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みゆき通り-兵庫県路市 明治天皇の行から例文帳に追加

Miyuki street - Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture from Emperor Meiji's Gyoko  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After Tadayuki died, all of his daughters except his first were adopted by Mitsutomo TOKUGAWA, Kyohime's elder brother.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


TOYOTOMI no Sadako - Michifusa KUJO - 九条 - Sukezane KUJO - Yukinori KUJO - Munemoto NIJO - Harutaka NIJO – Hisatada KUJO - Michitaka KUJO - Empress Teimei - Emperor Showa  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Emperor continued the imperial visit to iratsume using hunting as his excuse, but in 421, he was warned by the Empress, thereafter rarely visiting Chinu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Michiyori took his revenge on the stepmother who ill-treated the himegimi, and the family lived happily under the protection of Michiyori.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



A bamboo shoot was sent to Onna Sannomiya (the Third Princess) by Emperor Suzaku, who lamented a series of misfortunes happening to his daughters such as Onna Sannomiya's becoming a nun, the death of Ochiba no miya's husband.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His legal wife was Kayohime, the daughter of Narihiro Hachisuka (adopted daughter of Shinako TAKATSUKASA), and his second wives were Yukiko, the daughter of Takemichi KOGA, and the daughter of Taneyasu HIROHASHI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His elder brothers were Morotaka KUJO and Yukinori KUJO, and his elder sister was Princess Suke, who later became the lawful wife of Yoshimichi TOKUGAWA, the load of the Owari Domain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Ochikubo Monogatari (The Tale of Ochikubo): The tales in which the Princess, after suffering from harassment from her stepmother, got married with a Prince and lived happily with him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



According to "Yamatohime no mikoto seiki," the Toyosuki iribime no mikoto, who served for Amaterasu Omikami, visited Tanba Province to search for the place to enshrine, built the Yosa-no-miya Shrine in 59 B.C. and enshrined for four years.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In 1577, when Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI advanced to Himeji-jo Castle in Harima Province to carry out the Oda army's strategy for subjugating the Chugoku district, Yukimori and his party entered Kozuki-jo Castle located to the west of Himeji-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the chapter of July 683 in "Nihonshoki," it is stated that '七月 丙戌己丑 天皇 庚寅 ' which means, on July 4 (old lunar calendar; August 4) Emperor Tenmu paid a sympathy visit to Kagami no Okimi but she passed away on August 5, 683, the following day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


She lived happily with her husband Tadatoki, bearing their eldest daughter Katsuhime (later Enseiin) in 1618 and eldest son Yukichiyo in 1619. However, after Yukichiyo died in 1621 at the age of three, she suffered repeated miscarriages, having difficulty in bearing a child (this was rumored to be the curse of Hideyori). In 1626, she lost her husband Tadatoki, mother-in-law Kumahime and mother Sugenin, one after another. After a series of these unfortunate events, she left the Honda family together with her daughter Katsuhime to go to Edo-jo Castle and later became a Buddhist priest, calling herself Tenjuin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1611, when Emperor Goyozei abdicated to the Emperor Gomizunoo, Hideyori went to Kyoto with the pretext 'to greet to the grandfather of his legitimate wife Senhime' guarded by Kiyomasa KATO and Yukinaga ASANO and had a meeting with Ieyasu in Nijo-jo Castle in Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yoshitaka went to Kamakura with Yukiuji UNNO and Shigetaka MOCHIZUKI, the young people of noble family on the pretext that Yoshitaka would marry Ohime, Yoritomo's daughter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, because Masayuki's eldest son Nobuyuki SANADA married Komatsuhime, who was an adopted daughter of Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, he joined the Hidetada TOKUGAWA's army as the Eastern Camp to attack Ueda.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Inaba in the eastern part of Tottori Prefecture, there is the tradition of Imperial visits by Amaterasu Omikami, and the area has a legend that Hakuto-shin (White Rabbit Deity) bit the hem of the dress of Amaterasu Omikami to lead him to a land suitable for angu (temporary lodging built to accommodate an Imperial visit); at the same time, this area has the greatest density of shrines for worshipping Seoritsu-hime according to the national statistics of national distribution of shrines.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The main plot is quite similar to Urashima Monogatari; Yamasachihiko, the deity from which the Imperial family is descended, was put in a waterproof palanquin called 'Manashikatama' by the god Shiotsutsunooji and taken to Wadatsumi no miya (a palace of the tutelary deity of the sea), and there gets married to Toyotamahime, a daughter of Wadatsumi, and after spending three years there he returns home and breaks a taboo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, at that time a lot of works were written in literary style Japanese: HIGUCHI Ichiyo, who learned at "Waka School" and was versed in Japanese classics, wrote "Nigorie", "Takekurabe" and so on in the gabuntai style, using the breathing of the classics, MORI Ogai, who challenged a genbinicchi style in his translations, adopted literal style Japanese, and in the field of critical essays Tokoku KITAMURA and Shusui KOTOKU wrote essays in "kanbun-kakikudashi-bun (semi-Chinese style Japanese)".  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Masataka ABE, Masamine INOUE, Shigeyuki KUZE, and Tadazane TODA, all at the Roju post (the second highest post in the bakufu government), immediately deliberated about the matter, and decided the following: The problem could not be settled in Mototsugu's resignation from the post as Yoshimoto's request in the petition; The Tokuyama domain should be abolished, Mototsugu should be taken care of by the Shinjo domain, and Momojiro, his heir, Sanjiro (later Hirotoyo MORI), his second son, and Kohime (a wife of Mototsura MORI) should be taken care of by the Hagi domain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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