例文 (13件) |
該当件数 : 13件
and I am now persuaded that my first supply was impure, - Robert Louis Stevenson『ジキルとハイド』
Looking back now, I can see that he had already decided to kill himself at that time. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
だが 今思えば気がついた 彼女は以前に1度も 自分自身について言わなかった例文帳に追加
But looking back, I realize that she never once said that about herself. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Perhaps my question is related to the matter that was mentioned just now. As Japan is crowded with commercial banks, the financial sector apparently has not been diversified. - 金融庁
Normally he had been able to stop automatic writing by his will, but at that time, the more he tried to stop, the more pain he got in his right arm and he couldn't stop. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
President Tanamura says, “With this order, we learned what types of approaches are required to spread our products overseas. We had made various attempts without success, but I can now see that we learned a great deal through personally experiencing those failures.” - 経済産業省
In "Keizu sanyo" (pedigree charts of Edo period), it said he was born in 897, and he had Mitsunaka when he was fifteen years old if this theory is correct and it seems this can be appropriate, however it was unusual if he was not appointed as goi (Fifth Rank) when he was over 40 even though he was the second generation of the Minamoto clan according to this. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Freddy Malins bade the Misses Morkan good-evening in what seemed an offhand fashion by reason of the habitual catch in his voice and then, seeing that Mr. Browne was grinning at him from the sideboard, crossed the room on rather shaky legs and began to repeat in an undertone the story he had just told to Gabriel. - James Joyce『死者たち』
Now that he had left it there, it seemed to him so hazardous, so vain, so foolish, to dream that he, a little lad with bare feet who barely knew his letters, could do anything at which great painters, real artists, could ever deign to look. - Ouida『フランダースの犬』
Now were we right in maintaining this before I was condemned? And has the argument which was once good now proved to be talk for the sake of talking--mere childish nonsense? That is what I want to consider with your help, Crito:--whether, under my present circumstances, the argument appears to be in any way different or not; and is to be allowed by me or disallowed. - Plato『クリトン』
While I do not have relevant knowledge about the relationship between Japanese branches of banks that have international operations and the parent companies in their home countries, that is a very important matter. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible to ensure the stability of the global financial system and protect users around the world. It is also essential to ensure an appropriate exercise of the financial intermediary function so as to enable each country to achieve economic development while maintaining the stability of financial institutions, as I have repeatedly said. If all we wanted to do was to strengthen financial institutions, we should raise the required capital adequacy ratio. - 金融庁
例文 (13件) |
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