
「住居計画」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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District Development Plans that Adequately Allocate Residential and Non-Residential Uses  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム





16 高層住居誘導地区は、住居住居以外の用途とを適正に配分し、利便性の高い高層住宅の建設を誘導するため、第一種住居地域、第二種住居地域、準住居地域、近隣商業地域又は準工業地域でこれらの地域に関する都市計画において建築基準法第五十二条第一項第二号に規定する建築物の容積率が十分の四十又は十分の五十と定められたものの内において、建築物の容積率の最高限度、建築物の建ぺい率の最高限度及び建築物の敷地面積の最低限度を定める地区とする。例文帳に追加

(16) High-rise residential attraction districts are districts in which maximum floor area, maximum building coverage ratio and minimum site area of buildings are established within the floor area ratio of 400% or 500% in city plans concerning category 1 residential districts, category 2 residential districts, quasi-residential districts, neighborhood commercial districts, or quasi-industrial districts as provided for in item (ii), paragraph (1), Article 52 of the Building Standards Act in order to make appropriate divisions between residential and non-residential uses and to attract highly-convenient high-rise residential buildings.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


ニ 誠実に職務を遂行する意思並びに適正かつ確実に職務を遂行するための計画住居及び財産的基礎に関する事項例文帳に追加

(d) Matters concerning the will to perform professional duties faithfully, and a plan, residence and financial basis for performing professional duties properly and surely  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


九 適正かつ確実に職務を遂行するための計画住居及び財産的基礎を有することを証する書類例文帳に追加

(ix) A document verifying that he/she has a plan, residence and financial basis for performing professional duties properly and surely  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

十一 都市施設は、土地利用、交通等の現状及び将来の見通しを勘案して、適切な規模で必要な位置に配置することにより、円滑な都市活動を確保し、良好な都市環境を保持するように定めること。この場合において、市街化区域及び区域区分が定められていない都市計画区域については、少なくとも道路、公園及び下水道を定めるものとし、第一種低層住居専用地域、第二種低層住居専用地域、第一種中高層住居専用地域、第二種中高層住居専用地域、第一種住居地域、第二種住居地域及び準住居地域については、義務教育施設をも定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

(xi) Urban facilities shall be stipulated to allow for effective urban activities and preserve a favorable urban environment by situating facilities of adequate scale at necessary locations, giving consideration to the current conditions and future expectations of land use, traffic etc. In such cases, at least roads, parks and sewerage systems shall be stipulated for urbanization promotion areas or city planning areas that have not been designated as either urbanization promotion areas or urbanization control areas; and compulsory education facilities shall be additionally stipulated for category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts, category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts, category1 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, category 2 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, category 1 residential districts, category 2 residential districts, and quasi-residential districts;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 誠実に職務を遂行する意思並びに適正かつ確実に職務を遂行するための計画住居及び財産的基礎を有するとともに、依頼者に与えた損害を賠償する能力を有すること。例文帳に追加

(iii) he/she has the will to perform professional duties faithfully and has a plan, residence and financial basis for performing professional duties properly and surely and also has the ability to compensate for damages which he/she may cause to clients.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide a composite long service life building for compositely and volumetrically changeably constituting a building such as a commercial facility, an office and a house different in a construction plan by use by perpetuating a frame. - 特許庁



An object parcel retrieval means 1b puts a road map of residence display and a registry office map of lot number display one over the other to reflect a planned road figure on the registry office map and retrieves an object parcel. - 特許庁



China’s family-register system is not just one aimed to control family registers but is aimed to implement, under the centrally planned economic system, the allocation of labor force and food provisions, and provide educational and medical services. So, people have been banned from changing their jobs or residences on their own discretion (action calledunplanned movement”) under the family-register system. - 経済産業省

ロ 再開発等促進区を定める地区計画 土地の合理的かつ健全な高度利用と都市機能の増進とが図られることを目途として、一体的かつ総合的な市街地の再開発又は開発整備が実施されることとなるように定めること。この場合において、第一種低層住居専用地域及び第二種低層住居専用地域については、再開発等促進区の周辺の低層住宅に係る良好な住居の環境の保護に支障がないように定めること。例文帳に追加

(b) District plans that stipulate redevelopment promotion areas: District plans, aiming to promote reasonable and sound high-level use of land and the renewal of urban functions, shall be stipulated in order to implement the uniform and comprehensive redevelopment or development improvement of urban areas. In such cases, regarding category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts and category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts, plans shall be stipulated to ensure that the protection of the favorable dwelling environment pertaining to low-rise housing around redevelopment promotion areas is not hindered.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ハ 開発整備促進区を定める地区計画 特定大規模建築物の整備による商業その他の業務の利便の増進が図られることを目途として、一体的かつ総合的な市街地の開発整備が実施されることとなるように定めること。この場合において、第二種住居地域及び準住居地域については、開発整備促進区の周辺の住宅に係る住居の環境の保護に支障がないように定めること。例文帳に追加

(c) District plans that stipulate development improvement promotion areas: District plans, aiming to enhanced convenience for commerce and other business through the construction of specified large scale-buildings, Shelby stipulated in order to implement the uniform and comprehensive development improvement of urban areas. In such cases, regarding category 2 residential districts and quasi-residential districts, plans shall be stipulated to ensure that the protection of the favorable dwelling environment around development improvement promotion areas is not hindered.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In his final years he aimed to undertake political reform and build a temple (by imperial order) near Uda-in, where he had spent his time during princehood; however, it didn't come true, and it was succeeded to the next Emperor, Uda, to rule 'the peaceful era of Kampyo' and build Ninna-ji Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a system for releasing business evaluation about a civil engineering and construction business with which an influence, an interest, merits and demerits to a residence area of each resident who receives an influence of the business can be intuitively grasped to ask understanding of the residents without generating a trouble. - 特許庁

十七 沿道地区計画は、道路交通騒音により生ずる障害を防止するとともに、適正かつ合理的な土地利用が図られるように定めること。この場合において、沿道再開発等促進区(幹線道路の沿道の整備に関する法律第九条第三項の規定による沿道再開発等促進区をいう。以下同じ。)を定める沿道地区計画については、土地の合理的かつ健全な高度利用と都市機能の増進とが図られることを目途として、一体的かつ総合的な市街地の再開発又は開発整備が実施されることとなるように定めることとし、そのうち第一種低層住居専用地域及び第二種低層住居専用地域におけるものについては、沿道再開発等促進区の周辺の低層住宅に係る良好な住居の環境の保護に支障がないように定めること。例文帳に追加

(xvii) Roadside district plans shall be stipulated in order to prevent nuisances arising from road traffic noise and to promote adequate and reasonable land use. In such cases, regarding roadside district plans that stipulate roadside redevelopment promotion areas (i.e., roadside redevelopment promotion areas provided for in paragraph (3), Article 9 of the Act Concerning the Improvement of the Areas along Trunk Roads; he same shall apply hereinafter), plans, aiming to promote reasonable and sound high-level use of land and the renewal of urban functions, shall be stipulated in a manner that allows for the implementation of uniform and comprehensive redevelopment or development improvement of urban areas, of which those plans for category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts shall be stipulated to ensure that the protection of the favorable dwelling environment pertaining to low-rise housing around roadside redevelopment promotion areas is not hindered.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十二条の八 地区整備計画(再開発等促進区及び開発整備促進区におけるものを除く。)においては、用途地域(第一種低層住居専用地域及び第二種低層住居専用地域を除く。)内の適正な配置及び規模の公共施設を備えた土地の区域において、その合理的かつ健全な高度利用と都市機能の更新とを図るため特に必要であると認められるときは、建築物の容積率の最高限度及び最低限度、建築物の建ぺい率の最高限度、建築物の建築面積の最低限度並びに壁面の位置の制限(壁面の位置の制限にあつては、敷地内に道路(都市計画において定められた計画道路及び地区施設である道路を含む。以下この条において同じ。)に接して有効な空間を確保して市街地の環境の向上を図るため必要な場合における当該道路に面する壁面の位置を制限するもの(これを含む壁面の位置の制限を含む。)に限る。)を定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 12-8 In district development plans (excluding those for redevelopment promotion districts and development improvement promotion districts) for areas with land on which public facilities of an adequate location and scale has been built within use districts (excluding category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts and category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts), when it is deemed especially necessary to promote reasonable and sound high level use and to renew urban functions, and when maximum and minimum floor-area ratio, maximum building coverage ratio, minimum building area of buildings, and restrictions on the location of walls (Restrictions on the location of walls are limited to those walls that face roads (including planned roads defined in city plans; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) within the site and with which a functional space must be secured to improve the urban environment, restrictions may be stipulated for said walls that face roads (limited to those restrictions on walls included herein).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十二条の九 地区整備計画(開発整備促進区におけるものを除く。以下この条において同じ。)においては、住居住居以外の用途とを適正に配分することが当該地区整備計画の区域の特性(再開発等促進区にあつては、土地利用に関する基本方針に従つて土地利用が変化した後の区域の特性)に応じた合理的な土地利用の促進を図るため特に必要であると認められるときは、第十二条の五第七項第二号の建築物の容積率の最高限度について次の各号に掲げるものごとに数値を区分し、第一号に掲げるものの数値を第二号に掲げるものの数値以上のものとして定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 12-9 In district development plans (excluding those for redevelopment promotion districts and development improvement promotion districts; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) when the adequate location of residential and nonresidential uses is deemed especially necessary to promote reasonable land use based on qualities of the area (in redevelopment promotion districts, the qualities of the area after land use has changed in accordance with the basic policy for land use) of said district development plan, maximum floor area-ratio for buildings listed in item (ii), paragraph (7), Article 12-5 shall be classified into the figures in each of the following items, and figures listed in item (i) may be stipulated to exceed figures listed in item (ii).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 都道府県は、前項の規定によるもののほか、首都圏整備法(昭和三十一年法律第八十三号)による都市開発区域、近畿圏整備法(昭和三十八年法律第百二十九号)による都市開発区域、中部圏開発整備法(昭和四十一年法律第百二号)による都市開発区域その他新たに住居都市、工業都市その他の都市として開発し、及び保全する必要がある区域を都市計画区域として指定するものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) In addition to the areas designated in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph, the Prefectures shall designated as city planning areas any urban development areas defined under the National Capital Region Development Act (Act No. 83 of 1956), urban development areas defined under the Kinki Region Development Act (Act No. 129 of 1963), urban development areas defined under the Chubu Region Development Act (Act No. 102 of 1966),and any other areas that require new development and preservation as residential cities, industrial cities or as other types of cities.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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