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Hong Kong is also becoming a major destination for movement in Filipino labor force in recent years. - 経済産業省


The Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare requested the main economic organizations to give maximum consideration in stabilizing and protecting employment of workers on fixed-term contracts and part-timers. (March 30, 2011) - 厚生労働省


Request for clear specification of working conditions in a proper manner Under the joint names of the heads of the Labour Standards Bureau and the Employment Security Bureau, the TEPCO, the main economic organizations, and associations of human resources business were requested that ― 31 ―they appropriately specify working conditions when recruiting workers, accepting applications on jobs, and concluding employment contracts. (May 13, 2011) - 厚生労働省

公共料金:公共サービス、電気・都市ガス・水道第11表 家計主要項目(全国勤労世帯)と実質消費の増減要因資料出所 総務省統計局「家計調査」、「消費物価指数」から厚生労働労働政策担当参事官室にて推計例文帳に追加

Public utility charges: Public services, electricity, gas, water supply - 厚生労働省



The contents of job and the subsequent working conditions are major factors to influence the improvement of motivation and abilities of employees; they can be called quality of employment factors to describe the content of employment. - 厚生労働省


第十四条 あっせん委員は、紛争当事からの申立てに基づき必要があると認めるときは、当該委員会が置かれる都道府県労働局の管轄区域内の主要労働団体又は事業主団体が指名する関係労働を代表する又は関係事業主を代表するから当該事件につき意見を聴くものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 14 If it is found necessary based on the application of a disputing party, the mediation members shall hear opinions with respect to said case from representatives of relevant workers or representatives of relevant business operators who are designated by major labor organizations or business operator organizations within the area of jurisdiction of the Prefectural Labor Bureau where said Committee is established.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The Commission shall, when it finds necessary based on the application of the parties concerned, hear the opinions as to said case in question of the representatives of the workers concerned or the representatives of the employers concerned who are nominated by major organizations of workers or employers in the jurisdictional district of the Prefectural Labor Office where said Commission is established. - 厚生労働省


The Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare requested the temporary staffing related organizations and the main business organizations as follows: 1) To maintain the the employment of worker dispatch contracts currently concluded as much as possible 2) To make efforts in paying leave allowances by using the Employment Adjustment Subsidy, when the companies suspend their business operations out of necessity 3) To make efforts in securing new employment for dispatched workers even when their contracts are terminated (March 28, 2011) - 厚生労働省


Major member states such as the UK, Germany, and France have adopted a stance of tightening controls on the acceptance of immigrant workers in recent years, and the Spanish policy highlights the lack of coordination over immigration policy within the EU. - 経済産業省



In order to solve this problem, the major developed countries have concluded social security agreements, thereby making it possible to avoid doubled levying of insurance premiums and allowingthe accumulation of pension funds along with overseas relocation by workers. - 経済産業省



To begin with, looking at the structure of the flow of people61 in the world without identifying categories (workers, foreign students, trainees, etc.) of human resources, Japan, the U.S., and Europe are the main destinations for foreign human resources. - 経済産業省

第八十八条 事業は、当該事業場の業種及び規模が政令で定めるものに該当する場合において、当該事業場に係る建設物若しくは機械等(仮設の建設物又は機械等で厚生労働省令で定めるものを除く。)を設置し、若しくは移転し、又はこれらの主要構造部分を変更しようとするときは、その計画を当該工事の開始の日の三十日前までに、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、労働基準監督署長に届け出なければならない。ただし、第二十八条の二第一項に規定する措置その他の厚生労働省令で定める措置を講じているものとして、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより労働基準監督署長が認定した事業については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 88 (1) The employer, in the case that the type of industry and the scale of the said workplace come under the provisions of the Cabinet Order, and when intends to construct, install, move, or alter the main structure of, the buildings or machines, etc. (excluding temporary buildings and machines specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) pertaining to the said workplace, shall notify the plan to the Chief of the Labor Standards Office as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, no later than 30 days prior to the date of commencement of the said work. However this shall not apply to such employers acknowledged by the Chief of the Labor Standards Office as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as to be taking the measures provided for in paragraph (1) of Article 28-2, and other measures specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


According to the statement of the Meeting of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors held in Boca Raton (the U.S.) in February 2004 "Remittances are an important source of income for many developing economies. We aim to reduce the impediments that raise the cost of sending remittances (by migrant workers to their home countries)."This indicates that the facilitation of workers' remittance has gained importance in major developed countries. - 経済産業省


A comparison of the difference between the labor productivity of three industries with the largest number of workers in the service sector and that of the manufacturing industry among five major developed countries as a means of checking whether the characteristics of Japan’s industrial structure are comparable to the general international standard reveals that Japan has the lowest ratio of the two productivity figures (see Table 2-4-7). - 経済産業省


For this reason, in recent years, major developed countries and some Asian countries have been taking active measures to accept foreign workers, such as easing immigration control for part of specialized or technical personnel including business managers, researchers, and engineers as exceptions. - 経済産業省


The percentage of part-time workers who expressed the willingness to "be engaged in important work, rather than simple, supplementary work" or "receive education and training, to be engaged in the type of work which would utilize their technical ability, skills and qualifications" was higher among those who were receiving systematic OJT or Off-JT - 厚生労働省

ここでは、最近(2007 年時点)のバンコク都市圏(バンコク首都圏(バンコク都及び近隣5 県)に周辺4 県を含む地域を指す)内の主要産業別の事業所数、投資額、労働数(熟練・非熟練の別)等を県別よりさらに詳しい市別で分析している。例文帳に追加

The NESDB/World Bank analyzes the number of offices, amount of investment, and number of workers (skilled/non-skilled) in Greater Bangkok[referring to the area including the Bangkok Metropolitan Area (city of Bangkok and five neighboring provinces) and four surrounding provinces] at a municipality level, which is narrower than provincial level. - 経済産業省

中でも、操業短縮に伴う労働への賃金補填制度(操短制度)の拡充政策は、前述の通り失業率の上昇を抑え、ドイツの失業率は2009 年夏以降、ほぼ横ばいに推移している(前掲図表:ユーロ圏主要国の失業率の推移)。例文帳に追加

Among the programs, as mentioned earlier the enhancement of the wage compensation policy for employees with reduced working hours successfully contained the increase in unemployment, and the unemployment rate in Germany has been level since the summer of 2009. (See previous figure: The trend in the unemployment rate in the major Eurozone countries) - 経済産業省

2 前項の規定は、機械等で、危険若しくは有害な作業を必要とするもの、危険な場所において使用するもの又は危険若しくは健康障害を防止するため使用するもののうち、厚生労働省令で定めるものを設置し、若しくは移転し、又はこれらの主要構造部分を変更しようとする事業(同項本文の事業を除く。)について準用する。例文帳に追加

(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the employer (excluding the employer under the main clause of the said paragraph) who intends to install, move, or alter the main structure of, such machines, etc., as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, among those which require the dangerous or harmful work, are used in dangerous places or are used for preventing danger or health impairment.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A survey team, composed of academic experts, the Japan Water Works Association, the Federation of Japan Water Industries, Inc., the water supply utilities of principal cities, and MHLW, was dispatched to Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture and Fukushima Prefecture, in order to have a grasp of the damage situation of water supply utilities in the affected areas and the status of restoration of them, to be reflected in the future recovery plans and measures. (from May 8 to 11, 2011) - 厚生労働省


In order to make it easier to search for job information for disaster victims in the "Job Net," created through the joint initiatives between the public and private sectors, the operational rules were established and announced on the "Job Net" homepage and the main economic organizations and associations of human resources business were requested under the name of the head of the Department on Measures for Temporary and Fixed-Term Employment that they promote the posting of job openings on the Job Net in an active manner. (May 30, 2011) - 厚生労働省

第八十六条 別表第七の上欄に掲げる機械等を設置し、若しくは移転し、又はこれらの主要構造部分を変更しようとする事業が法第八十八条第一項の規定による届出をしようとするときは、様式第二十号による届書に、当該機械等の種類に応じて同表の中欄に掲げる事項を記載した書面及び同表の下欄に掲げる図面等を添えて、所轄労働基準監督署長に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 86 (1) When the employer who intends to install or move the machines, etc., listed in the right column of Appended Table 7 or to alter a major part thereof is to submit the notification pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 88 of the Act, the said employer shall submit the said notification by Form No. 20 to the Chief of the competent Labour Standards Inspection Office together with documents indicating matters listed in the middle column of the same Table and drawings listed in the right column of the same Table, corresponding to the kind of machines, etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



The Ministers of Health, Labour and Welfare and of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in their joint names requested the following to the main economic organizations (258 organizations): 1) To let new graduates who had been given job offers join companies as much as possible on the scheduled starting date of work 2) To flexibly deal with the starting date of work for the students in the affected areas and the deadlines of the job applications 3) To cooperate in hiring students whose job offers were withdrawn due to the disaster. (March 22, 2011) - 厚生労働省


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