Naishi no tsukasa (female palace attendant) then.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Against such a background, I strongly hope that the IMF will adopt a new way of thinking, in order to further solidify the foundation of the world economy, building upon lessons learned from the recent turmoil.  - 財務省


First of all, providing a global financial safety net is one of the important roles of the IMF.  - 財務省


Amidst such circumstances, there is now a budding opportunity to bring about "common benefits through common work" in Asia as a whole, centering on ASEAN, including Japan, China, India, Australia, and others. - 経済産業省



Amid various media reports about Greece, the markets rallied through this morning, partly in response to an interest rate cut by the ECB (European Central Bank). However, I will closely monitor future developments in Europe and elsewhere with a high level of alertness. That is what I said at that meeting.  - 金融庁



In this connection, I commend the latest World Economic Outlook for analyzing the strong growth performance in Asia and identifying several key lessons drawn from the Asian experience over the past 60 years.  - 財務省


To provide a broadcast receiving apparatus capable of receiving broadcast in a present broadcasting area easily even if the apparatus is outside the former broadcasting area during moving, and when the receiving state is not improved even if the receiving station is changed, easily returning to the former receiving station easily by returning to the former preset. - 特許庁


With the growing East Asian economy becoming mainly a battlefield for competition among global corporations, it will be necessary for Japanese corporations to create an optimum management structure that will facilitate the maximum benefit being derived from the merits inherent in East Asia, including those from the standpoint of the greater East Asian market, while diversifying their view to make the most of the East Asian region. - 経済産業省


However, with the growing East Asian economy becoming the main battlefield for competition among global corporations,it is necessary for Japanese companies to create an optimum management structure that will facilitate the maximum benefit being derived from the merits inherent in East Asia, including those from the standpoint of looking at the East Asian market as a whole, while diversifying their view to make the most of the East Asian region. - 経済産業省


As many export productsbecome the subject of intensifying international competition, sustaining the dynamism of theJapanese economy will hinge on stimulating innovation in new areas in order to create asuccession of new competitive products, and on continuing to foster internationally competitiveexport industries. - 経済産業省


In a competitive environment where different countries strive to achieve global standards, MCC responded quickly to protect Japanese companies from suffering disadvantages, which could have incurred if a foreign company had gone ahead. MCC has successfully safeguarded the MEMS field where substantial future growth potential lies and where Japanese companies have technological advantages. - 経済産業省


As business succession demand is expected to grow with the aging of business owners, Tochigi Bank will continue providing business succession support as part of its policy of responding to the management issues of customer SMEs as a community-based financial institution.  - 経済産業省

このような次の金融危機時に、取引の大半(94.6%(平成 21年6月末、BIS統計ベース))が行われている欧米において、特に CDS取引については、決済・清算に係る市場インフラの整備が不十分であったこともあり、金融機関において、取引相手方の破綻等により、決済を履行できないリスク(カウンターパーティー・リスク)への懸念が深刻化した。例文帳に追加

Amid such circumstances, during the recent financial crisis, in Europe and in North America, where the majority of transactions take place (94.6% (as of June 30, 2009, based on BIS statistics)), concerns of financial institutions intensified over the risk that a counterparty to a transaction would be unable to settle due to bankruptcy (counterparty risk), especially for credit default swaps (CDSs) whose market infrastructure relating to settlement and clearing was inadequate.  - 金融庁


Given those circumstances, I am eager to exchange frank views about, among other things, any impacts that the financial regulatory reform will have on the macroeconomy or financial brokerages and about financial and economic trends, and I would also like to have discussions with U.S. postal officials about the progress of the postal reform in the U.S.  - 金融庁

チェンマイ・イニシアティブは元々グローバルな IMFの機能を補完する地域的取組みとして位置付けられてきたが、IMFが危機の経験を経て融資のあり方や、経済政策のアドバイスについて改善の努力を行っている後、チェンマイ・イニシアティブと IMFがどのように連携を強化していけるのかについて、議論を深めていきたいと考えている。例文帳に追加

The Chiang Mai Initiative has been positioned as a regional effort to supplement the international arrangement of the IMF. As the IMF works to improve its financing and advising roles in light of experiences in the crisis, it is time to consider how to strengthen cooperation between the framework of the Chiang Mai Initiative and the IMF.  - 財務省



In order for regional economies to continue to develop autonomously, they need to make effective use of their own local resources. With the shift of production of general-purpose goods overseas and clustersloss of their traditional strength as efficient systems of mass production, we analyze what benefits clusters can continue to offer as a local resource and what measures should be strengthened in the future.  - 経済産業省


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